172 research outputs found

    Growth and Characterization of Multiferroic BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 Thin Film Nanostructures

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    Multiferroic materials which display simultaneous ferroelectricity and magnetism have been stimulating significant interest both from the basic science and application point of view. It was proposed that composites with one piezoelectric phase and one magnetostrictive phase can be magnetoelectrically coupled via a stress mediation. The coexistence of magnetic and electric subsystems as well as the magnetoelectric effect of the material allows an additional degree of freedom in the design of actuators, transducers, and storage devices. Previous work on such materials has been focused on bulk ceramics. In the present work, we created vertically aligned multiferroic BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 thin film nanostructures using pulsed laser deposition. Spinel CoFe2O4 and perovskite BaTiO3 spontaneously separated during the film growth. CoFe2O4 forms nano-pillar arrays embedded in a BaTiO3 matrix, which show three-dimensional heteroepitaxy. CoFe2O4 pillars have uniform size and spacing. As the growth temperature increases the lateral size of the pillars also increases. The size of the CoFe2O4 pillars as a function of growth temperature at a constant growth rate follows an Arrhenius behaviour. The formation of the BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 nanostructures is a process directed by both thermodynamic equilibrium and kinetic diffusion. Lattice mismatch strain, interface energy, elastic moduli and molar ratio of the two phases, etc., are considered to play important roles in the growth dynamics leading to the nanoscale pattern formation of BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 nanostructures. Magnetic measurements exhibit that all the films have a large uniaxial magnetic anisotropy with an easy axis normal to the film plane. It was calculated that stress anisotropy is the main contribution to the anisotropy field. We measured the ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties of the films, which correspond to the present of BaTiO3 phase. The system shows a strong coupling of the two order parameters of polarization and magnetization through the coupled lattices. This approach to the formation of self-assembled ferroelectric/ferro(ferri-)magnetic nanostructures is generic. We have created similar nanostructures from other spinel-perovskite systems such as BiFeO3-CoFe2O4, BaTiO3-NiFe2O4, etc., thus making it of great interest and value to a broad materials community

    On-column 2p bound state with topological charge \pm1 excited by an atomic-size vortex beam in an aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscope

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    Atomic-size vortex beams have great potential in probing materials' magnetic moment at atomic scales. However, the limited depth of field of vortex beams constrains the probing depth in which the helical phase front is preserved. On the other hand, electron channeling in crystals can counteract beam divergence and extend the vortex beam without disrupting its topological charge. Specifically, in this paper, we report atomic vortex beams with topological charge \pm1 can be coupled to the 2p columnar bound states and propagate for more 50 nm without being dispersed and losing its helical phase front. We gave numerical solutions to the 2p columnar orbitals and tabulated the characteristic size of the 2p states of two typical elements, Co and Dy, for various incident beam energies and various atomic densities. The tabulated numbers allow estimates of the optimal convergence angle for maximal coupling to 2p columnar orbital. We also have developed analytic formulae for beam energy, convergence-angle, and hologram dependent scaling for various characteristic sizes. These length scales are useful for the design of pitch-fork apertures and operations of microscopes in the vortex-beam imaging mode.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figures, Microscopy and Microanalysis, in pres

    Evidence for power-law frequency dependence of intrinsic dielectric response in the CaCu3_{3}Ti4_{4}O12_{12}

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    We investigated the dielectric response of CaCu3_3Ti4_4O12_{12} (CCTO) thin films grown epitaxially on LaAlO3_3 (001) substrates by Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD). The dielectric response of the films was found to be strongly dominated by a power-law in frequency, typical of materials with localized hopping charge carriers, in contrast to the Debye-like response of the bulk material. The film conductivity decreases with annealing in oxygen, and it suggests that oxygen deficit is a cause of the relatively high film conductivity. With increase of the oxygen content, the room temperature frequency response of the CCTO thin films changes from the response indicating the presence of some relatively low conducting capacitive layers to purely power law, and then towards frequency independent response with a relative dielectric constant ϵ102\epsilon'\sim10^2. The film conductance and dielectric response decrease upon decrease of the temperature with dielectric response being dominated by the power law frequency dependence. Below \sim80 K, the dielectric response of the films is frequency independent with ϵ\epsilon' close to 10210^2. The results provide another piece of evidence for an extrinsic, Maxwell-Wagner type, origin of the colossal dielectric response of the bulk CCTO material, connected with electrical inhomogeneity of the bulk material.Comment: v4: RevTeX, two-column, 9 pages, 7 figures; title modified, minor content change in p.7, reference adde

    The influence of leader–signaled knowledge hiding on tourism employees’ work withdrawal behavior: A moderated mediating model

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    Even though organizations encourage the dissemination of knowledge and information among organizational members, the phenomenon of knowledge hiding still exists widely in organizations. The consequences of leader-signaled knowledge hiding are more destructive to the workplace than the consequences of employees’ knowledge hiding. It is particularly necessary to explore the influence mechanism of leader-signaled knowledge hiding on employees’ work behavior. Drawing on Conservation of Resources theory, this study establishes a moderated mediation model with emotional exhaustion as a mediating variable and supervisor-subordinate guanxi as a moderating variable. This study focuses on the consequences of leader-signaled knowledge hiding and divides leader-signaled knowledge hiding into self-practiced knowledge hiding and explicit knowledge hiding. Based on the results of 440 questionnaires from tourism employees, it is shown that leader-signaled knowledge hiding has a positive impact on employees’ work withdrawal behavior. Specifically, leader’s self-practiced knowledge hiding has a greater direct impact on employees’ work withdrawal behavior, while leader’s explicit knowledge hiding has a greater direct impact on employees’ emotional exhaustion. Emotional exhaustion plays a key mediating role in the relationship between leader-signaled knowledge hiding (i.e., self-practiced knowledge hiding and explicit knowledge hiding) and employees’ work withdrawal behavior. Supervisor-subordinate guanxi significantly moderates the positive relationship between leader-signaled knowledge hiding (i.e., self-practiced hiding and explicit knowledge hiding) and employees’ emotional exhaustion. This study is an extension of previous research on knowledge hiding. The results provide a reference for leaders to deal with knowledge hiding and improve organizational knowledge management ability

    Recent progress in thermoelectric nanocomposites based on solution-synthesized nanoheterostructures

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    Thermoelectric materials, which can convert waste heat into electricity, have received increasing research interest in recent years. This paper describes the recent progress in thermoelectric nanocomposites based on solution-synthesized nanoheterostructures. We start our discussion with the strategies of improving the power factor of a given material by using nanoheterostructures. Then we discuss the methods of decreasing thermal conductivity. Finally, we highlight a way of decoupling power factor and thermal conductivity, namely, incorporating phase-transition materials into a nanowire heterostructure. We have explored the lead telluride–copper telluride thermoelectric nanowire heterostructure in this work. Future possible ways to improve the figure of merit are discussed at the end of this paper