56,628 research outputs found

    High Kinetic Inductance Superconducting Nanowire Resonators for Circuit QED in a Magnetic Field

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    We present superconducting microwave-frequency resonators based on NbTiN nanowires. The small cross section of the nanowires minimizes vortex generation, making the resonators resilient to magnetic fields. Measured intrinsic quality factors exceed 2×1052\times 10^5 in a 66 T in-plane magnetic field, and 3×1043\times 10^4 in a 350350 mT perpendicular magnetic field. Due to their high characteristic impedance, these resonators are expected to develop zero-point voltage fluctuations one order of magnitude larger than in standard coplanar waveguide resonators. These properties make the nanowire resonators well suited for circuit QED experiments needing strong coupling to quantum systems with small electric dipole moments and requiring a magnetic field, such as electrons in single and double quantum dots

    The J1-J2 model: First order phase transition versus deconfinement of spinons

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    We revisit the phase transition from the N\'eel ordered to a valence bond solid (VBS) state in the two-dimensional J1−J2J_1-J_2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model. In the first part we address the question whether or not this transition could be an example of a second order phase transition due to a deconfinement of spinons. We give arguments based on series expansion and spin-wave theory that this is not the case and the transition is most likely first order. The method proposed here to detect first order phase transitions seems to be very sensitive and might be useful in other models as well. In the second part we analyze possible VBS patterns in the magnetically disordered phase based on numerical data for different susceptibilities, obtained in the ordered phase, which test the breaking of lattice symmetries. We conclude that a columnar dimerization pattern is the most likely candidate.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, small changes, references adde

    Optical study of phase transitions in single-crystalline RuP

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    RuP single crystals of MnP-type orthorhombic structure were synthesized by the Sn flux method. Temperature-dependent x-ray diffraction measurements reveal that the compound experiences two structural phase transitions, which are further confirmed by enormous anomalies shown in temperature-dependent resistivity and magnetic susceptibility. Particularly, the resistivity drops monotonically upon temperature cooling below the second transition, indicating that the material shows metallic behavior, in sharp contrast with the insulating ground state of polycrystalline samples. Optical conductivity measurements were also performed in order to unravel the mechanism of these two transitions. The measurement revealed a sudden reconstruction of band structure over a broad energy scale and a significant removal of conducting carriers below the first phase transition, while a charge-density-wave-like energy gap opens below the second phase transition.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Higher Order Corrections to Density and Temperature of Fermions from Quantum Fluctuations

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    A novel method to determine the density and temperature of a system based on quantum Fermionic fluctuations is generalized to the limit where the reached temperature T is large compared to the Fermi energy {\epsilon}f . Quadrupole and particle multiplicity fluctuations relations are derived in terms of T . The relevant Fermi integrals are numerically solved for any values of T and compared to the analytical approximations. The classical limit is obtained, as expected, in the limit of large temperatures and small densities. We propose simple analytical formulas which reproduce the numerical results, valid for all values of T . The entropy can also be easily derived from quantum fluctuations and give important insight for the behavior of the system near a phase transition. A comparison of the quantum entropy to the entropy derived from the ratio of the number of deuterons to neutrons gives a very good agreement especially when the density of the system is very low
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