825 research outputs found

    Theory and Design of Flight-Vehicle Engines

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    Papers are presented on such topics as the testing of aircraft engines, errors in the experimental determination of the parameters of scramjet engines, the effect of the nonuniformity of supersonic flow with shocks on friction and heat transfer in the channel of a hypersonic ramjet engine, and the selection of the basic parameters of cooled GTE turbines. Consideration is also given to the choice of optimal total wedge angle for the acceleration of aerospace vehicles, the theory of an electromagnetic-resonator engine, the dynamic characteristics of the pumps and turbines of liquid propellant rocket engines in transition regimes, and a hierarchy of mathematical models for spacecraft control engines

    Conditional symmetry and spectrum of the one-dimensional Schr\"odinger equation

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    We develop an algebraic approach to studying the spectral properties of the stationary Schr\"odinger equation in one dimension based on its high order conditional symmetries. This approach makes it possible to obtain in explicit form representations of the Schr\"odinger operator by n×nn\times n matrices for any n∈Nn\in {\bf N} and, thus, to reduce a spectral problem to a purely algebraic one of finding eigenvalues of constant n×nn\times n matrices. The connection to so called quasi exactly solvable models is discussed. It is established, in particular, that the case, when conditional symmetries reduce to high order Lie symmetries, corresponds to exactly solvable Schr\"odinger equations. A symmetry classification of Sch\"odinger equation admitting non-trivial high order Lie symmetries is carried out, which yields a hierarchy of exactly solvable Schr\"odinger equations. Exact solutions of these are constructed in explicit form. Possible applications of the technique developed to multi-dimensional linear and one-dimensional nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations is briefly discussed.Comment: LaTeX-file, 31 pages, to appear in J.Math.Phys., v.37, N7, 199

    Comment on "Control landscapes are almost always trap free: a geometric assessment"

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    We analyze a recent claim that almost all closed, finite dimensional quantum systems have trap-free (i.e., free from local optima) landscapes (B. Russell et.al. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 50, 205302 (2017)). We point out several errors in the proof which compromise the authors' conclusion. Interested readers are highly encouraged to take a look at the "rebuttal" (see Ref. [1]) of this comment published by the authors of the criticized work. This "rebuttal" is a showcase of the way the erroneous and misleading statements under discussion will be wrapped up and injected in their future works, such as R. L. Kosut et.al, arXiv:1810.04362 [quant-ph] (2018).Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Group classification of heat conductivity equations with a nonlinear source

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    We suggest a systematic procedure for classifying partial differential equations invariant with respect to low dimensional Lie algebras. This procedure is a proper synthesis of the infinitesimal Lie's method, technique of equivalence transformations and theory of classification of abstract low dimensional Lie algebras. As an application, we consider the problem of classifying heat conductivity equations in one variable with nonlinear convection and source terms. We have derived a complete classification of nonlinear equations of this type admitting nontrivial symmetry. It is shown that there are three, seven, twenty eight and twelve inequivalent classes of partial differential equations of the considered type that are invariant under the one-, two-, three- and four-dimensional Lie algebras, correspondingly. Furthermore, we prove that any partial differential equation belonging to the class under study and admitting symmetry group of the dimension higher than four is locally equivalent to a linear equation. This classification is compared to existing group classifications of nonlinear heat conductivity equations and one of the conclusions is that all of them can be obtained within the framework of our approach. Furthermore, a number of new invariant equations are constructed which have rich symmetry properties and, therefore, may be used for mathematical modeling of, say, nonlinear heat transfer processes.Comment: LaTeX, 51 page

    Conditional Lie-B\"acklund symmetry and reduction of evolution equations.

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    We suggest a generalization of the notion of invariance of a given partial differential equation with respect to Lie-B\"acklund vector field. Such generalization proves to be effective and enables us to construct principally new Ans\"atze reducing evolution-type equations to several ordinary differential equations. In the framework of the said generalization we obtain principally new reductions of a number of nonlinear heat conductivity equations ut=uxx+F(u,ux)u_t=u_{xx}+F(u,u_x) with poor Lie symmetry and obtain their exact solutions. It is shown that these solutions can not be constructed by means of the symmetry reduction procedure.Comment: 12 pages, latex, needs amssymb., to appear in the "Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General" (1995

    On the new approach to variable separation in the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation with two space dimensions

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    We suggest an effective approach to separation of variables in the Schr\"odinger equation with two space variables. Using it we classify inequivalent potentials V(x1,x2)V(x_1,x_2) such that the corresponding Schr\" odinger equations admit separation of variables. Besides that, we carry out separation of variables in the Schr\" odinger equation with the anisotropic harmonic oscillator potential V=k1x12+k2x22V=k_1x_1^2+k_2x_2^2 and obtain a complete list of coordinate systems providing its separability. Most of these coordinate systems depend essentially on the form of the potential and do not provide separation of variables in the free Schr\" odinger equation (V=0V=0).Comment: 21 pages, latex, to appear in the "Journal of Mathematical Physics" (1995

    Group classification of (1+1)-Dimensional Schr\"odinger Equations with Potentials and Power Nonlinearities

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    We perform the complete group classification in the class of nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations of the form iψt+ψxx+∣ψ∣γψ+V(t,x)ψ=0i\psi_t+\psi_{xx}+|\psi|^\gamma\psi+V(t,x)\psi=0 where VV is an arbitrary complex-valued potential depending on tt and x,x, γ\gamma is a real non-zero constant. We construct all the possible inequivalent potentials for which these equations have non-trivial Lie symmetries using a combination of algebraic and compatibility methods. The proposed approach can be applied to solving group classification problems for a number of important classes of differential equations arising in mathematical physics.Comment: 10 page
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