2,887 research outputs found

    Medical Image Segmentation Based on Multi-Modal Convolutional Neural Network: Study on Image Fusion Schemes

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    Image analysis using more than one modality (i.e. multi-modal) has been increasingly applied in the field of biomedical imaging. One of the challenges in performing the multimodal analysis is that there exist multiple schemes for fusing the information from different modalities, where such schemes are application-dependent and lack a unified framework to guide their designs. In this work we firstly propose a conceptual architecture for the image fusion schemes in supervised biomedical image analysis: fusing at the feature level, fusing at the classifier level, and fusing at the decision-making level. Further, motivated by the recent success in applying deep learning for natural image analysis, we implement the three image fusion schemes above based on the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with varied structures, and combined into a single framework. The proposed image segmentation framework is capable of analyzing the multi-modality images using different fusing schemes simultaneously. The framework is applied to detect the presence of soft tissue sarcoma from the combination of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computed Tomography (CT) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET) images. It is found from the results that while all the fusion schemes outperform the single-modality schemes, fusing at the feature level can generally achieve the best performance in terms of both accuracy and computational cost, but also suffers from the decreased robustness in the presence of large errors in any image modalities.Comment: Zhe Guo and Xiang Li contribute equally to this wor

    Confronting brane inflation with Planck and pre-Planck data

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    In this paper, we compare brane inflation models with the Planck data and the pre-Planck data (which combines WMAP, ACT, SPT, BAO and H0 data). The Planck data prefer a spectral index less than unity at more than 5\sigma confidence level, and a running of the spectral index at around 2\sigma confidence level. We find that the KKLMMT model can survive at the level of 2\sigma only if the parameter β\beta (the conformal coupling between the Hubble parameter and the inflaton) is less than O(10−3)\mathcal{O}(10^{-3}), which indicates a certain level of fine-tuning. The IR DBI model can provide a slightly larger negative running of spectral index and red tilt, but in order to be consistent with the non-Gaussianity constraints from Planck, its parameter also needs fine-tuning at some level.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Ising-like transitions in the O(nn) loop model on the square lattice

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    We explore the phase diagram of the O(nn) loop model on the square lattice in the (x,n)(x,n) plane, where xx is the weight of a lattice edge covered by a loop. These results are based on transfer-matrix calculations and finite-size scaling. We express the correlation length associated with the staggered loop density in the transfer-matrix eigenvalues. The finite-size data for this correlation length, combined with the scaling formula, reveal the location of critical lines in the diagram. For n>>2n>>2 we find Ising-like phase transitions associated with the onset of a checkerboard-like ordering of the elementary loops, i.e., the smallest possible loops, with the size of an elementary face, which cover precisely one half of the faces of the square lattice at the maximum loop density. In this respect, the ordered state resembles that of the hard-square lattice gas with nearest-neighbor exclusion, and the finiteness of nn represents a softening of its particle-particle potentials. We also determine critical points in the range −2≤n≤2-2\leq n\leq 2. It is found that the topology of the phase diagram depends on the set of allowed vertices of the loop model. Depending on the choice of this set, the n>2n>2 transition may continue into the dense phase of the n≤2n \leq 2 loop model, or continue as a line of n≤2n \leq 2 O(nn) multicritical points

    Special transitions in an O(nn) loop model with an Ising-like constraint

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    We investigate the O(nn) nonintersecting loop model on the square lattice under the constraint that the loops consist of ninety-degree bends only. The model is governed by the loop weight nn, a weight xx for each vertex of the lattice visited once by a loop, and a weight zz for each vertex visited twice by a loop. We explore the (x,z)(x,z) phase diagram for some values of nn. For 0<n<10<n<1, the diagram has the same topology as the generic O(nn) phase diagram with n<2n<2, with a first-order line when zz starts to dominate, and an O(nn)-like transition when xx starts to dominate. Both lines meet in an exactly solved higher critical point. For n>1n>1, the O(nn)-like transition line appears to be absent. Thus, for z=0z=0, the (n,x)(n,x) phase diagram displays a line of phase transitions for n≤1n\le 1. The line ends at n=1n=1 in an infinite-order transition. We determine the conformal anomaly and the critical exponents along this line. These results agree accurately with a recent proposal for the universal classification of this type of model, at least in most of the range −1≤n≤1-1 \leq n \leq 1. We also determine the exponent describing crossover to the generic O(nn) universality class, by introducing topological defects associated with the introduction of `straight' vertices violating the ninety-degree-bend rule. These results are obtained by means of transfer-matrix calculations and finite-size scaling.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figure

    Magnetic Field Effect on Charmonium Production in High Energy Nuclear Collisions

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    It is important to understand the strong external magnetic field generated at the very beginning of high energy nuclear collisions. We study the effect of the magnetic field on the charmonium yield and anisotropic distribution in Pb+Pb collisions at the LHC energy. The time dependent Schr\"odinger equation is employed to describe the motion of ccˉc\bar{c} pairs. We compare our model prediction of non- collective anisotropic parameter v2v_2 of J/ψJ/\psis with CMS data at high transverse momentum. This is the first attempt to measure the magnetic field in high energy nuclear collisions.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Crossed Andreev effects in two-dimensional quantum Hall systems

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    We study the crossed Andreev effects in two-dimensional conductor/superconductor hybrid systems under a perpendicular magnetic field. Both a graphene/superconductor hybrid system and an electron gas/superconductor one are considered. It is shown that an exclusive crossed Andreev reflection, with other Andreev reflections being completely suppressed, is obtained in a high magnetic field because of the chiral edge states in the quantum Hall regime. Importantly, the exclusive crossed Andreev reflection not only holds for a wide range of system parameters, e.g., the size of system, the width of central superconductor, and the quality of coupling between the graphene and the superconductor, but also is very robust against disorder. When the applied bias is within the superconductor gap, a robust Cooper-pair splitting process with high-efficiency can be realized in this system.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure
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