98 research outputs found

    Unified Pre-training with Pseudo Texts for Text-To-Image Person Re-identification

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    The pre-training task is indispensable for the text-to-image person re-identification (T2I-ReID) task. However, there are two underlying inconsistencies between these two tasks that may impact the performance; i) Data inconsistency. A large domain gap exists between the generic images/texts used in public pre-trained models and the specific person data in the T2I-ReID task. This gap is especially severe for texts, as general textual data are usually unable to describe specific people in fine-grained detail. ii) Training inconsistency. The processes of pre-training of images and texts are independent, despite cross-modality learning being critical to T2I-ReID. To address the above issues, we present a new unified pre-training pipeline (UniPT) designed specifically for the T2I-ReID task. We first build a large-scale text-labeled person dataset "LUPerson-T", in which pseudo-textual descriptions of images are automatically generated by the CLIP paradigm using a divide-conquer-combine strategy. Benefiting from this dataset, we then utilize a simple vision-and-language pre-training framework to explicitly align the feature space of the image and text modalities during pre-training. In this way, the pre-training task and the T2I-ReID task are made consistent with each other on both data and training levels. Without the need for any bells and whistles, our UniPT achieves competitive Rank-1 accuracy of, ie, 68.50%, 60.09%, and 51.85% on CUHK-PEDES, ICFG-PEDES and RSTPReid, respectively. Both the LUPerson-T dataset and code are available at https;//github.com/ZhiyinShao-H/UniPT.Comment: accepted by ICCV 202

    Learning Granularity-Unified Representations for Text-to-Image Person Re-identification

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    Text-to-image person re-identification (ReID) aims to search for pedestrian images of an interested identity via textual descriptions. It is challenging due to both rich intra-modal variations and significant inter-modal gaps. Existing works usually ignore the difference in feature granularity between the two modalities, i.e., the visual features are usually fine-grained while textual features are coarse, which is mainly responsible for the large inter-modal gaps. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end framework based on transformers to learn granularity-unified representations for both modalities, denoted as LGUR. LGUR framework contains two modules: a Dictionary-based Granularity Alignment (DGA) module and a Prototype-based Granularity Unification (PGU) module. In DGA, in order to align the granularities of two modalities, we introduce a Multi-modality Shared Dictionary (MSD) to reconstruct both visual and textual features. Besides, DGA has two important factors, i.e., the cross-modality guidance and the foreground-centric reconstruction, to facilitate the optimization of MSD. In PGU, we adopt a set of shared and learnable prototypes as the queries to extract diverse and semantically aligned features for both modalities in the granularity-unified feature space, which further promotes the ReID performance. Comprehensive experiments show that our LGUR consistently outperforms state-of-the-arts by large margins on both CUHK-PEDES and ICFG-PEDES datasets. Code will be released at https://github.com/ZhiyinShao-H/LGUR.Comment: Accepted by ACM Multimedia 202

    A short-term electricity load forecasting method integrating empirical modal decomposition with SAM-LSTM

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    Short-term power load forecasting is the basis for ensuring the safe and stable operation of the power system. However, because power load forecasting is affected by weather, economy, geography, and other factors, it has strong instability and nonlinearity, making it difficult to improve the accuracy of short-term power load forecasting. To solve the above problems, a load forecasting method combining empirical modal decomposition (EMD) and long short-term memory neural network (LSTM) has been proposed. The original signal is first decomposed into a series of eigenmode functions and a residual quantity using the EMD algorithm. Subsequently, all the components are fed into the LSTM network. To further improve the load prediction accuracy, a self-attention mechanism is introduced for large component signals to further explore the internal correlation of the data, and the Sparrow Optimisation Algorithm (SSA) is used to optimize the LSTM hyperparameters. Combining EMD, LSTM, self-attention mechanism (SAM), and SSA, the EMD-SSA- SAM -LSTM method for short-term power load forecasting is further proposed. The results show that the coefficient of determination (R2) of the method is 0.98, the mean absolute error (MAE) is 0.013, the root mean square error (RMSE) is 0.018, and the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) is 2.57%, which verifies that the proposed model can improve the accuracy of load forecasting, and has a certain application prospect

    HAP: Structure-Aware Masked Image Modeling for Human-Centric Perception

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    Model pre-training is essential in human-centric perception. In this paper, we first introduce masked image modeling (MIM) as a pre-training approach for this task. Upon revisiting the MIM training strategy, we reveal that human structure priors offer significant potential. Motivated by this insight, we further incorporate an intuitive human structure prior - human parts - into pre-training. Specifically, we employ this prior to guide the mask sampling process. Image patches, corresponding to human part regions, have high priority to be masked out. This encourages the model to concentrate more on body structure information during pre-training, yielding substantial benefits across a range of human-centric perception tasks. To further capture human characteristics, we propose a structure-invariant alignment loss that enforces different masked views, guided by the human part prior, to be closely aligned for the same image. We term the entire method as HAP. HAP simply uses a plain ViT as the encoder yet establishes new state-of-the-art performance on 11 human-centric benchmarks, and on-par result on one dataset. For example, HAP achieves 78.1% mAP on MSMT17 for person re-identification, 86.54% mA on PA-100K for pedestrian attribute recognition, 78.2% AP on MS COCO for 2D pose estimation, and 56.0 PA-MPJPE on 3DPW for 3D pose and shape estimation.Comment: Accepted by NeurIPS 202

    Acetaldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) deficiency exacerbates pressure overload-induced cardiac dysfunction by inhibiting Beclin-1 dependent autophagy pathway

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    AbstractMitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) was demonstrated to play cardioprotective roles in cardiovascular diseases. Nonetheless, little is known about the roles and mechanisms of ALDH2 in pressure overload-induced cardiac damages. In this study, we revealed that ALDH2 deficiency overtly exacerbated transverse aortic constriction (TAC)-induced cardiac dysfunction. Cardiomyocyte enlargement was observed in both WT and ALDH2−/− mice in HE-stained myocardial tissue samples at 8weeks post TAC surgery. Mitochondrial morphology and structure were also significantly damaged post TAC surgery and the changes were aggravated in ALDH2−/− TAC hearts. ALDH2 deficiency also depressed myocardial autophagy in hearts at 8weeks post TAC surgery with a potential mechanism of repressing the expression of Beclin-1 and promoting the interaction between Bcl-2 and Beclin-1. These data indicate that ALDH2 deficiency exacerbates the pressure overload induced cardiac dysfunction partly by inhibiting Beclin-1 dependent autophagy pathway.This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Autophagy and protein quality control in cardiometabolic diseases

    The Paf1 complex transcriptionally regulates the mitochondrial-anchored protein Atg32 leading to activation of mitophagy

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    Mitophagy is a critical process that safeguards mitochondrial quality control in order to maintain proper cellular homeostasis. Although the mitochondrial-anchored receptor Atg32-mediated cargo-recognition system has been well characterized to be essential for this process, the signaling pathway modulating its expression as a contribution of governing the mitophagy process remains largely unknown. Here, bioinformatics analyses of epigenetic or transcriptional regulators modulating gene expression allow us to identify the Paf1 complex (the polymerase-associated factor 1 complex, Paf1C,) as a transcriptional repressor of ATG genes. We show that Paf1C suppresses glucose starvation-induced autophagy, but does not affect nitrogen starvation- or rapamycin-induced autophagy. Moreover, we show that Paf1C specifically regulates mitophagy through modulating ATG32 expression. Deletion of the genes encoding two core subunits of Paf1C, Paf1 and Ctr9, increases ATG32 and ATG11 expression and facilitates mitophagy activity. Although Paf1C is required for many histone modifications and gene activation, we show that Paf1C regulates mitophagy independent of its positive regulatory role in other processes. More importantly, we also demonstrate the mitophagic role of PAF1C in mammals. Overall, we conclude that Paf1C maintains mitophagy at a low level through binding the promoter of the ATG32 gene in glucose-rich conditions. Dissociation of Paf1C from ATG32 leads to the increased expression of this gene, and mitophagy induction upon glucose starvation. Thus, we uncover a new role of Paf1C in modulating the mitophagy process at the transcriptional level

    Large-eddy simulation: past, present and the future

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    Large-eddy simulation (LES) was originally proposed for simulating atmospheric flows in the 1960s and has become one of the most promising and successful methodology for simulating turbulent flows with the improvement of computing power. It is now feasible to simulate complex engineering flows using LES. However, apart from the computing power, significant challenges still remain for LES to reach a level of maturity that brings this approach to the mainstream of engineering and industrial computations. This paper will describe briefly LES formalism first, present a quick glance at its history, review its current state focusing mainly on its applications in transitional flows and gas turbine combustor flows, discuss some major modelling and numerical challenges/issues that we are facing now and in the near future, and finish with the concluding remarks

    Assessing and Predicting the Impact of Multi-Scenario Land Use Changes on the Ecosystem Service Value: A Case Study in the Upstream of Xiong’an New Area, China

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    The evaluation of ecosystem service value has become the basis of ecological protection, ecological regionalization, and ecological compensations. Land use changes have taken place due to several natural and anthropogenic reasons, significantly influencing the ecosystem services value (ESV). In this study, we used an interactive coupling model that simulates future land use changes and the equivalent coefficient table method to predict and evaluate the ecosystem service value in the upstream of Xiong’an New Area in 2035, and we quantitatively calculated the impact of land use changes on the ecosystem service value under four future scenarios. The results indicate that from 2015 to 2035, the ecosystem service value in the production scenario and life scenario decreased significantly by CNY 1635.39 million and 561.95 million, respectively, and the areas where the ESV decreased mainly appeared in river banks and surrounding areas of towns. The conversion of forest land to cultivated land and the conversion of grassland to construction land are the main reasons for the reduction of the ecosystem service value in the production scenario and life scenario, respectively. The ecosystem service value in the ecological scenario increased significantly by CNY 2550.59 million, and the conversion of grassland to waters is the main reason for the increase in ecosystem service value, with a contribution rate of 73.89%. Moreover, due to the trade-off between ecosystem services, the overall change of ecosystem service value in the current scenario is not obvious. In conclusion, strictly controlling the scale of construction land, strengthening the management and protection of water resources, and expanding the afforestation scale may improve the ecosystem service value of the upstream Xiong’an New Area in the future

    Multi-Time Scale Evaluation of Forest Water Conservation Function in the Semiarid Mountains Area

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    Forest water conservation function is an important part of forest ecosystem services. The discontinuous distribution of forests in semiarid areas brings difficulties to the quantitative evaluation of forest water conservation functions at the basin scale. In this paper, we took the upstream of Xiong’an New Area (Zijingguan—ZJG, Zhongtangmei—ZTM and Fuping—FP basins) as an example and combine the soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) and the water balance method to calculate the amount of forest water conservation (AFWC) at annual, monthly and daily scales from 2007 to 2017, and analyzed the changes of AFWC. The results showed that the hydrological response unit (HRU) generated with the threshold area zero can accurately reflect the forest patch distribution in the three basins. On an annual scale, the annual AFWC were all positive in ZJG and ZTM basins from 2007 to 2017. While, the annual AFWC in the FP basin was negative in 2009, 2013, 2014 and 2017. On a monthly scale, the positive values of AFWC mainly appear from June to September, and the negative values of AFWC mainly appear from December to March. On a daily scale, the AFWC during extreme precipitation was positive, while that was negative during extreme drought. The annual and monthly AFWC in the three basins was positively correlated with the wetness index, and FP basin needs more humid climate conditions than ZJG and ZTM basins to make the forest store water and keep in a stable water storage state. The above results can not only provide important insight into sustainable forest and water resources management in the region, but also serve as reference cases for other regions to carry out relevant research work

    A Novel Intelligent Rebound Hammer System Based on Internet of Things

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    In order to improve the test efficiency of concrete strength and ensure measured data reliability, we present a novel intelligent rebound hammer system which is based on the Internet of Things (IoT) and speech recognition technology. The system uses a STM32F103C8T6 microcontroller as the Main Control Unit (MCU), and one BC26 module as the communication unit, combined with a LD3320 voice recognition module and TOF050H laser ranging sensor to achieve the function of phonetic transcription and laser ranging. Without the need for traditional multi-person collaboration and burdensome data transfer, the system can collect the data of rebound value and location information and send them to the remote cloud information management system automatically in real time. The test results show that the system has high measuring accuracy, good data transmission stability and convenient operation, which could provide guidance for other types of non-destructive testing equipment designs
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