164 research outputs found

    Corporate religiosity and individual decision on conducting entrepreneurial activity : The contingent effects of institutional environments in China

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    Feng Zhang acknowledges the financial support from the Research Project of Ministry of Education of China (Grant No. 18JJD630003) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No. 63185009 and 63,185,011), and Haina Zhang acknowledges the financial support from Skills Acquisition Award received from the British Academy (award reference: SQ140008). Open Access via Springer Compact Agreement.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Innovation and Performance of Manufacturing Firms in Aspirant Markets : An Institutional Environment Approach

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    Funding Information: We appreciate constructive comments from the anonymous reviewers and the assigned editor Professor Debmalya Mukherjee. This research was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 72091311; 72103183), Center for Transnationals’ Studies Foundation of Nankai University (Grant No. ctsnk202102) and Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. LQ20G020004).Peer reviewedPostprin

    Crossover effects of servant leadership and job social support on employee spouses:the mediating role of employee organization-based self-esteem

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    The present study investigated the crossover effects of employee perceptions of servant leadership and job social support on the family satisfaction and quality of family life experienced by the employees’ spouses. These effects were explored through a focus on the mediating role of employee organization-based self-esteem (OBSE). Results from a three-wave field survey of 199 employee–spouse dyads in the People’s Republic of China support our hypotheses, indicating that OBSE fully mediates the positive effects of servant leadership and job social support on family satisfaction and quality of family life. These findings provide new theoretical directions for work–family research

    Cognitive diversity and innovative work behaviour:The mediating roles of task reflexivity and relationship conflict and the moderating role of perceived support

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    Previous research has merely explored the positive relationship between cognitive diversity and creativity, but the potential negative side of cognitive diversity might also prevail and should be examined together with its positive side. To address this gap, our study, drawing on the categorization–elaboration model framework, explored both the positive and negative effects of cognitive diversity on creativity/innovation in a single model. Using data collected from 101 teams (including both team leaders and team members) in 10 Chinese manufacturing companies, we identified a dual pathway – namely, task reflexivity (i.e., positive pathway) and relationship conflict (i.e., negative pathway) – in the linkage of cognitive diversity and innovative work behaviour (i.e., IWB). Cognitive diversity encouraged IWB via the task reflexivity pathway, but impeded IWB via the relationship conflict pathway. We further demonstrated that perceived support for innovation moderated the relationships between cognitive diversity and task reflexivity/relationship conflict, with cognitive diversity more related to task reflexivity and less related to relationship conflict when perceived support for innovation was high. Moderated mediation effects also indicated that the positive indirect effect of cognitive diversity on IWB through task reflexivity existed only when support for innovation was high and that the negative indirect effect of cognitive diversity on IWB through relationship conflict occurred only when support for innovation was low

    On the Security of Stream Cipher CryptMT v3

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    CryptMT v3 is a stream cipher submitted to eStream project, and has entered the third evaluation phase. Any attack has not been found until now. In this paper, we mainly discuss the security of the state initialization process of CryptMT v3. For the key and IV setup function fKf_K, we can construct a probabilistic testing algorithm AfKA^{f_K} with a distinguishing probability 1, which indicates that for each key KK, fKf_K is a non-PRF. However, we have not found any non-randomness about the keystream output

    Adaptive fuzzy Gaussian mixture models for shape approximation in Robot Grasping

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    Robotic grasping has always been a challenging task for both service and industrial robots. The ability of grasp planning for novel objects is necessary for a robot to autonomously perform grasps under unknown environments.In this work, we consider the task of grasp planning for a parallel gripper to grasp a novel object, given an RGB image and its corresponding depth image taken from a single view. In this paper, we show that this problem can be simplified by modeling a novel object as a set of simple shape primitives, such as ellipses. We adopt fuzzy Gaussian mixture models (GMMs) for novel objects’ shape approximation. With the obtained GMM, we decompose the object into several ellipses, while each ellipse is corresponding to a grasping rectangle. After comparing the grasp quality among these rectangles, we will obtain the most proper part for a gripper to grasp. Extensive experiments on a real robotic platform demonstrate that our algorithm assists the robot to grasp a variety of novel objects with good grasp quality and computational efficiency

    Multi-behaviors coordination controller design with enzymatic numerical P systems for robots

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    Membrane computing models are parallel and distributed natural computing models. These models are often referred to as P systems. This paper proposes a novel multi-behaviors coordination controller model using enzymatic numerical P systems for autonomous mobile robots navigation in unknown environments. An environment classifier is constructed to identify different environment patterns in the maze-like environment and the multi-behavior coordination controller is constructed to coordinate the behaviors of the robots in different environments. Eleven sensory prototypes of local environments are presented to design the environment classifier, which needs to memorize only rough information , for solving the problems of poor obstacle clearance and sensor noise. A switching control strategy and multi-behaviors coordinator are developed without detailed environmental knowledge and heavy computation burden, for avoiding the local minimum traps or oscillation problems and adapt to the unknown environments. Also, a serial behaviors control law is constructed on the basis of Lyapunov stability theory aiming at the specialized environment, for realizing stable navigation and avoiding actuator saturation. Moreover, both environment classifier and multi-behavior coordination controller are amenable to the addition of new environment models or new behaviors due to the modularity of the hierarchical architecture of P systems. The simulation of wheeled mobile robots shows the effectiveness of this approach

    Perceptions of negative workplace gossip:a self-consistency theory framework

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    We present and test a self-consistency theory framework for gossip: that perceived negative workplace gossip influences our self-perceptions and, in turn, this influences our behaviors. Using supervisor-subordinate dyadic time-lagged data (n = 403), we demonstrated that perceived negative workplace gossip adversely influenced target employees’ organization-based self-esteem, which, in turn, influenced their citizenship behavior directed at the organization and at its members. Moreover, by integrating victimization theory into our framework, we further demonstrated that negative affectivity, an individual’s dispositional tendency, not only moderated the self-consistency process but also predicted perceived negative workplace gossip. Our study therefore shifts attention to the target of negative workplace gossip and in doing so offers a promising new direction for future research. Implications to theory and practice are discussed

    An Approach for Detecting Fault Lines in a Small Current Grounding System using Fuzzy Reasoning Spiking Neural P Systems

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    This paper presents a novel approach for detecting fault lines in a small current grounding system using fuzzy reasoning spiking neural P systems. In this approach, six features of current/voltage signals in a small current grounding system are analyzed by considering transient and steady components, respectively; a fault measure is used to quantify the possibility that a line is faulty; information gain degree is discussed to weight the importance of each of the six features; rough set theory is applied to reduce the features; and finally a fuzzy reasoning spiking neural P system is used to construct fault line detection models. Six cases in a small current grounding system prove the effectiveness of the introduced approach

    Application of Fuzzy Reasoning Spiking Neural P Systems to Fault Diagnosis

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    This paper discusses the application of fuzzy reasoning spiking neural P systems with trapezoidal fuzzy numbers (tFRSN P systems) to fault diagnosis of power systems, where a matrix-based fuzzy reasoning algorithm based on the dynamic firing mechanism of neurons is used to develop the inference ability of tFRSN P systems from classical reasoning to fuzzy reasoning. Some case studies show the effectiveness of the presented method. We also briefly draw comparisons between the presented method and several main fault diagnosis approaches from the perspectives of knowledge representation and inference process
