131 research outputs found

    Synthetic Sample Selection via Reinforcement Learning

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    Synthesizing realistic medical images provides a feasible solution to the shortage of training data in deep learning based medical image recognition systems. However, the quality control of synthetic images for data augmentation purposes is under-investigated, and some of the generated images are not realistic and may contain misleading features that distort data distribution when mixed with real images. Thus, the effectiveness of those synthetic images in medical image recognition systems cannot be guaranteed when they are being added randomly without quality assurance. In this work, we propose a reinforcement learning (RL) based synthetic sample selection method that learns to choose synthetic images containing reliable and informative features. A transformer based controller is trained via proximal policy optimization (PPO) using the validation classification accuracy as the reward. The selected images are mixed with the original training data for improved training of image recognition systems. To validate our method, we take the pathology image recognition as an example and conduct extensive experiments on two histopathology image datasets. In experiments on a cervical dataset and a lymph node dataset, the image classification performance is improved by 8.1% and 2.3%, respectively, when utilizing high-quality synthetic images selected by our RL framework. Our proposed synthetic sample selection method is general and has great potential to boost the performance of various medical image recognition systems given limited annotation.Comment: MICCAI202

    Determinants that control the specific interactions between TAB1 and p38α

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    Previous studies have revealed that transforming growth factor-beta-activated protein kinase 1 (TAB1) interacts with p38 alpha and induces p38 alpha autophosphorylation. Here, we examine the sequence requirements in TAB1 and p38 alpha that drive their interaction. Deletion and point mutations in TAB1 reveal that a proline residue in the C terminus of TAB1 (Pro412) is necessary for its interaction with p38 alpha. Furthermore, a cryptic D-domain-like docking site was identified adjacent to the N terminus of Pro412, putting Pro412 in the (phi(B)+3 position of the docking site. Through mutational analysis, we found that the previously identified hydrophobic docking groove in p38 alpha is involved in this interaction, whereas the CD domain and ED domain are not. Furthermore, chimeric analysis with p38 beta (which does not bind to TAB1) revealed a previously unidentified locus of p38 alpha comprising Thr218 and Ile275 that is essential for specific binding of p38 alpha to TAB1. Converting either of these residues to the corresponding amino acid of p380 abolishes p38 alpha interaction with TAB1. These p38a mutants still can be fully activated by p38 alpha upstream activating kinase mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 6, but their basal activity and activation in response to some extracellular stimuli are reduced. Adjacent to Thr218 and Ile275 is a site where large conformational changes occur in the presence of docking-site peptides derived from p38 alpha substrates and activators. This suggests that TAB1-induced autophosphorylation of p38 alpha results from conformational changes that are similar but unique to those seen in p38 alpha interactions with its substrates and activating kinases

    ChIP-seq and Functional Analysis of the SOX2 Gene in Colorectal Cancers

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    SOX2 is anHMGbox containing transcription factor that has been implicated in various types of cancer, but its role in colorectal cancers (CRC) has not been studied. Here we show that SOX2 is overexpressed in CRC tissues compared with normal adjacent tissues using immunohistochemical staining and RT-PCR. We also observed an increased SOX2 expression in nucleus of colorectal cancer tissues (46%, 14/30 cases vs. 7%, 2/30 adjacent tissues). Furthermore, knockdown of SOX2 in SW620 colorectal cancer cells decreased their growth rates in vitro cell line, and in vivo in xenograft models. ChIP-Seq analysis of SOX2 revealed a consensus sequence of wwTGywTT. An integrated expression profiling and ChIP-seq analysis show that SOX2 is involved in the BMP signaling pathway, steroid metabolic process, histone modifications, and many receptor-mediated signaling pathways such as IGF1R and ITPR2 (Inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor, type 2).MOST, Chin

    Axin determines cell fate by controlling the p53 activation threshold after DNA damage

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    Cells can undergo either cell-cycle arrest or apoptosis after genotoxic stress, based on p53 activity(1-6). Here we show that cellular fate commitment depends on Axin forming distinct complexes with Pirh2, Tip60, HIPK2 and p53. In cells treated with sublethal doses of ultra-violet (UV) radiation or doxorubicin (Dox), Pirh2 abrogates Axin-induced p53 phosphorylation at Ser 46 catalysed by HIPK2, by competing with HIPK2 for binding to Axin. However, on lethal treatment, Tip60 interacts with Axin and abrogates Pirh2-Axin binding, forming an Axin-Tip60-HIPK2-p53 complex that allows maximal p53 activation to trigger apoptosis. We also provide evidence that the ATM/ATR pathway mediates the Axin-Tip60 complex assembly. An axin mutation promotes carcinogenesis in Axin(Fu)/+ (Axin-Fused) mice, consistent with a dominant-negative role for Axin(Fu) in p53 activation. Thus, Axin is a critical determinant in p53-dependent tumour suppression in which Pirh2 and Tip60 have different roles in triggering cell-cycle arrest or apoptosis depending on the severity of genotoxic stress.973 Program and 863 Program National Natural Science Foundation of China Ministry of Education of China National Basic Research Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology National Science Foundation of Fujian Provinc


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