69 research outputs found

    Large pion pole in Z_{S}^{MOM}/Z_{P}^{MOM} from Wilson action data

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    We show that, contrarily to recent claims, data from the Wilson (unimproved) fermionic action at three different beta values demonstrate the presence of a large Goldstone boson contribution in the quark pseudoscalar vertex, quantitatively close to our previous estimate based on the SW action with c_{SW}=1.769. We show that discretisation errors on Z_{S}^{MOM}/Z_{P}^{MOM} seem to be much smaller than the Goldstone pole contribution over a very large range of momenta. The subtraction of this non perturbative contribution leads to numbers close to one-loop BPT.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, laTeX, minor corrections of typos, beta dependence made more explicit, added one table giving the contribution of the Goldstone vs. the discretisation errors at ap=

    Quenched QCD with domain wall fermions

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    We report on simulations of quenched QCD using domain wall fermions, where we focus on basic questions about the formalism and its ability to produce expected low energy hadronic physics for light quarks. The work reported here is on quenched 83×328^3 \times 32 lattices at β=5.7\beta = 5.7 and 5.85, using values for the length of the fifth dimension between 10 and 48. We report results for parameter choices which lead to the desired number of flavors, a study of undamped modes in the extra dimension and hadron masses.Comment: Contribution to Lattice '98. Presented by R. Mawhinney. 3 pages, 3 figure

    Dynamical QCD thermodynamics with domain wall fermions

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    We present results from numerical simulations of full, two flavor QCD thermodynamics at N_t=4 with domain wall fermions. For the first time a numerical simulation of the full QCD phase transition displays a low temperature phase with spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking but intact flavor symmetry and a high temperature phase with the full SU(2) x SU(2) chiral flavor symmetry.Comment: LATTICE98(hightemp

    The domain wall fermion chiral condensate in quenched QCD

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    We examine the chiral limit of domain wall fermions in quenched QCD. One expects that in a quenched simulation, exact fermion zero modes will give a divergent, 1/m behavior in the chiral condensate for sufficiently small valence quark masses. Unlike other fermion formulations, domain wall fermions clearly demonstrate this behavior.Comment: LATTICE98(spectrum), G. R. Fleming presented talk, 5 pages, 3 figures, corrected typos in printed versio

    General characteristics and clinical significance of Nocardia and Gordonia genera

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    Over the last years, an increasing attention in modern medical microbiology has been paid to examining Actinomycetaceae, Corynebacteriaceae, Mycobacteriaceae, Nocardiaceae, Gordoniaceae sps. Members of the Mycobacteriaceae family are increasingly examined in research and real-life practice, whereas bacteria belonging to families such as Nocardiaceae and Gordoniaceae remain poorly investigated despite novel methods emerging in practical microbiology that allow to more accurately identify microorganisms. According to the current classification, the genus Nocardia includes over 80 species, most of which rarely result in human disease development. Most often, members of the genus Nocardia cause lesions in bronchopulmonary system, which, however, may also cause development of pathological processes in other anatomical sites. Likewise, members of the genus Gordonia may also trigger infectious lesions in human, which were previously often incorrectly identified as other actinomycetes or mycobacteria. Owing to use of 16S rRNA sequencing, it substantially improved identification of these bacteria. Currently, an increasing number of microorganisms with potential clinical significance has been recorded. In addition, similar to nocardiosis, diverse primary and secondary immunodeficiencies play a primary role in gordonii-associated development of pathological processes. However, an additional risk factor may be represented by pathological conditions associated with ingestion of foreign bodies colonized by such microorganisms. Most often, members the genus Nocardia cause lesions in the bronchopulmonary system able, however, affect other anatomical areas. Half of all cases of pulmonary nocardiosis are accompanied by pathological processes of extrapulmonary localization, whereas as low as 20% of patients manifest with extrapulmonary form of the disease usually occurring when the pathogen spreads hematogenously or via other routes also highlighted by primary pulmonary lesion. Moreover, members of the genus Gordonia may result in similar infectious lesions. Currently, the number of aerobic actinomycetes of potential clinical significance is increasing that may be due to their role in diverse pathological processes of various etiologies, which have been more often reported in scientific publications. Few reports regarding infections caused by the genus Gordonia ara available which may be due to a paucity of microorganisms isolated from clinical material or false identification as mycobacteria or Nocardia. Similar to nocardiosis, diverse immunodeficiencies play a primary role in the development of pathological processes associated with Gordonia. However, an additional risk factor may be linked to pathological conditions associated with the ingestion of foreign bodies colonized by these microorganisms. Available publications allows to underline etiological significance of Gordonia in development of cholecystitis, granulomatous skin lesions, eyelid abscess of other soft tissues, granulomatous mastitis, brain abscess and meningitis, as well as external otitis, bronchitis, endocarditis and mediastinitis. In addition, all these microorganisms can cause bacteremia associated with use of a central venous catheter. Owing to emergence of new detection methods as well as elevated rate of immunocompromised patients, and subsequently increased amount of new cases caused by members of the Nocardiaceae and Gordoniaceae families, an interest they rise will grow progressively

    Non-perturbative Renormalisation of Domain Wall Fermions: Quark Bilinears

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    We find the renormalisation coefficients of the quark field and the flavour non-singlet fermion bilinear operators for the domain wall fermion action, in the regularisation independent (RI) renormalisation scheme. Our results are from a quenched simulation, on a 16^3x32 lattice, with beta=6.0 and an extent in the fifth dimension of 16. We also discuss the expected effects of the residual chiral symmetry breaking inherent in a domain wall fermion simulation with a finite fifth dimension, and study the evidence for both explicit and spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking effects in our numerical results. We find that the relations between different renormalisation factors predicted by chiral symmetry are, to a good approximation, satisfied by our results and that systematic effects due to the (low energy) spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking and zero-modes can be controlled. Our results are compared against the perturbative predictions for both their absolute value and renormalisation scale dependence.Comment: 53 pages, 21 figures, revte

    Респираторные и иммунологические изменения при хроническом диоксиновом воздействии

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    The results of the immunological examination of 126 people working in the conditions of the constant influence of dioxines and related compounds are cited in the article. Cellular and serum-transferable immunity were assessed with the methods of enzymoimmunoassay and laser flow cytometry. It was determined that firstly the macrophage-neutrophil system is drawn in the process of the rendering harmless of the dioxines. However, all-resorptive action of dioxines brings to the exhaustion of the functional possibilities of the macrophage-neutrophil system and activization of the immunity system functionning on the dioxines neutralization.В работе приводятся результаты клинико-иммунологического обследования 126 рабочих, работающих в условиях постоянного воздействия диоксинов и родственных соединений. Функциональное состояние органов дыхания оценивалось методами компьютерной спирографии с исследованием вязкостного дыхательного сопротивления, фибробронхоскопии. Для анализа иммунного статуса использовали проточную лазерную цитометрию и иммуноферментный анализ. Установлено, что в респираторном тракте развиваются воспалительно-дистрофические изменения, сопровождающиеся функциональными расстройствами; первой в процесс обезвреживания диоксинового ксенобиотика вовлекается макрофагально-нейтрофильная система, однако общерезобтивное действие диоксинов приводит к истощению функциональных возможностей системы макрофагов и нейтрофилов, при этом активизируется действие иммунной системы по нейтрализации диоксинов


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    Summary. The study of course and control of the disease, quality of life and cytokine profile in patients with bronchial asthma (BА) and allergic rhinitis (АR) involved 138 patients aged 18 to 70 years. Patients with combination of these diseases had drug allergy (34.3 % vs 12.1 %), food allergy (34.3 % vs15.2 %), pollen sensitization (77.1 % vs 45.5 %), coexisting pathology of the upper respiratory tract (21.9 % vs 3,0 %) and family history of АR(38.1 % vs 15.2 %) significantly more often when compared to patients with BА alone. Majority of the patients (65.7 %) had poor controlled BА.Combination of BА and АR was found to influence negatively on the patients' quality of life. The observed relations between quality of life, results of ACT-test and serum cytokine levels (IFN-γ, IL-8) allow considering the given parameters as criteria of asthma control.Резюме. В исследование по изучению особенностей течения и уровня контроля над заболеванием, показателей качества жизни (КЖ) и цитокинового профиля у пациентов с бронхиальной астмой (БА) в сочетании с аллергическим ринитом (АР) были включены 138 больных в возрасте от 18 до 70 лет. У наблюдаемых пациентов достоверно чаще, чем у больных с изолированной БА, встречались лекарственная(34,3 % vs 12,1 %) и пищевая (34,3 % vs 15,2 %) аллергия, пыльцевая сенсибилизация (77,1 % vs 45,5 %), сопутствующая патология верхних дыхательных путей (21,9 % vs 3,0 %) и отягощенная наследственность по АР (38,1 %  vs 15,2 %). У большинства пациентов(65,7 %) имело место неконтролируемое течение БА. Показано негативное влияние БА в сочетании с АР на КЖ пациентов. Таким образом, выявленная взаимосвязь между показателями КЖ и результатом АСТ-теста, а также уровнем цитокинов в сыворотке крови(IFN-γ, IL-8) у наблюдаемых пациентов позволяет рассматривать данные параметры в качестве критериев контроля течения БА