163 research outputs found

    Benzyl 2-ethyl­hexyl sulfoxide

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    The mol­ecule of the title compound, C15H24OS, shows S conformations for the S atom and the asymmetric C atom of the isooctyl group. The long axes of the mol­ecules are directed along the c axis. In the crystal structure, the mol­ecules are linked by weak inter­molecular bifurcated C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds

    Mutant spectrum of dengue type 1 virus in the plasma of patients from the 2006 epidemic in South China

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    SummaryThe aim of the present study was to explore the mutant spectrum of dengue type 1 virus (DENV-1) within individuals during the 2006 dengue epidemic in South China. A 513-bp fragment including most of domain III of the envelope (E) gene was amplified directly from clinical samples, then cloned and sequenced. A total of 89 clones from six patients (range 11–17 clones per patient) were sequenced. Genetic diversity was calculated using MEGA 4 package. The total number of nucleotide mutations was 113 (3.7%) within the sequenced 513-bp E gene, with a range of 15 (3%) to 24 (4.7%) within individual viral populations, harboring more non-synonymous than synonymous mutations. The extent of sequence diversity varied among patients, with the mean diversity ranging from 0.19% to 0.32%, and the mean pairwise p-distance ranging from 0.34% to 0.65%. No genome-defective virus was detected in any clone in this study. Purifying selection may be the main driving force for the intrahost evolution: the mean dN/dS ratio was 0.532. Our findings contribute to the understanding of the genetic variation of DENV-1 in South China

    Genetic variation and relationships of eighteen Chinese indigenous pig breeds

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    Chinese indigenous pig breeds are recognized as an invaluable component of the world's pig genetic resources and are divided traditionally into six types. Twenty-six microsatellite markers recommended by the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) and ISAG (International Society of Animal Genetics) were employed to analyze the genetic diversity of 18 Chinese indigenous pig breeds with 1001 individuals representing five types, and three commercial breeds with 184 individuals. The observed heterozygosity, unbiased expected heterozygosity and the observed and effective number of alleles were used to estimate the genetic variation of each indigenous breed. The unbiased expected heterozygosity ranged between 0.700 (Mashen) and 0.876 (Guanling), which implies that there is an abundant genetic variation stored in Chinese indigenous pig breeds. Breed differentiation was shown by fixation indices (FIT, FIS, and FST). The FST per locus varied from 0.019 (S0090) to 0.170 (SW951), and the average FST of all loci was 0.077, which means that most of the genetic variation was kept within breeds and only a little of the genetic variation exists between populations. The Neighbor-Joining tree was constructed based on the Nei DA (1978) distances and one large cluster with all local breeds but the Mashen breed, was obtained. Four smaller sub-clusters were also found, which included two to four breeds each. These results, however, did not completely agree with the traditional type of classification. A Neighbor-Joining dendrogram of individuals was established from the distance of – ln(proportions of shared alleles); 92.14% of the individuals were clustered with their own breeds, which implies that this method is useful for breed demarcation. This extensive research on pig genetic diversity in China indicates that these 18 Chinese indigenous breeds may have one common ancestor, helps us to better understand the relative distinctiveness of pig genetic resources, and will assist in developing a national plan for the conservation and utilization of Chinese indigenous pig breeds

    Relationship between the magnitude of intraocular pressure during an episode of acute elevation and retinal damage four weeks later in rats

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    PURPOSE: To determine relationship between the magnitude of intraocular pressure (IOP) during a fixed-duration episode of acute elevation and the loss of retinal function and structure 4 weeks later in rats. METHODS: Unilateral elevation of IOP (105 minutes) was achieved manometrically in adult Brown Norway rats (9 groups; n = 4 to 8 each, 10-100 mm Hg and sham control). Full-field ERGs were recorded simultaneously from treated and control eyes 4 weeks after IOP elevation. Scotopic ERG stimuli were white flashes (-6.04 to 2.72 log cd.s.m(-2)). Photopic ERGs were recorded (1.22 to 2.72 log cd.s.m(-2)) after 15 min of light adaptation (150 cd/m(2)). Relative amplitude (treated/control, %) of ERG components versus IOP was described with a cummulative normal function. Retinal ganglion cell (RGC) layer density was determined post mortem by histology. RESULTS: All ERG components failed to recover completely normal amplitudes by 4 weeks after the insult if IOP was 70 mmHg or greater during the episode. There was no ERG recovery at all if IOP was 100 mmHg. Outer retinal (photoreceptor) function demonstrated the least sensitivity to prior acute IOP elevation. ERG components reflecting inner retinal function were correlated with post mortem RGC layer density. CONCLUSIONS: Retinal function recovers after IOP normalization, such that it requires a level of acute IOP elevation approximately 10 mmHg higher to cause a pattern of permanent dysfunction similar to that observed during the acute event. There is a 'threshold' for permanent retinal functional loss in the rat at an IOP between 60 and 70 mmHg if sustained for 105 minutes or more

    miR396-OsGRFs Module Balances Growth and Rice Blast Disease-Resistance

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    Fitness cost is a common phenomenon in rice blast disease-resistance breeding. MiR396 is a highly conserved microRNA (miRNA) family targeting Growth Regulating Factor (OsGRF) genes. Mutation at the target site of miR396 in certain OsGRF gene or blocking miR396 expression leads to increased grain yield. Here we demonstrated that fitness cost can be trade-off in miR396-OsGRFs module via balancing growth and immunity against the blast fungus. The accumulation of miR396 isoforms was significantly increased in a susceptible accession, but fluctuated in a resistant accession upon infection of Magnaporthe oryzae. The transgenic lines over-expressing different miR396 isoforms were highly susceptible to M. oryzae. In contrast, overexpressing target mimicry of miR396 to block its function led to enhanced resistance to M. oryzae in addition to improved yield traits. Moreover, transgenic plants overexpressing OsGRF6, OsGRF7, OsGRF8, and OsGRF9 exhibited enhanced resistance to M. oryzae, but showed different alteration of growth. While overexpression of OsGRF7 led to defects in growth, overexpression of OsGRF6, OsGRF8, and OsGRF9 resulted in better or no significant change of yield traits. Collectively, our results indicate that miR396 negatively regulates rice blast disease- resistance via suppressing multiple OsGRFs, which in turn differentially control growth and yield. Therefore, miR396-OsGRFs could be a potential module to demolish fitness cost in rice blast disease-resistance breeding
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