4,691 research outputs found

    Bifurcation curves of subharmonic solutions

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    We revisit a problem considered by Chow and Hale on the existence of subharmonic solutions for perturbed systems. In the analytic setting, under more general (weaker) conditions, we prove their results on the existence of bifurcation curves from the nonexistence to the existence of subharmonic solutions. In particular our results apply also when one has degeneracy to first order -- i.e. when the subharmonic Melnikov function vanishes identically. Moreover we can deal as well with the case in which degeneracy persists to arbitrarily high orders, in the sense that suitable generalisations to higher orders of the subharmonic Melnikov function are also identically zero. In general the bifurcation curves are not analytic, and even when they are smooth they can form cusps at the origin: we say in this case that the curves are degenerate as the corresponding tangent lines coincide. The technique we use is completely different from that of Chow and Hale, and it is essentially based on rigorous perturbation theory.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figure

    Two new alkaloids from the aerial parts of Caryopteris mongolica Bunge

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    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5564/mjc.v13i0.159 Mongolian Journal of Chemistry Vol.13 2012: 41-4

    Small Airway Dysfunction in Asthma Is Associated with Perceived Respiratory Symptoms, Non-Type 2 Airway Inflammation, and Poor Responses to Therapy.

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    BACKGROUND: Emerging evidence has indicated that small airway dysfunction (SAD) contributes to the clinical expression of asthma. OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study was to explore the relationships of SAD assessed by forced expiratory flow between 25 and 75% (FEF25-75%), with clinical and inflammatory profile and treatment responsiveness in asthma. METHOD: In study I, dyspnea intensity (Borg scale), chest tightness, wheezing and cough (visual analog scales, VASs), and pre- and post-methacholine challenge testing (MCT) were analyzed in asthma patients with SAD and non-SAD. In study II, asthma subjects with SAD and non-SAD underwent sputum induction, and inflammatory mediators in sputum were detected. Asthma patients with SAD and non-SAD receiving fixed treatments were prospectively followed up for 4 weeks in study III. Spirometry, Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ), and Asthma Control Test (ACT) were carried out to define treatment responsiveness. RESULTS: SAD subjects had more elevated ΔVAS for dyspnea (p = 0.027) and chest tightness (p = 0.032) after MCT. Asthma patients with SAD had significantly elevated interferon (IFN)-γ in sputum (p < 0.05), and Spearman partial correlation found FEF25-75% significantly related to IFN-γ and interleukin-8 (both having p < 0.05). Furthermore, multivariable regression analysis indicated SAD was significantly associated with worse treatment responses (decrease in ACQ ≥0.5 and increase in ACT ≥3) (p = 0.022 and p = 0.032). CONCLUSIONS: This study indicates that SAD in asthma predisposes patients to greater dyspnea intensity and chest tightness during bronchoconstriction. SAD patients with asthma are characterized by non-type 2 inflammation that may account for poor responsiveness to therapy

    Effects of Transduction of the bcl-2 Gene and of Nerve Growth Factor on Apoptosis of Cultured PC12 Cells

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    We examined what effects are exerted by expression of the bcl-2 gene and by treatment with nerve growth factor (NGF) on the intensity of apoptosis in cultured pheochromocytoma cells (PC12 cells). Half of these cells were transduced with the bcl-2 gene using lentiviral plasmids, and the respective two groups were denoted as bcl-2-PC12 and control (c) PC12. Then the cells were incubated in a serum-free medium in six different modes. One group of c-PC12 cells was incubated in this medium with no additional agents added, another group was incubated with 1.0 mM H₂O₂ , and the third group was incubated with both 1 mM H₂O₂ and 20 ng/ml NGF (groups 1-3). Cells of the another triad were incubated under the same conditions, respectively, but these were bcl-2-PC12 cells (groups 4-6). The apoptosis rate in each group after 1-h-long incubation was measured using a flow cytometry method. A bicinchoninic acid (BCA) technique was used for estimation of expression of Bcl-2 protein in the cultures. As was observed, the action of H₂O₂ significantly increased the apoptosis rate in both c-PC12 and bcl-2-PC12 samplings, while simultaneous action of NGF considerably attenuated such increases. At the same time, values of the apoptosis rate for bcl-2-PC12 cells were much smaller than the respective values for c-PC12 cells under all the three modes of incubation. In H₂O₂ -treated cultures, the amount of Bcl-2 protein dropped, while the treatment with NGF counteracted such shifts. The content of this protein in the bcl-2-PC12 groups was much higher than in the c-PC12 groups. Thus, transduction with the bcl-2 gene significantly inhibits apoptosis in cultured PC12 cells, and a combined influence of expression of this gene and treatment with NGF produces a synergistic effect.Ми досліджували впливи експресії гена bcl-2 та дії нервового фактора росту (NGF) на інтенсивність апоптозу культивованих клітин феохромоцитоми (PC12). У половину таких клітин був трансдукований ген bcl-2; відповідні дві групи зразків були позначені як bcl-2-PC12 та контрольні (с-PC12). Потім шість груп клітин інкубували в безсироватковому середовищі в різних умовах. Перша група клітин с-PC12 інкубувалася без дії будь-яких додаткових агентів, друга група – з додаванням 1 мМ H₂O₂ , а третя – в присутності як 1 мМ H₂O₂ , так і 20 нг/мл NGF. Клітини трьох інших груп (4–6) інкубували в тих самих умовах, але це були клітини bcl-2-PC12. Ступінь апоптозу в кожній групі після одногодинної інкубації вимірювали з використанням методу флоуцитометрії. Методику з використанням біцинхонінової кислоти застосовували для оцінки експресії білка Bcl-2 в культурах. Як було виявлено, дія H₂O₂ істотно збільшувала ступінь апоптозу в зразках як c-PC12, так і bcl-2-PC12, але одночасна дія NGF помітно зменшувала таке зростання. В той же час інтенсивності апоптозу клітин bcl-2-PC12 були значно меншими, ніж відповідні значення у клітин c-PC12 при всіх трьох режимах інкубації. В культурах, підданих впливу H₂O₂ , кількість протеїну Bcl-2 була зменшеною, тоді як вплив NGF протидіяв таким зрушенням. Вміст згаданого протеїну в групах bcl-2-PC12 був значно вищим, ніж у групах c-PC12. Отже, трансдукція гена bcl2 істотно гальмує апоптоз культивованих клітин PC12, а комбінований вплив експресії цього гена та аплікації NGF забезпечує сінергічні ефекти

    Heterogeneity of Paucigranulocytic Asthma: A Prospective Cohort Study with Hierarchical Cluster Analysis.

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    BACKGROUND: Asthma, a heterogeneous disease, can be divided into 4 inflammatory phenotypes using induced sputum cell counts-eosinophilic asthma (EA), neutrophilic asthma (NA), mixed granulocytic asthma, and paucigranulocytic asthma (PGA). Although research has focused on EA and NA, there is little known about PGA. OBJECTIVE: To study the heterogeneity of PGA and identify possible PGA clusters to guide clinical treatment. METHODS: Patients with PGA were grouped by hierarchical cluster analysis and enrolled into a prospective cohort study to validate the clusters, relative to future risk of asthma exacerbations in a real-world setting. Clusters were validated by tree analysis in a separate population. Finally, we explored PGA stability. RESULTS: Cluster analysis of 145 patients with PGA identified 3 clusters: cluster 1 (n = 110, 75.9%) was "mild PGA," cluster 2 (n = 20, 13.8%) was "PGA with psychological dysfunction and rhinoconjunctivitis and other allergic diseases," and cluster 3 (n = 15, 10.3%) was "smoking-associated PGA." Cluster 3 had significantly increased risk of severe exacerbation (relative risk [RR] = 6.43, P = .01), emergency visit (RR = 8.61, P = .03), and hospitalization (RR = 12.94, P < .01). Results of the cluster analysis were successfully validated in an independent PGA population classified using decision tree analysis. Although PGA can transform into or develop from other phenotypes, 70% were stable over time. CONCLUSIONS: Among 3 identified PGA clusters, cluster 3 had a higher risk of severe exacerbation. PGA heterogeneity indicates the requirement of novel targeted interventions

    Treatable Traits in Elderly Asthmatics from the Australasian Severe Asthma Network: A Prospective Cohort Study.

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    BACKGROUND: Data on treatable traits (TTs) in different populations are limited. OBJECTIVE: To assess TTs in elderly patients with asthma and compare them to younger patients, to evaluate the association of TTs with future exacerbations, and to develop an exacerbation prediction model. METHODS: We consecutively recruited 521 participants at West China Hospital, Sichuan University based on the Australasian Severe Asthma Network, classified as elderly (n = 62) and nonelderly (n = 459). Participants underwent a multidimensional assessment to characterize the TTs and were then followed up for 12 months. TTs and their relationship with future exacerbations were described. Based on the TTs and asthma control levels, an exacerbation prediction model was developed, and the overall performance was externally validated in an independent cohort. RESULTS: A total of 38 TTs were assessed. Elderly patients with asthma had more chronic metabolic diseases, fixed airflow limitation, emphysema, and neutrophilic inflammation, whereas nonelderly patients with asthma exhibited more allergic characteristics and psychiatric diseases. Nine traits were associated with increased future exacerbations, of which exacerbation prone, upper respiratory infection-induced asthma attack, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and depression were the strongest. A model including exacerbation prone, psychiatric disease, cardiovascular disease, upper respiratory infection-induced asthma attack, noneosinophilic inflammation, cachexia, food allergy, and asthma control was developed to predict exacerbation risk and showed good performance. CONCLUSIONS: TTs can be systematically assessed in elderly patients with asthma, some of which are associated with future exacerbations, proving their clinical utility of evaluating them. A model based on TTs can be used to predict exacerbation risk in people with asthma

    Growth of catalyst-free high-quality ZnO nanowires by thermal evaporation under air ambient

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    ZnO nanowires have been successfully fabricated on Si substrate by simple thermal evaporation of Zn powder under air ambient without any catalyst. Morphology and structure analyses indicated that ZnO nanowires had high purity and perfect crystallinity. The diameter of ZnO nanowires was 40 to 100 nm, and the length was about several tens of micrometers. The prepared ZnO nanowires exhibited a hexagonal wurtzite crystal structure. The growth of the ZnO nanostructure was explained by the vapor-solid mechanism. The simplicity, low cost and fewer necessary apparatuses of the process would suit the high-throughput fabrication of ZnO nanowires. The ZnO nanowires fabricated on Si substrate are compatible with state-of-the-art semiconductor industry. They are expected to have potential applications in functional nanodevices

    Laser-induced etching of few-layer graphene synthesized by Rapid-Chemical Vapour Deposition on Cu thin films

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    The outstanding electrical and mechanical properties of graphene make it very attractive for several applications, Nanoelectronics above all. However a reproducible and non destructive way to produce high quality, large-scale area, single layer graphene sheets is still lacking. Chemical Vapour Deposition of graphene on Cu catalytic thin films represents a promising method to reach this goal, because of the low temperatures (T < 900 Celsius degrees) involved during the process and of the theoretically expected monolayer self-limiting growth. On the contrary such self-limiting growth is not commonly observed in experiments, thus making the development of techniques allowing for a better control of graphene growth highly desirable. Here we report about the local ablation effect, arising in Raman analysis, due to the heat transfer induced by the laser incident beam onto the graphene sample.Comment: v1:9 pages, 8 figures, submitted to SpringerPlus; v2: 11 pages, PDFLaTeX, 9 figures, revised peer-reviewed version resubmitted to SpringerPlus; 1 figure added, figure 1 and 4 replaced,typos corrected, "Results and discussion" section significantly extended to better explain etching mechanism and features of Raman spectra, references adde