58 research outputs found

    METABASE: A distributed metadata databases with OSF/DCE UUIDs

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    Metabase is a model for a metadata database that is based on a relational instead of a flat model. At the core of the Metabase concept is that every document, idea, and concept represented in the metadata repository is represented by an Universally Unique ID (UUID) that is always identical and unique. Hence, every concept can be searched for and replicated across various machines without needing to worry about name collisions. The relational tables in Metabase also allows complex metadata which cannot easily fit into a conventional "flat" metadata scheme to be used

    Refined Edge Usage of Graph Neural Networks for Edge Prediction

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    Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), originally proposed for node classification, have also motivated many recent works on edge prediction (a.k.a., link prediction). However, existing methods lack elaborate design regarding the distinctions between two tasks that have been frequently overlooked: (i) edges only constitute the topology in the node classification task but can be used as both the topology and the supervisions (i.e., labels) in the edge prediction task; (ii) the node classification makes prediction over each individual node, while the edge prediction is determinated by each pair of nodes. To this end, we propose a novel edge prediction paradigm named Edge-aware Message PassIng neuRal nEtworks (EMPIRE). Concretely, we first introduce an edge splitting technique to specify use of each edge where each edge is solely used as either the topology or the supervision (named as topology edge or supervision edge). We then develop a new message passing mechanism that generates the messages to source nodes (through topology edges) being aware of target nodes (through supervision edges). In order to emphasize the differences between pairs connected by supervision edges and pairs unconnected, we further weight the messages to highlight the relative ones that can reflect the differences. In addition, we design a novel negative node-pair sampling trick that efficiently samples 'hard' negative instances in the supervision instances, and can significantly improve the performance. Experimental results verify that the proposed method can significantly outperform existing state-of-the-art models regarding the edge prediction task on multiple homogeneous and heterogeneous graph datasets.Comment: Pre-prin

    Predicting miRNA-disease associations based on multi-view information fusion

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play an important role in various biological processes and their abnormal expression could lead to the occurrence of diseases. Exploring the potential relationships between miRNAs and diseases can contribute to the diagnosis and treatment of complex diseases. The increasing databases storing miRNA and disease information provide opportunities to develop computational methods for discovering unobserved disease-related miRNAs, but there are still some challenges in how to effectively learn and fuse information from multi-source data. In this study, we propose a multi-view information fusion based method for miRNA-disease association (MDA)prediction, named MVIFMDA. Firstly, multiple heterogeneous networks are constructed by combining the known MDAs and different similarities of miRNAs and diseases based on multi-source information. Secondly, the topology features of miRNAs and diseases are obtained by using the graph convolutional network to each heterogeneous network view, respectively. Moreover, we design the attention strategy at the topology representation level to adaptively fuse representations including different structural information. Meanwhile, we learn the attribute representations of miRNAs and diseases from their similarity attribute views with convolutional neural networks, respectively. Finally, the complicated associations between miRNAs and diseases are reconstructed by applying a bilinear decoder to the combined features, which combine topology and attribute representations. Experimental results on the public dataset demonstrate that our proposed model consistently outperforms baseline methods. The case studies further show the ability of the MVIFMDA model for inferring underlying associations between miRNAs and diseases

    Identify the radiotherapy-induced abnormal changes in the patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma

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    Radiotherapy (RT) is the standard treatment for nasopharyngeal carcinoma, which often causes inevitable brain injury in the process of treatment. The majority of patients has no abnormal signal or density change of the conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) examination in the long-term follow-up after radiation therapy. However, when there is a visible CT and conventional MR imaging changes, the damage often has been severe and lack of effective treatments, seriously influencing the prognosis of patients. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the abnormal changes in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) patients after RT. In the present study, we exploited the machine learning framework which contained two parts: feature extraction and classification to automatically detect the brain injury. Our results showed that the method could effectively identify the abnormal regions reduced by radiotherapy. The highest classification accuracy was 82.5 % in the abnormal brain regions. The parahippocampal gyrus was the highest accuracy region, which suggested that the parahippocampal gyrus could be most sensitive to radiotherapy and involved in the pathogenesis of radiotherapy-induced brain injury in NPC patients

    A Survey on Dropout Methods and Experimental Verification in Recommendation

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    Overfitting is a common problem in machine learning, which means the model too closely fits the training data while performing poorly in the test data. Among various methods of coping with overfitting, dropout is one of the representative ways. From randomly dropping neurons to dropping neural structures, dropout has achieved great success in improving model performances. Although various dropout methods have been designed and widely applied in past years, their effectiveness, application scenarios, and contributions have not been comprehensively summarized and empirically compared by far. It is the right time to make a comprehensive survey. In this paper, we systematically review previous dropout methods and classify them into three major categories according to the stage where dropout operation is performed. Specifically, more than seventy dropout methods published in top AI conferences or journals (e.g., TKDE, KDD, TheWebConf, SIGIR) are involved. The designed taxonomy is easy to understand and capable of including new dropout methods. Then, we further discuss their application scenarios, connections, and contributions. To verify the effectiveness of distinct dropout methods, extensive experiments are conducted on recommendation scenarios with abundant heterogeneous information. Finally, we propose some open problems and potential research directions about dropout that worth to be further explored.Comment: 26 page

    Dual Convolutional Neural Networks With Attention Mechanisms Based Method for Predicting Disease-Related lncRNA Genes

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    A lot of studies indicated that aberrant expression of long non-coding RNA genes (lncRNAs) is closely related to human diseases. Identifying disease-related lncRNAs (disease lncRNAs) is critical for understanding the pathogenesis and etiology of diseases. Most of the previous methods focus on prioritizing the potential disease lncRNAs based on shallow learning methods. The methods fail to extract the deep and complex feature representations of lncRNA-disease associations. Furthermore, nearly all the methods ignore the discriminative contributions of the similarity, association, and interaction relationships among lncRNAs, disease, and miRNAs for the association prediction. A dual convolutional neural networks with attention mechanisms based method is presented for predicting the candidate disease lncRNAs, and it is referred to as CNNLDA. CNNLDA deeply integrates the multiple source data like the lncRNA similarities, the disease similarities, the lncRNA-disease associations, the lncRNA-miRNA interactions, and the miRNA-disease associations. The diverse biological premises about lncRNAs, miRNAs, and diseases are combined to construct the feature matrix from the biological perspectives. A novel framework based on the dual convolutional neural networks is developed to learn the global and attention representations of the lncRNA-disease associations. The left part of the framework exploits the various information contained by the feature matrix to learn the global representation of lncRNA-disease associations. The different connection relationships among the lncRNA, miRNA, and disease nodes and the different features of these nodes have the discriminative contributions for the association prediction. Hence we present the attention mechanisms from the relationship level and the feature level respectively, and the right part of the framework learns the attention representation of associations. The experimental results based on the cross validation indicate that CNNLDA yields superior performance than several state-of-the-art methods. Case studies on stomach cancer, lung cancer, and colon cancer further demonstrate CNNLDA's ability to discover the potential disease lncRNAs

    Amplifying the Music Listening Experience through Song Comments on Music Streaming Platforms

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    Music streaming services are increasingly popular among younger generations who seek social experiences through personal expression and sharing of subjective feelings in comments. However, such emotional aspects are often ignored by current platforms, which affects the listeners' ability to find music that triggers specific personal feelings. To address this gap, this study proposes a novel approach that leverages deep learning methods to capture contextual keywords, sentiments, and induced mechanisms from song comments. The study augments a current music app with two features, including the presentation of tags that best represent song comments and a novel map metaphor that reorganizes song comments based on chronological order, content, and sentiment. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is validated through a usage scenario and a user study that demonstrate its capability to improve the user experience of exploring songs and browsing comments of interest. This study contributes to the advancement of music streaming services by providing a more personalized and emotionally rich music experience for younger generations.Comment: In the Proceedings of ChinaVis 202

    Au4Mn, a localized ferromagnet with strong spin-orbit coupling, long-range ferromagnetic exchange and high Curie temperature

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    Metallic Mn-based alloys with a nearest-neighbor Mn-Mn distance greater than 0.4 nm exhibit large, well-localized magnetic moments. Here we investigate the magnetism of tetragonal Au4Mn with a Curie temperature of 385 K, where manganese has a spin moment of 4.1 muB and its orbital moment is quenched. Since 80% of the atoms are gold, the spin orbit interaction is strong and Au4Mn exhibits uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy with surface maze domains at room temperature. The magnetic hardness parameter of 1.0 is sufficient to maintain the magnetization along the c-axis for a sample of any shape. Au also reduces the spin moment of Mn through 5d-3d orbital hybridization. An induced moment of 0.05 muB was found on Au under a pulsed field of 40 T. Density functional theory calculations indicate that the Mn-Mn exchange is mediated by spin-polarized gold 5d and 6p electrons. The distance-dependence shows that it is ferromagnetic or zero for the first ten shells of Mn neighbors out to 1.041 nm (64 atoms), and very weak and oscillatory thereafter

    MEI Kodierung der frühesten Notation in linienlosen Neumen

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    Das Optical Neume Recognition Project (ONRP) hat die digitale Kodierung von musikalischen Notationszeichen aus dem Jahr um 1000 zum Ziel – ein ambitioniertes Vorhaben, das die Projektmitglieder veranlasste, verschiedenste methodische Ansätze zu evaluieren. Die Optical Music Recognition-Software soll eine linienlose Notation aus einem der ältesten erhaltenen Quellen mit Notationszeichen, dem Antiphonar Hartker aus der Benediktinerabtei St. Gallen (Schweiz), welches heute in zwei Bänden in der Stiftsbibliothek in St. Gallen aufbewahrt wird, erfassen. Aufgrund der handgeschriebenen, linienlosen Notation stellt dieser Gregorianische Gesang den Forscher vor viele Herausforderungen. Das Werk umfasst über 300 verschiedene Neumenzeichen und ihre Notation, die mit Hilfe der Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) erfasst und beschrieben werden sollen. Der folgende Artikel beschreibt den Prozess der Adaptierung, um die MEI auf die Notation von Neumen ohne Notenlinien anzuwenden. Beschrieben werden Eigenschaften der Neumennotation, um zu verdeutlichen, wo die Herausforderungen dieser Arbeit liegen sowie die Funktionsweise des Classifiers, einer Art digitalen Neumenwörterbuchs