54 research outputs found

    The linkages with fires, vegetation composition and human activity in response to climate changes in the Chinese Loess Plateau during the Holocene

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    Holocene paleo-records of the Chinese Loess Plateau loess-soil profiles were used to reconstruct wildfire patterns and landscape evolution. We examine black carbon and charcoal influx, combined with the Magnetic susceptibility, delta C-13 values of soil organic matter, pollen counts and other paleo-environmental proxies to discuss interactions with biomass-climate during the Holocene. The history of fires from the charcoal and black carbon (BC, char and soot) influx at the two sites demonstrates a transition from climate-controlled low amplitude variations with peaks during the Early and Middle Holocene (11-3.1kyearsB.P.) to higher amplitude variability in fire occurrence decoupled from climate and tied to human activities during the Late Holocene (3.1-0kyearsB.P.). The difference in fire patterns was attributed to regional effective moisture and human land use over the entre Loess Plateau; meanwhile, fire activities observed during the Holocene are consistent with variations in vegetation composition inferred from delta C-13 values in soil organic matter, pollen counts, and paleoclimate proxies. Regional wildfires rarely occurred on the desert steppe dominated by a weedy C-3 taxon (Artemisia, Compositae, and Chenopodiaceae dominated)during the late glacial period. A limited biomass would not meet fire propagation in the extreme colder and drier environment of the Loess Plateau during those periods, though. As the climate became ameliorated during the early Holocene, there was an increasing biomass and a sufficient contribution do to high fuel accumulation from C-4 taxon (Gramineae). As the middle Holocene progressed toward warmer and wetter conditions, fire events were less frequent on the steppe and forest-steppe (e.g. expansion of trees C-3,C- Quercus, Corylus) of the Loess Plateau. Subsequently, the number of local and regional fire events have largely increased with the colder and drier climate conditions (e.g. expansion of C-3 weedy), which have been decoupling with intensive anthropogenic burning for farming since the past 3kyr. These data suggests that the regional fire patterns vary strongly along environmental gradients in the effective moisture and regional fuel availability as well as the spatial and temporal distributions of Neolithic burning practices over the Loess Plateau in response to the weakening East Asian monsoon during the Holocene

    Result of a year-long animal survey in a state-owned forest farm in Beijing, China

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    BackgroundArtificial forest can have great potential in serving as habitat to wildlife, depending on different management methods. As the state-owned forest farms now play a new role in ecological conservation in China, the biological richness of this kind of land-use type is understudied. Once owned by a mining company, a largest state-owned forest farm, Jingxi Forest Farm, has been reformed to be a state-owned forest farm with the purpose of conservation since 2017. Although this 116.4 km2 forest farm holds a near-healthy montaine ecosystem very representative in North China, a large proportion of artificial coniferous forest in the forest farm has been proven to hold less biodiversity than natural vegetation. This situation, however, provides a great opportunity for ecological restoration and biodiversity conservation. Therefore, from November 2019 to December 2020, we conducted a set of biodiversity surveys, whose results will serve as a baseline for further restoration and conservation.New informationHere, we report the result of a multi-taxa fauna diversity survey conducted in Jingxi Forest Farm mainly in year 2020 with explicit spatial information. It is the first survey of its kind conducted in this area, revealing a total of 19 species of mammals, 86 birds, four reptiles, two amphibians and one fish species, as well as 101 species of insects. Four species of mammals are identified as data-poor species as they have less than 100 occurrence records with coordination in the GBIF database. One species of insect, representing one new provincial record genus of Beijing, is reported

    The Sihailongwan Maar Lake, northeastern China as a candidate Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point for the Anthropocene Series

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    Sihailongwan Maar Lake, located in Northeast China, is a candidate Global boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for demarcation of the Anthropocene. The lake’s varved sediments are formed by alternating allogenic atmospheric inputs and authigenic lake processes and store a record of environmental and human impacts at a continental-global scale. Varve counting and radiometric dating provided a precise annual-resolution sediment chronology for the site. Time series records of radioactive (239,240Pu, 129I and soot 14C), chemical (spheroidal carbonaceous particles, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, soot, heavy metals, δ13C, etc), physical (magnetic susceptibility and grayscale) and biological (environmental DNA) indicators all show rapid changes in the mid-20th century, coincident with clear lithological changes of the sediments. Statistical analyses of these proxies show a tipping point in 1954 CE. 239,240Pu activities follow a typical unimodal globally-distributed profile, and are proposed as the primary marker for the Anthropocene. A rapid increase in 239,240Pu activities at 88 mm depth in core SHLW21-Fr-13 (1953 CE) is synchronous with rapid changes of other anthropogenic proxies and the Great Acceleration, marking the onset of the Anthropocene. The results indicate that Sihailongwan Maar Lake is an ideal site for the Anthropocene GSSP

    Detecting One-Hundred-Year Environmental Changes in Western China Using Seven-Year Repeat Photography

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    Due to its diverse, wondrous plants and unique topography, Western China has drawn great attention from explorers and naturalists from the Western World. Among them, Ernest Henry Wilson (1876 –1930), known as ‘Chinese’ Wilson, travelled to Western China five times from 1899 to 1918. He took more than 1,000 photos during his travels. These valuable photos illustrated the natural and social environment of Western China a century ago. Since 1997, we had collected E.H. Wilson's old pictures, and then since 2004, along the expedition route of E.H. Wilson, we took 7 years to repeat photographing 250 of these old pictures. Comparing Wilson's photos with ours, we found an obvious warming trend over the 100 years, not only in specific areas but throughout the entire Western China. Such warming trend manifested in phenology changes, community shifts and melting snow in alpine mountains. In this study, we also noted remarkable vegetation changes. Out of 62 picture pairs were related to vegetation change, 39 indicated vegetation has changed to the better condition, 17 for degraded vegetation and six for no obvious change. Also in these photos at a century interval, we found not only rapid urbanization in Western China, but also the disappearance of traditional cultures. Through such comparisons, we should not only be amazed about the significant environmental changes through time in Western China, but also consider its implications for protecting environment while meeting the economic development beyond such changes

    Photoacoustic Imaging in Oxygen Detection

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    Oxygen level, including blood oxygen saturation (sO2) and tissue oxygen partial pressure (pO2), are crucial physiological parameters in life science. This paper reviews the importance of these two parameters and the detection methods for them, focusing on the application of photoacoustic imaging in this scenario. sO2 is traditionally detected with optical spectra-based methods, and has recently been proven uniquely efficient by using photoacoustic methods. pO2, on the other hand, is typically detected by PET, MRI, or pure optical approaches, yet with limited spatial resolution, imaging frame rate, or penetration depth. Great potential has also been demonstrated by employing photoacoustic imaging to overcome the existing limitations of the aforementioned techniques

    A Comprehensive Survey on Geometric Deep Learning

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    Deep learning methods have achieved great success in analyzing traditional data such as texts, sounds, images and videos. More and more research works are carrying out to extend standard deep learning technologies to geometric data such as point cloud or voxel grid of 3D objects, real life networks such as social and citation network. Many methods have been proposed in the research area. In this work, we aim to provide a comprehensive survey of geometric deep learning and related methods. First, we introduce the relevant knowledge and history of geometric deep learning field as well as the theoretical background. In the method part, we review different graph network models for graphs and manifold data. Besides, practical applications of these methods, datasets currently available in different research area and the problems and challenges are also summarized

    Improvement of Dispersion and Color Effect of Organic Pigments in Polymeric Films via Microencapsulation by the Miniemulsion Technique

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    Three primary pigment/poly(n-butyl acrylate-co-styrene) (P(BA+St)) nanocomposites were prepared via encapsulation of the corresponding organic pigments via the miniemulsion technique. The resulting latexes of the P(BA+St)/pigment nanocomposites were filmed in a PTFE mould or printed onto cotton fabric. The morphology of the P(BA+St)/pigment nanocomposites and the dispersion of pigment particles in the latex film and on the printed fabric surface, as well as the adhesion between pigment and adhesive film, were evaluated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), 3D digital microscope system (3D-POM), and printing results tests. Attributing to the preprotection of adhesive polymer shell, the self-adhesive P(BA+St)/pigment nanocomposites were homogeneously and firmly dispersed both in the thin latex film and in the adhesive layer on the fiber surface. As a result, the color strength, color fastness, and handle of the fabrics printed by the P(BA+St)/pigment nanocomposites latex were significantly improved, compared to the fabrics printed by the conventional pigment blended latex

    Holocene wildfire history and human activity from high-resolution charcoal and elemental black carbon records in the Guanzhong Basin of the Loess Plateau, China

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    High-resolution sedimentary charcoal and black carbon (BC, including char and soot) records from a loess-soil profile, combined with magnetic susceptibility, delta C-13 of soil organic matter of analyses, pollen counts and other paleoenvironmental proxies reveal past fire patterns and landscape evolution over the past 12,000 years. Results from the analyses of charcoal and BC influx show that regional fire activity was high in the early and late Holocene, whereas fire was less frequent and pervasive in the middle Holocene. Locally, fires were infrequent near the study site until the Late Holocene. Soot and char analyses do not parallel changes in charcoal variability, and thus appear to reflect either a different aspect of fire activity or else these data are registering aspects of particle transportation and deposition in addition to fire characteristics.</p