76 research outputs found

    Personal Account of a Teacher and a Student as a Component of the Electronic Information and Educational Environment of a Modern University

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    В статье представлены возможности личного кабинета преподавателя и студента с позиции реализации требований к функционированию электронной информационно-образовательной среды университета.The article presents the possibilities of the personal account of the teacher and the student from the point of view of the implementation of the requirements for the functioning of the electronic information and educational environment of the university

    Serum Interleukin-6 in Schizophrenia: Associations with Clinical and Sociodemographic Characteristics

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    BACKGROUND:Recentlyasignificant part of schizophrenia studies have been focused on the role of cytokines, especially interleukin-6 (IL-6). Some authors have suggestedapathogenetic role for IL-6 in schizophrenia and concluded that therapy that centers on suppressing IL-6 activity may prove beneficial for certain categories of patients with the disorder. However, many questions about whether the changes in IL-6 levels in schizophrenia are primary, related to symptoms or caused by therapy, are concomitant metabolic disorders, are related to smoking or other secondary factors remain unanswered. AIM:To assess the level of serum IL-6 in patients with schizophrenia in comparison with healthy controls, as well as to study its association with clinical and socio-demographic characteristics. METHODS:Some 125 patients with schizophrenia and 95 healthy volunteers were examined.Theevaluation of IL-6 was performed by enzyme immunoassay. All patients were assessed using standardized psychometric instruments. Information from patient medical records on the course of the disease and treatment wasanalyzed. RESULTS:Thelevel of IL-6 was significantly higher in the patients than in the healthy volunteers (z=2.58;p=0.0099), but among men the difference between the patients and volunteers was not significant. Statistically significant correlations were found between the level of serum IL-6 and the severity of the cognitive impairment of patients: (auditory [ρ=–0.31;p=0.00063] and working memory [ρ=−0.25;p=0.0065], hand-eye coordination [ρ=−0.29;p=0.0011], verbal fluency [ρ=−0.28;p=0.0019] and problem-solving capacity [ρ=−0.22;p=0.013]), total severity of schizophrenia symptoms (PANSS, ρ=0.22;p=0.016), PANSS positive subscale (ρ=0.18;p=0.048), and the age of manifestation (ρ=0.20;p=0.025) and disease duration (ρ=0.18;p=0.043).Thelevel of IL-6 was the lowest in patients treated with third-generation antipsychotics, and the highest in those treated withfirst-generation antipsychotics (H=6.36;p=0.042). Moreover, in hospital patients, the level of IL-6 was significantly higher than in outpatients and inpatients hospitals (H=18.59;p=0.0001). CONCLUSION:Thestudy confirmed that there are associations between the serum IL-6 level and schizophrenia, the age of the patient, duration of the disease and how late in one's life cycle it began manifesting itself, as well asanumber of clinical characteristics. Considering that IL-6isassociated withawide range of symptoms that are loosely controlled by antipsychotics, this biochemical marker needs to be studied to look into how closely its level tracks with an unfavorable course of schizophrenia. That would require further prospective studies

    Principles of Formation of e-Learning Environment Agricultural University

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    В статье сформулированы принципы формирования электронной информационно-образовательной среды поддержки учебно-воспитательного процесса в условиях цифровой трансформации образования.The article formulates the principles of the formation of an e-learning environment to support the educational process in the conditions of digital transformation of education

    Multicomponent coating in purulent wound healing: A randomised controlled experimental study

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    Background. Purulent wound healing is a pressing surgical challenge relevant in 30−35% of patient cases. To the more, wound infectious agents elaborate resistance to available drugs warranting the development of new drug combinations exserting a multidirectional effect on the wound process.Objective. Using a purulent wound model to experimentally evaluate the efficiency of a new multicomponent wound coating comprised of polyethylene oxide and carboxymethylcellulose sodium-immobilised dioxidine, methyluracil, metronidazole and lidocaine hydrochloride in comparison with a legal approved wound coating drug preparation of beeswax and propolis-based dioxidine ointment.Methods. The antimicrobial activity range (disk-diffusion method) and local anaesthetic effect (Rainier’s method) of the developed wound coating have been assessed. The healing process was studied in a purulent wound model with 72 Wistar rats divided between two equal groups. The following methods were applied: visual wound inspection (wound cleansing time, absence of wound-surrounding tissue oedema, granulation and epithelisation), planimetric parameter estimation (wound area, healing rate, wound area reduction ratio), wound contamination and pH measurement, wound section cell morphometry (granulocyte, macrophage, lymphocyte and fibroblast counts, cell index estimation). Daily dressings were applied for 15 days.Results. The developed wound coating exhibited high efficiency against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria in the zone of inhibition tests. Its local anaesthetic effect was significantly superior to the approved drug by the duration of action. The wound area reduction was 94.2 (93.7; 94.8)% in the experimental group and 86 (84.2; 88.8)% in the control (differences statistically significant) already on day 10. A maximal healing rate in both groups was registered in phase 1 of the wound process being 1.4 times higher in experiment compared to the control. The wound contamination was significantly lower in experiment vs. control on day 8 (p = 0.0075). Wound pH negatively correlated with the fibroblast count and positively — with the contamination level.Conclusion. The study demonstrates high efficiency of the developed wound coating against infectious agents and its positive healing impact via reducing phase 1 and stimulating proliferation in phase 2 of the wound process

    High frequency magnetic oscillations of the organic metal θ\theta-(ET)4_4ZnBr4_4(C6_6H4_4Cl2_2) in pulsed magnetic field of up to 81 T

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    De Haas-van Alphen oscillations of the organic metal θ\theta-(ET)4_4ZnBr4_4(C6_6H4_4Cl2_2) are studied in pulsed magnetic fields up to 81 T. The long decay time of the pulse allows determining reliable field-dependent amplitudes of Fourier components with frequencies up to several kiloteslas. The Fourier spectrum is in agreement with the model of a linear chain of coupled orbits. In this model, all the observed frequencies are linear combinations of the frequency linked to the basic orbit α\alpha and to the magnetic-breakdown orbit β\beta.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum oscillations in the linear chain of coupled orbits: the organic metal with two cation layers theta-(ET)(4)CoBr(4)(C(6)H(4)Cl(2))

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    Analytical formulae for de Haas-van Alphen (dHvA) oscillations in linear chain of coupled two-dimensional (2D) orbits (Pippard's model) are derived systematically taking into account the chemical potential oscillations in magnetic field. Although corrective terms are observed, basic (alpha) and magnetic breakdown-induced (beta and 2beta - alpha) orbits can be accounted for by the Lifshits-Kosevich (LK) and Falicov-Stachowiak semiclassical models in the explored field and temperature ranges. In contrast, the 'forbidden orbit' beta - alpha amplitude is described by a non-LK equation involving a product of two classical orbit amplitudes. Furthermore, strongly non-monotonic field and temperature dependence may be observed for the second harmonics of basic frequencies such as 2alpha and the magnetic breakdown orbit beta + alpha, depending on the value of the spin damping factors. These features are in agreement with the dHvA oscillation spectra of the strongly 2D organic metal theta- theta-(ET)(4)CoBr(4)(C(6)H(4)Cl(2)).Comment: to be published in Europhysics Letters (2012

    Dynamics of indicators on the incidence of gonorrhea during 2015 – 2017. in the Orenburg region and Russian Federation

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    The article deals with the epidemiological situation of gonorrhea at the Federal (Russian Federation) and regional (Orenburg region) levels for 2015 – 2017.the Subject of the study was the dynamics of such indicators as the incidence and prevalence of gonorrhea according to various criteria. The article also touches upon the main measures of prevention of this disease.В статье рассмотрена эпидемиологическая ситуация по гонококковой инфекции на федеральном (РФ) и областном (Оренбургская область) уровнях за 2015 – 2017 гг. Предметом изучения заболеваемости явилась динамика таких показателей, как: заболеваемость и распространённость гонореи по различным критериям. Также в статье затронуты основные меры профилактики данного заболевания

    Многокомпонентное раневое покрытие в лечении экспериментальной гнойной раны

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    Objectives. To substantiate the effectiveness of the wound coating developed by us, which combines broad-spectrum antimicrobial effect, sorption activity, analgesic effect and prolonged action on a purulent wound.Materials and methods. The material for the study was wound coating in the form of a film developed at Kursk State Medical University (Russian patent number 2605343). Experimental animals (Wistar rats) were divided into 2 groups (comparative and experimental) of 36 animals in each. In all the experimental animals a purulent wound was modeled according to the method proposed by P.I. Tolstikh. Local anesthetic activity was determined on rabbits of the Chinchilla breed (20 individuals in each group). In the course of the study, the following methods were used: microbiological method (identification of the areas of growth retardation and wound contamination), visual assessment of the wounds, planimetric method, pH evaluation of the wounds, and Renier’s technique (for determination of the anesthetic activity). The data were processed statistically, and the statistical significance of the differences was determined using the nonparametric Mann – Whitney test. The differences were considered statistically significant at p ≤ 0.05.Results. Before the experiment on animals, high efficacy of the developed film was proven for the most common test strains of microorganisms capable of causing wound infection, using the microbiological method of investigation. Using the Renier’s method, the ability of the film to provide a local anesthetic effect was demonstrated, which was significantly higher than that of the 2% lidocaine ointment. Following visual evaluation of the wound, it was found that purification and regeneration of the wounds occurred earlier in the animals from the experimental group. The speed of wound healing in the experimental group was 1.3 times higher at 1–3 days, whereas at 5–8 days the situation was reversed in favor of the comparison group. In addition, at day 8 wound contamination in the experimental group was 1.2 times lower than in the comparison group. According to the results of the pH evaluation, significant differences between the groups were noted at days 5, 8, 15. Approximation of pH values to those of intact skin also proved the effectiveness of using the developed film.Conclusion. The results of the conducted studies confirmed broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity of the developed film, its local anesthetic activity and efficacy in treatment of experimental purulent wounds, which allows to recommend it for further preclinical trials. Цель. Обосновать эффективность применения разработанного нами раневого покрытия, которое сочетает в себе противомикробный эффект широкого спектра, сорбционную активность, обезболивающее влияние, пролонгированное действие, на модели гнойной раны в эксперименте.Материалы и методы. Материалом для исследования послужило раневое покрытие в виде пленки, разработанное на базе Курского государственного медицинского университета (патент на изобретение РФ № 2605343). Экспериментальные животные (крысы породы Вистар) были распределены на две группы (сравнения и опытная) по 36 животных в каждой. Всем подопытным животным моделировалась гнойная рана по методике П.И. Толстых. Местно-анестезирующую активность определяли на кроликах породы шиншилла (по 20 особей в каждой группе). В ходе исследования применялись следующие методы: микробиологический (определение зон задержки роста и обсемененности ран), визуальная оценка состояния ран, планиметрический, рН-метрия ран, метод Ренье (для определения анестезирующей активности). Данные обработаны статистически, достоверность отличий определяли по непараметрическому критерию Манна – Уитни. Различия между группами считались статистически значимыми при р ≤ 0,05.Результаты. До начала эксперимента на животных на основании микробиологического метода исследования была показана высокая эффективность разработанной пленки в отношении наиболее распространенных тест-штаммов микроорганизмов, способных вызывать раневую инфекцию. Также на основании метода Ренье показана ее способность оказывать местно-анестезирующее действие, достоверно превосходящее по эффективности 2%-ю лидокаиновую мазь. На основании визуальной оценки раны выявлено, что очищение и регенерация ран наступали раньше у животных в опытной группе. Скорость заживления ран в опытной группе была в 1,3 раза выше на сроке 1–3-и сут, а на 5–8-е сут ситуация была обратной в пользу группы сравнения. Кроме того, обсемененность ран в опытной группе была в 1,2 раза ниже на 8-е сут, нежели в группе сравнения. По результатам рНметрии достоверные различия между группами были отмечены на 5-, 8-, 15-е сут. Приближение значений рН к значениям неповрежденной кожи также доказывала эффективность применения разработанной пленки.Заключение. Результаты проведенных исследований подтвердили широкий спектр противомикробного действия разработанной пленки, ее местно-анестезирующую активность, эффективность при лечении экспериментальных гнойных ран, что позволяет рекомендовать ее для дальнейших доклинических испытаний.