109,611 research outputs found

    Stability of Model Predictive Control with Soft Constraints

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    We derive stability conditions for Model Predictive Control (MPC) with hard constraints on the inputs and "soft" constraints on the outputs for an infinitely long output horizon. We show that with state feedback MPC is globally asymptotically stabilizing if and only if all the eigenvalues of the open loop system are in the closed unit disk. With output feedback the eigenvalues must be strictly inside the unit circle. The on-line optimization problem defining MPC can be posed as a finite dimensional quadratic program even though the output constraints are specified over an infinite horizon

    First-principles materials design of high-performing bulk photovoltaics with the LiNbO3_3 structure

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    The bulk photovoltaic effect is a long-known but poorly understood phenomenon. Recently, however, the multiferroic bismuth ferrite has been observed to produce strong photovoltaic response to visible light, suggesting that the effect has been underexploited as well. Here we present three polar oxides in the LiNbO3_3 structure that we predict to have band gaps in the 1-2 eV range and very high bulk photovoltaic response: PbNiO3_3, Mg1/2_{1/2}Zn1/2_{1/2}PbO3_3, and LiBiO3_3. All three have band gaps determined by cations with d10s0d^{10}s^0 electronic configurations, leading to conduction bands composed of cation ss-orbitals and O pp-orbitals. This both dramatically lowers the band gap and increases the bulk photovoltaic response by as much as an order of magnitude over previous materials, demonstrating the potential for high-performing bulk photovoltaics

    Высшее образование в Китае

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    Данная статья посвящена особенностям высшего образования в Китае. Автор делает акцент на отличительных чертах обучения в университетах Китая и студенческой жизни.The article is devoted to the features of higher education in China. The author focuses on the distinctive features of studying at Chinese universities and student life

    Constrained Stabilization of Discrete-Time Systems

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    Based on the growth rate of the set of states reachable with unit-energy inputs, we show that a discrete-time controllable linear system is globally controllable to the origin with constrained inputs if and only if all its eigenvalues lie in the closed unit disk. These results imply that the constrained Infinite-Horizon Model Predictive Control algorithm is globally stabilizing for a sufficiently large number of control moves if and only if the controlled system is controllable and all its eigenvalues lie in the closed unit disk. In the second part of the paper, we propose an implementable Model Predictive Control algorithm and show that with this scheme a discrete-time linear system with n poles on the unit disk (with any multiplicity) can be globally stabilized if the number of control moves is larger than n. For pure integrator systems, this condition is also necessary. Moreover, we show that global asymptotic stability is preserved for any asymptotically constant disturbance entering at the plant input

    Projector operators for the no-core shell model

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    Projection operators for the use within ab initio no-core shell model, are suggested.Comment: 3 page

    Chirality Dependence of the KK-Momentum Dark Excitons in Carbon Nanotubes

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    Using a collection of twelve semiconducting carbon nanotube samples, each highly enriched in a single chirality, we study the chirality dependence of the KK-momentum dark singlet exciton using phonon sideband optical spectroscopy. Measurements of bright absorptive and emissive sidebands of this finite momentum exciton identify its energy as 20 - 38 meV above the bright singlet exciton, a separation that exhibits systematic dependencies on tube diameter, 2n+m2n+m family, and semiconducting type. We present calculations that explain how chiral angle dependence in this energy separation relates to the Coulomb exchange interaction, and elaborate the dominance of the KA1K_{A_1'} phonon sidebands over the zone-center phonon sidebands over a wide range of chiralities. The Kataura plot arising from these data is qualitatively well described by theory, but the energy separation between the sidebands shows a larger chiral dependence than predicted. This latter observation may indicate a larger dispersion for the associated phonon near the KK point than expected from finite distance force modeling.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures, 1 table; slight title change, Figures 1 and 11 added, reference added, presentation improved throughout documen