246 research outputs found

    Quantum Optoelectronic Detection and Mixing in the Nanowire Superconducting Structure

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    The recent advancement of superconducting nano devices has allowed for making a Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Detector (SNSPD), whose extraordinary features have strongly motivated the research community to exploit it in many practical applications. In this thesis, an experimental setup for testing the SNSPD has been established. It contains an in-house packaging that meets the requirements of RF/microwave and optoelectronic characterizations. The quantum efficiency and detection efficiency measurements have confirmed that our approach is satisfactory. The dark count performance has reached the anticipated level. The factors affecting rise and fall times of the photoresponses are addressed. Based on the successful setup, the characterizations including dc, small signal ac measurements have been undertaken. The measurements are aimed at quantitatively investigating Cooper pair density in the superconducting nanowire. The experimental method involves a two-step, small signal S-parameter measurement either in the presence or absence of optical powers. The subsequent measurements by varying the temperature and dc bias current have achieved remarkable understanding on the physical properties of SNSPD nanowires. Then, the electrically induced nonlinearity is studied via the large signal RF and Microwave measurements. The experiments are a set of one-tone and two-tone measurements, in which either the RF driving power is varied at a fixed frequency, or vice versa. Two major nonlinear microwave circuit analysis methods, i.e. time-domain transient and hybrid-domain harmonic balance analysis, are employed. The simulation result reveals the optimized conditions of reaching the desired nonlinearity. Finally, we have successfully measured the optoelectronic mixing products in an electrically pumped optoelectronic mixer, which has identical structures as that of the SNSPD. The experiments confirm that this mixer is not only sensitive to the classical light intensities, but also to that of the single photon level. Meanwhile, the quantum conversion matrices is derived to interpret the quantum optoelectronic mixing effects

    Generation of heralded single photons beyond 1100 nm by spontaneous four-wave mixing in a side-stressed femtosecond laser-written waveguide

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    We demonstrate a monolithically integrable heralded photon source in a femtosecond laser direct written glass waveguide. The generation of photon pairs with a wide wavelength separation requires a concomitant large birefringence in the normal dispersion regime. Here, by incorporation of side-stress tracks, we produce a waveguide with a birefringence of 1.64× 10−41.64\times~10^{-4} and propagation loss as low as 0.21 dB/cm near 980~nm. We measure photon pairs with 300~nm wavelength separation at an internal generation rate exceeding 5.05×1065.05\times10^6/s. The second order correlations indicate that the generated photon pairs are in a strongly non-classical regime.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Novel High-Speed Polarization Source for Decoy-State BB84 Quantum Key Distribution over Free Space and Satellite Links

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    To implement the BB84 decoy-state quantum key distribution (QKD) protocol over a lossy ground-satellite quantum uplink requires a source that has high repetition rate of short laser pulses, long term stability, and no phase correlations between pulses. We present a new type of telecom optical polarization and amplitude modulator, based on a balanced Mach-Zehnder interferometer configuration, coupled to a polarization-preserving sum-frequency generation (SFG) optical setup, generating 532 nm photons with modulated polarization and amplitude states. The weak coherent pulses produced by SFG meet the challenging requirements for long range QKD, featuring a high clock rate of 76 MHz, pico-second pulse width, phase randomization, and 98% polarization visibility for all states. Successful QKD has been demonstrated using this apparatus with full system stability up to 160 minutes and channel losses as high 57 dB [Phys. Rev. A, Vol. 84, p.062326]. We present the design and simulation of the hardware through the Mueller matrix and Stokes vector relations, together with an experimental implementation working in the telecom wavelength band. We show the utility of the complete system by performing high loss QKD simulations, and confirm that our modulator fulfills the expected performance.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures and 2 table

    Experimental quantum key distribution with simulated ground-to-satellite photon losses and processing limitations

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    Quantum key distribution (QKD) has the potential to improve communications security by offering cryptographic keys whose security relies on the fundamental properties of quantum physics. The use of a trusted quantum receiver on an orbiting satellite is the most practical near-term solution to the challenge of achieving long-distance (global-scale) QKD, currently limited to a few hundred kilometers on the ground. This scenario presents unique challenges, such as high photon losses and restricted classical data transmission and processing power due to the limitations of a typical satellite platform. Here we demonstrate the feasibility of such a system by implementing a QKD protocol, with optical transmission and full post-processing, in the high-loss regime using minimized computing hardware at the receiver. Employing weak coherent pulses with decoy states, we demonstrate the production of secure key bits at up to 56.5 dB of photon loss. We further illustrate the feasibility of a satellite uplink by generating secure key while experimentally emulating the varying channel losses predicted for realistic low-Earth-orbit satellite passes at 600 km altitude. With a 76 MHz source and including finite-size analysis, we extract 3374 bits of secure key from the best pass. We also illustrate the potential benefit of combining multiple passes together: while one suboptimal "upper-quartile" pass produces no finite-sized key with our source, the combination of three such passes allows us to extract 165 bits of secure key. Alternatively, we find that by increasing the signal rate to 300 MHz it would be possible to extract 21570 bits of secure finite-sized key in just a single upper-quartile pass.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, 2 table

    An Ultra-Low Noise Telecom Wavelength Free Running Single Photon Detector Using Negative Feedback Avalanche Diode

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    It is challenging to implement genuine free running single photon detectors for the 1550 nm wavelength range with simultaneously high detection efficiency (DE), low dark noise, and good time resolution. We report a novel read out system for the signals from a negative feedback avalanche diode (NFAD) which allows useful operation of these devices at a temperature of 193 K and results in very low dark counts (~100 CPS), good time jitter (~30 ps), and good DE (~10%). We characterized two NFADs with a time correlation method using photons generated from weak coherent pulses (WCP) and photon pairs produced by spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC). The inferred detector efficiencies for both types of photon sources agree with each other. The best noise equivalent power of the device is estimated to be 8.1 x 10^(-18) W Hz^(-1/2), more than 10 times better than typical InP/InGaAs SPADs show in free running mode. The afterpulsing probability was found to be less than 0.1% per ns at the optimized operating point. In addition, we studied the performance of an entanglement-based quantum key distribution (QKD) using these detectors and develop a model for the quantum bit error rate (QBER) that incorporates the afterpulsing coefficients. We verified experimentally that using these NFADs it is feasible to implement QKD over 400 km of telecom fibre. Our NFAD photon detector system is very simple, and is well suited for single-photon applications where ultra-low noise and free-running operation is required, and some afterpulsing can be tolerated.Comment: 28 pages, 16 figures, and 1 tabl

    Snowflake Point Deconvolution for Point Cloud Completion and Generation with Skip-Transformer

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    Most existing point cloud completion methods suffer from the discrete nature of point clouds and the unstructured prediction of points in local regions, which makes it difficult to reveal fine local geometric details. To resolve this issue, we propose SnowflakeNet with snowflake point deconvolution (SPD) to generate complete point clouds. SPD models the generation of point clouds as the snowflake-like growth of points, where child points are generated progressively by splitting their parent points after each SPD. Our insight into the detailed geometry is to introduce a skip-transformer in the SPD to learn the point splitting patterns that can best fit the local regions. The skip-transformer leverages attention mechanism to summarize the splitting patterns used in the previous SPD layer to produce the splitting in the current layer. The locally compact and structured point clouds generated by SPD precisely reveal the structural characteristics of the 3D shape in local patches, which enables us to predict highly detailed geometries. Moreover, since SPD is a general operation that is not limited to completion, we explore its applications in other generative tasks, including point cloud auto-encoding, generation, single image reconstruction, and upsampling. Our experimental results outperform state-of-the-art methods under widely used benchmarks.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 2022. This work is a journal extension of our ICCV 2021 paper arXiv:2108.04444 . The first two authors contributed equall
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