386 research outputs found

    Inflationary universe in loop quantum cosmology

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    Loop quantum cosmology provides a nice solution of avoiding the big bang singularity through a big bounce mechanism in the high energy region. In loop quantum cosmology an inflationary universe is emergent after the big bounce, no matter what matter component is filled in the universe. A super-inflation phase without phantom matter will appear in a certain way in the initial stage after the bounce; then the universe will undergo a normal inflation stage. We discuss the condition of inflation in detail in this framework. Also, for slow-roll inflation, we expect the imprint from the effects of the loop quantum cosmology should be left in the primordial perturbation power spectrum. However, we show that this imprint is too weak to be observed.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures; accepted for publication in JCA

    A Single Scalar Field Model of Dark Energy with Equation of State Crossing -1

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    In this paper we study the possibility of building models of dark energy with equation of state across -1 and propose explicitly a model with a single scalar field which gives rise to an equation of state larger than -1 in the past and less than -1 at the present time, consistent with the current observations.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, the version accepted by JCAP, presentation improved and references adde

    Crossing of the Cosmological Constant Boundary - an Equation of State Description

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    The phenomenon of the dark energy transition between the quintessence regime (w>1w > -1) and the phantom regime (w<1w < -1), also known as the cosmological constant boundary crossing, is analyzed in terms of the dark energy equation of state. It is found that the dark energy equation of state in the dark energy models which exhibit the transition is {\em implicitly} defined. The generalizations of the the models explicitly constructed to exhibit the transition are studied to gain insight into the mechanism of the transition. It is found that the cancellation of the terms corresponding to the cosmological constant boundary makes the transition possible.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, talk given at QFEXT'05, Barcelona, 5-9 September 200

    Natural Phantom Dark Energy, Wiggling Hubble Parameter H(z)H(z) and Direct H(z)H(z) Data

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    Recent direct H(z)H(z) data indicate that the parameter H(z)H(z) may wiggle with respect to zz. On the other hand the luminosity distance data of supernovae flatten the wiggles of H(z)H(z) because of integration effect. It is expected that the fitting results can be very different in a model permitting a wiggling H(z)H(z) because the data of supernovae is highly degenerated to such a model. As an example the natural phantom dark energy is investigated in this paper. The dynamical property of this model is studied. The model is fitted by the direct H(z)H(z) data set and the SNLS data set, respectively. And the results are quite different, as expected. The quantum stability of this model is also shortly discussed. We find it is a viable model if we treat it as an effective theory truncated by an upperbound.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, discussions on the stability added, conclusions not change

    Hessence: A New View of Quintom Dark Energy

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    Recently a lot of attention has been drawn to build dark energy model in which the equation-of-state parameter ww can cross the phantom divide w=1w=-1. One of models to realize crossing the phantom divide is called quintom model, in which two real scalar fields appears, one is a normal scalar field and the other is a phantom-type scalar field. In this paper we propose a non-canonical complex scalar field as the dark energy, which we dub ``hessence'', to implement crossing the phantom divide, in a similar sense as the quintom dark energy model. In the hessence model, the dark energy is described by a single field with an internal degree of freedom rather than two independent real scalar fields. However, the hessence is different from an ordinary complex scalar field, we show that the hessence can avoid the difficulty of the Q-balls formation which gives trouble to the spintessence model (An ordinary complex scalar field acts as the dark energy). Furthermore, we find that, by choosing a proper potential, the hessence could correspond to a Chaplygin gas at late times.Comment: Latex2e, 12 pages, no figure; v2: discussions and references added, 14 pages, 3 eps figures; v3: published versio

    Crossing the Phantom Divide: Theoretical Implications and Observational Status

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    If the dark energy equation of state parameter w(z) crosses the phantom divide line w=-1 (or equivalently if the expression d(H^2(z))/dz - 3\Omega_m H_0^2 (1+z)^2 changes sign) at recent redshifts, then there are two possible cosmological implications: Either the dark energy consists of multiple components with at least one non-canonical phantom component or general relativity needs to be extended to a more general theory on cosmological scales. The former possibility requires the existence of a phantom component which has been shown to suffer from serious theoretical problems and instabilities. Therefore, the later possibility is the simplest realistic theoretical framework in which such a crossing can be realized. After providing a pedagogical description of various dark energy observational probes, we use a set of such probes (including the Gold SnIa sample, the first year SNLS dataset, the 3-year WMAP CMB shift parameter, the SDSS baryon acoustic oscillations peak (BAO), the X-ray gas mass fraction in clusters and the linear growth rate of perturbations at z=0.15 as obtained from the 2dF galaxy redshift survey) to investigate the priors required for cosmological observations to favor crossing of the phantom divide. We find that a low \Omega_m prior (0.2<\Omega_m <0.25) leads, for most observational probes (except of the SNLS data), to an increased probability (mild trend) for phantom divide crossing. An interesting degeneracy of the ISW effect in the CMB perturbation spectrum is also pointed out.Comment: Accepted in JCAP (to appear). Comments added, typos corrected. 19 pages (revtex), 8 figures. The numerical analysis files (Mathematica + Fortran) with instructions are available at http://leandros.physics.uoi.gr/pdl-cross/pdl-cross.htm . The ppt file of a relevant talk may be downloaded from http://leandros.physics.uoi.gr/pdl-cross/pdl2006.pp

    UV stable, Lorentz-violating dark energy with transient phantom era

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    Phantom fields with negative kinetic energy are often plagued by the vacuum quantum instability in the ultraviolet region. We present a Lorentz-violating dark energy model free from this problem and show that the crossing of the cosmological constant boundary w=-1 to the phantom equation of state is realized before reaching a de Sitter attractor. Another interesting feature is a peculiar time-dependence of the effective Newton's constant; the magnitude of this effect is naturally small but may be close to experimental limits. We also derive momentum scales of instabilities at which tachyons or ghosts appear in the infrared region around the present Hubble scale and clarify the conditions under which tachyonic instabilities do not spoil homogeneity of the present/future Universe.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures; Presentation modified substantially, results and conclusions unchanged. Journal versio

    Observational Constraints on Undulant Cosmologies

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    In an undulant universe, cosmic expansion is characterized by alternating periods of acceleration and deceleration. We examine cosmologies in which the dark-energy equation of state varies periodically with the number of e-foldings of the scale factor of the universe, and use observations to constrain the frequency of oscillation. We find a tension between a forceful response to the cosmic coincidence problem and the standard treatment of structure formation.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures in 19 files, uses iopart.cls, iopart10.clo; added reference