18,062 research outputs found

    Observation of nonlocal quantum interference between the origins of a four-photon state in a silicon chip

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    Quantum mechanically, multiple particles can jointly be in a coherent superposition of two or more different states at the same time. This property is called quantum entanglement, and gives rise to characteristic nonlocal interference and stays at the heart of quantum information process. Here, rather than interference of different intrinsic properties of particles, we experimentally demonstrated coherent superposition of two different birthplaces of a four-photon state. The quantum state is created in four probabilistic photon-pair sources, two combinations of which can create photon quadruplets. Coherent elimination and revival of distributed 4-photons can be fully controlled by tuning a phase. The stringent coherence requirements are met by using a silicon-based integrated photonic chip that contains four spiral waveguides for producing photon pairs via spontaneous four-wave mixing. The experiment gives rise to peculiar nonlocal phenomena without any obvious involvement of entanglement. Besides several potential applications that exploit the new on-chip technology, it opens up the possibility for fundamental studies on nonlocality with spatially separated locations

    Global behavior of cosmological dynamics with interacting Veneziano ghost

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    In this paper, we shall study the dynamical behavior of the universe accelerated by the so called Veneziano ghost dark energy component locally and globally by using the linearization and nullcline method developed in this paper. The energy density is generalized to be proportional to the Hawking temperature defined on the trapping horizon instead of Hubble horizon of the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) universe. We also give a prediction of the fate of the universe and present the bifurcation phenomenon of the dynamical system of the universe. It seems that the universe could be dominated by dark energy at present in some region of the parameter space.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in JHE

    Symmetry-dependent electron-electron interaction in coherent tunnel junctions resolved by zero bias anomaly measurements

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    We provide conclusive experimental evidence that zero bias anomaly in the differential resistance of magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) is due to electron-electron interaction (EEI), clarifying a long standing issue. Magnon effect that caused confusion is now excluded by measuring at low temperatures down to 0.2 K and with reduced AC measurement voltages down to 0.06 mV. The normalized change of conductance is proportional to ln(eV/kBT)\ln{(eV/k_{B}T)}, consistent with the Altshuler-Aronov theory of tunneling that describes the reduction of density of states due to EEI, but inconsistent with magnetic impurity scattering. The slope of the ln(eV/kBT)\ln{(eV/k_{B}T)} dependence is symmetry dependent: the slopes for P and AP states are different for coherent tunnel junctions with symmetry filtering, while nearly the same for those without symmetry filtering (amorphous barriers). This observation may be helpful for verifying symmetry preserved filtering in search of new coherent tunneling junctions, and for probing and separating electron Bloch states of different symmetries in other correlated systems.Comment: preprint, 22 pages, 7 figures, expanded introductio

    Robust and clean Majorana zero mode in the vortex core of high-temperature superconductor (Li0.84Fe0.16)OHFeSe

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    The Majorana fermion, which is its own anti-particle and obeys non-abelian statistics, plays a critical role in topological quantum computing. It can be realized as a bound state at zero energy, called a Majorana zero mode (MZM), in the vortex core of a topological superconductor, or at the ends of a nanowire when both superconductivity and strong spin orbital coupling are present. A MZM can be detected as a zero-bias conductance peak (ZBCP) in tunneling spectroscopy. However, in practice, clean and robust MZMs have not been realized in the vortices of a superconductor, due to contamination from impurity states or other closely-packed Caroli-de Gennes-Matricon (CdGM) states, which hampers further manipulations of Majorana fermions. Here using scanning tunneling spectroscopy, we show that a ZBCP well separated from the other discrete CdGM states exists ubiquitously in the cores of free vortices in the defect free regions of (Li0.84Fe0.16)OHFeSe, which has a superconducting transition temperature of 42 K. Moreover, a Dirac-cone-type surface state is observed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, and its topological nature is confirmed by band calculations. The observed ZBCP can be naturally attributed to a MZM arising from this chiral topological surface states of a bulk superconductor. (Li0.84Fe0.16)OHFeSe thus provides an ideal platform for studying MZMs and topological quantum computing.Comment: 32 pages, 15 figures (supplementary materials included), accepted by PR

    A Unified Approach to the Classical Statistical Analysis of Small Signals

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    We give a classical confidence belt construction which unifies the treatment of upper confidence limits for null results and two-sided confidence intervals for non-null results. The unified treatment solves a problem (apparently not previously recognized) that the choice of upper limit or two-sided intervals leads to intervals which are not confidence intervals if the choice is based on the data. We apply the construction to two related problems which have recently been a battle-ground between classical and Bayesian statistics: Poisson processes with background, and Gaussian errors with a bounded physical region. In contrast with the usual classical construction for upper limits, our construction avoids unphysical confidence intervals. In contrast with some popular Bayesian intervals, our intervals eliminate conservatism (frequentist coverage greater than the stated confidence) in the Gaussian case and reduce it to a level dictated by discreteness in the Poisson case. We generalize the method in order to apply it to analysis of experiments searching for neutrino oscillations. We show that this technique both gives correct coverage and is powerful, while other classical techniques that have been used by neutrino oscillation search experiments fail one or both of these criteria.Comment: 40 pages, 15 figures. Changes 15-Dec-99 to agree more closely with published version. A few small changes, plus the two substantive changes we made in proof back in 1998: 1) The definition of "sensitivity" in Sec. V(C). It was inconsistent with our actual definition in Sec. VI. 2) "Note added in proof" at end of the Conclusio

    Extraction of Electron Self-Energy and Gap Function in the Superconducting State of Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_8 Superconductor via Laser-Based Angle-Resolved Photoemission

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    Super-high resolution laser-based angle-resolved photoemission measurements have been performed on a high temperature superconductor Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_8. The band back-bending characteristic of the Bogoliubov-like quasiparticle dispersion is clearly revealed at low temperature in the superconducting state. This makes it possible for the first time to experimentally extract the complex electron self-energy and the complex gap function in the superconducting state. The resultant electron self-energy and gap function exhibit features at ~54 meV and ~40 meV, in addition to the superconducting gap-induced structure at lower binding energy and a broad featureless structure at higher binding energy. These information will provide key insight and constraints on the origin of electron pairing in high temperature superconductors.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure