600 research outputs found

    Gamma-Ray Polarimetry of Two X-Class Solar Flares

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    We have performed the first polarimetry of solar flare emission at gamma-ray energies (0.2-1 MeV). These observations were performed with the Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) for two large flares: the GOES X4.8-class solar flare of 2002 July 23, and the X17-class flare of 2003 October 28. We have marginal polarization detections in both flares, at levels of 21% +/- 9% and -11% +/- 5% respectively. These measurements significantly constrain the levels and directions of solar flare gamma-ray polarization, and begin to probe the underlying electron distributions.Comment: 33 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Reply to comment on the paper “ on a role of quadruple component of magnetic field in defining solar activity in grand cycles” by Usoskin (2017)

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    In this communication we provide our answers to the comments by Usoskin (2017) on our recent paper (Popova et al, 2017a). We show that Principal Component Analysis (PCA) allows us to derive eigen vectors with eigen values assigned to variance of solar magnetic field waves from full disk solar magnetograms obtained in cycles 21–23 which came in pairs. The current paper (Popova et al, 2017a) adds the second pair of magnetic waves generated by quadruple magnetic sources. This allows us to recover a centennial cycle, in addition to the grand cycle, and to produce a closer fit to the solar and terrestrial activity features in the past millennium

    Comparison of solar activity proxies: eigen vectors versus averaged sunspot numbers

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    We attempt to establish links between a summary curve, or modulus summary curve, MSC, of the solar background magnetic field (SBMF) derived from Principal Component Analysis, with the averaged sunspot numbers (SSN). The comparison of MSC with the whole set of SSN reveals rather close correspondence of cycle timings, duration and maxima times for the cycles 12- 24, 6,7 and -4,-3. Although, in 1720-1760 and 1830-1860 there are discrepancies in maximum amplitudes of the cycles, durations and shifts of the maximum times between MSC and SSN curves. The MSC curve reveals pretty regular cycles with double maxima (cycles 1-4), triple maximum amplitude distributions for cycles 0 and 1 and for cycles -1 and -2 just before Maunder minimum. The MSC cycles in 1700-1750 reveal smaller maximal magnitudes in cycles -3 to 0 and in cycle 1-4 than the amplitudes of SSN, while cycles -2 to 0 have reversed maxima with minima with SSN. Close fitting of MSC or Bayesian models to the sunspot curve distorts the occurrences of either Maunder Minimum or/and modern grand solar minimum (2020-2053). These discrepancies can be caused by poor observations and by difference in solar magnetic fields responsible for these proxies. The dynamo simulations of toroidal and poloidal magnetic field in the grand solar cycle (GSC) from 1650 until 2050 demonstrate the clear differences between their amplitude variations during the GSC. The use of eigen vectors of SBMF can provide additional information to that derived from SSN that can be useful for understanding solar activity.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figur

    On a role of quadruple component of magnetic field in defining solar activity in grand cycles

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    In this paper we revise our prediction of solar activity using a solar background magnetic field as a proxy by the inclusion of eigen vectors of solar magnetic waves produced by quadruple magnetic sources, in addition to the principal eigen modes generated by two-layer dipole sources (Zharkova et al., 2015). By considering the interference of two dipole and one quadruple waves we produce the revised summary curve for the last 400 years accounting for the additional minima of solar activity occurred at the beginning of 19th (Dalton minimum) and 20th centuries. Using the dynamo model with meridional circulation and selecting the directions of circulation for quadruple waves, we estimate the parameters of quadrupole waves best fitting the observations in the past grand cycle. The comparison shows that the quadruple wave has to be generated in the inner layer of the solar convective zone, in order to provide the additional minima observed in 19 and 20 centuries, thus, naturally accounting for Gleissberg centennial cycle. The summary dynamo wave simulated for the dipole and quadruple sources reveals much closer correspondence of the resulting summary curve derived from the principal components of magnetic field variations to the solar activity oscillations derived from the average sunspot numbers in the current grand cycle


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    The first pregnancy and its outcome have great importance for the subsequent development of the individual as the subject of women of reproductive behavior, family relationships as well as the effectiveness of the professional selfrealization. It is known that personality traits affect the enjoyment by women of reproductive function. The article presents the results of a study to determine the role of age-related factors in the formation of personality traits and mental health of pregnant women with the birth of a child under the present conditions of socialization. The study was conducted in antenatal maternity Tomsk during 2003-2007 years, there have been psychological examination of 102 healthy pregnant women aged 19-37 years who were waiting for their first child. The study was conducted by a continuous method on a voluntary basis. Number of pregnant women under 20 years was 22, of 20-25-year-olds -42 and of 26 year olds and older - 38 women. Average age - 25,4 years, mean duration of pregnancy - 19 weeks. To study the structure and personality traits women test MMPI was used. Emotional relationship of pregnant women to significant persons and situations, partly bypassing the verbal defense mechanisms were examined by Etkind's color relationships. Computer processing and data analysis were performed using standard Microsoft Office programs and applied statistical package Statistica 6.0. The study showed that women in the period of pregnancy were characterized by an invariant state of personal, psychic sphere, which has both age determination and due to previous experience of sex-role behavior. At the same time there are typological differences not only in the structure of personality traits, but also in the features of value orientations and outlook of women, depending on the experience of their socialization as subjects of sexual and reproductive behavior. In particular, older women revealed the presence of a kind of "psychological defense" to explain the reasons for the relatively late birth of their first child. The study results complement the current theoretical understanding of the psychological aspects of female reproductive function, allows us to offer solutions to a number of important scientific and practical and social problems

    Результаты изучения лука репчатого в однолетней культуре в условиях Приобской зоны Алтайского края

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    Relevance. In the Western Siberia conditions bulb onion is grown mainly from onion sets. With this method of cultivation, large costs are spent on growing and storing the onion sets. In this regard, the cultivation of it through the seeds is of particular importance. This problem has not been studied enough in Priobskaya zone of Altai Territory conditions.Materials and methods. In our research, we studied the influence of cultivation conditions on the formation of economically valuable traits of varieties and a hybrid of bulb onion grown by sowing seeds in the ground in Priobskaya zone of Altai Territory. Three varieties were taken as objects of research: Odnoletniy Sibirskiy, Zolotnichok, Odintsovets, and one Candy F1 hybrid.Results. On average, over the years of research on early maturity, the standard Odnoletniy Sibirskiy variety (87-88 days) showed itself to be the most early maturing. Candy F1 hybrid can be used as a source of early green mass. Leaf regrowth was the earliest of all onion samples studied. The largest leaf apparatus in the conditions of Priobskaya zone of Altai Territory is formed by the varieties Odintsovets (4.1 pieces per plant) and Odnoletniy Sibirskiy (3.8 pieces per plant). The maximum bulb mass was formed by the Candy F1 hybrid (51.5 g). The Candy F1 hybrid also was distinguished by the highest yield in the group of the studied samples. The increase in total yield was 5.1 t/ha, marketable 2.4 t/ha in relation to the standard. The maximum marketability in the experience was in the standard (80.9%).Актуальность. В условиях Западной Сибири лук репчатый выращивают в основном из севка. При таком способе возделывания большие затраты идут на выращивание и хранение севка. В этой связи особую значимость имеет выращивание лука репчатого через семена. В условиях Приобской зоны Алтайского края данная проблема изучена недостаточно.Материал и методика исследований. Изучено влияние условий возделывания на формирование хозяйственно ценных признаков сортов и гибрида лука репчатого, выращенного посевом семян в грунт в Приобской зоне Алтайского края. В качестве объектов исследования были взяты три сорта: Однолетний сибирский, Золотничок, Одинцовец и гибрид Candy F1.Результаты. В среднем за годы исследования по скороспелости сорт стандарт Однолетний сибирский (87-88 суток) показал себя как наиболее скороспелый. В качестве источника получения ранней зелёной массы можно использовать гибрид Candy F1 отрастание листьев, у которого было самым ранним из всех изучаемых образцов лука. Наибольший листовой аппарат в условиях Приобской зоны Алтайского края формируют сорта Одинцовец (4,1 шт./раст.) и Однолетний Сибирский (3,8 шт./раст.). Максимальную по массе луковицу сформировал гибрид Candy F1 (51,5 г). По величине урожайности в группе исследуемых образцов выделился гибрид Candy F1. Прибавка по общей урожайности составила 5,1 т/га, товарной – 2,4 т/га по отношению к стандарту. Максимальная товарность в опыте у стандарта – 80,9%

    Patient with Jaundice, Dyspnea and Hyperferritinemia after COVID-19

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    The aim: to highlight the importance of considering hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in patients with jaundice of unclear origin and systemic inflammatory manifestations after coronavirus infection.Key points. A 64-y.o. patient was admitted to the hospital with jaundice, pruritus, fatigue, weight loss. The complaints occurred 2 weeks after discharge from the hospital for treatment of patients with coronavirus infection. Laboratory tests revealed signs of hepatic insufficiency, markers of cholestasis and inflammation persisted in time. Upon instrumental examination no signs of hepatosplenomegaly, biliary tree changes, intra- and extrahepatic obstruction were found. S. aureus was identified in blood cultures, CT scan of the facial skull bones showcased the focus of infection in the area of the roots of teeth 2.4 and 2.5. Therefore, antibiotics were prescribed. Subsequently, the patient's condition was complicated by the development of two episodes of acute respiratory distress syndrome, which occurred during the withdrawal of glucocorticosteroid therapy. Liver biopsy was performed, morphological study revealed signs of “vanishing bile duct” syndrome, excessive activation of macrophages and hemosiderosis of sinusoidal cells. Identified lesions can be found in hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), a life-threatening complication of coronavirus infection. Glucocorticosteroids therapy, transfusions of human immunoglobulin, albumin, and parenteral nutrition have led to patient's condition improvement.Conclusion. COVID-19 provokes the development of secondary HLH 10 times more often than other respiratory viral infections. The possibility of hemophagocytic syndrome development should be considered, including cases of overlap syndrome with sepsis, in patients with unresolved jaundice, hyperferritinemia after coronavirus infection. Routinely used scales and criteria for diagnosis of HLH (H-score, HLH 2004) in such cases lacks sensitivity, therefore, careful analysis of clinical picture and exclusion of other causes of jaundice are required

    Новые сорта лука шалота для условий Сибири

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    Relevance. Shallot is the universal culture in terms of its economically valuable indicators. Breeders in the south of Western Siberia carry out a lot of research work with the aim of creating varieties for Siberian conditions. Long-term studies have made it possible to select promising samples, and exceeding in their indicators the value of signs of released varieties.Materials and methods. The studies were carried out in field and laboratory conditions on the basis of the West Siberian Vegetable Experimental Station in the Priobskaya zone of the Altai Territory in 2016-2020. Research objects: samples of the nursery of competitive variety testing. Three appreciable forms No. 37, No. 39 and No. 48 passed competitive variety testing and, according to the results of the research, were transferred to the State Variety Testing.Results. Sample No. 39 showed marketable yield, which exceeded this indicator of the standard variety by 23.7% and amounted to 23.2 t/ha. The average weight of the sample No. 39 marketable bulbs was 29.0 g, for the standard variety it was 23.4 g. The content of vitamin C in the bulbs and leaves of the new sample exceeded these indicators of the standard variety by 0.3% and 0.53%, respectively. In 2018, sample No. 37 was transferred to the State Variety Testing. This sample belongs to the early maturing group. The bulbs yield of the new sample during all the years of testing significantly exceeded the yield of the standard variety and amounted to 20.3 t/ha (2016- 2018). Sample No. 48 was submitted to the State Variety Testing in 2020. The excess in bulbs yield of this sample was (2019-2020): 13,3%, leaves – 18,8%. In 2019, the Sharm variety was zoned and entered into the State Register of Breeding Achievements, in 2020 – the Chance variety. Sample No. 48 with the proposed name Pharaon has been undergoing the State Variety Testing since 2021.Лук шалот – универсальная по своим хозяйственно ценным показателям культура. Селекционерами в условиях юга Западной Сибири проводится большая исследовательская работа с целью создания сортов для условий Сибири. Длительные исследования позволили отобрать перспективные образцы, превышающие по своим показателям величину признаков районированных сортов.Материалы и методы. Исследования проводили в полевых и лабораторных условиях на базе Западно-Сибирской овощной опытной станции филиал ФГБНУ ФНЦО, расположенной в Приобской зоне Алтайского края в 2016-2020 годах. Объекты исследований: образцы питомника конкурсного сортоиспытания. Три перспективных формы №37, №39 и №48 прошли конкурсное сортоиспытание и по результатам исследования были переданы в ГСИ.Результаты. Образец №39 показал товарную урожайность, которая превысила показатель сорта-стандарта на 23,7% и составила 23,2 т/га, средняя масса товарной луковицы составила 29,0 г, у сорта стандарта – 23,4 г. Содержание витамина С в луковице и листьях нового образца превысило показатели стандарта соответственно на 0,3% и 0,53%. В 2018 году в ГСИ был передан образец №37. Этот образец относится к раннеспелой группе. Урожайность луковиц нового образца в течение всех лет испытания достоверно превышала урожайность стандарта и составила в среднем за 3 года (2016- 2018 годы) 20,3 т/га. Образец №48 был передан в ГСИ в 2020 году. Превышение по урожайности лука репки у данного образца составило в среднем за 2 года 13,3%, листьев– 18,8%. В 2019 году был районирован и внесён в Государственный реестр селекционных достижений сорт Шарм, в 2020 году – сорт Шанс, образец №48 с предлагаемым названием Фараон с 2021 года проходит ГСИ