48 research outputs found

    Mirror protected Dirac fermions on a Weyl semimetal NbP surface

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    The first Weyl semimetal was recently discovered in the NbP class of compounds. Although the topology of these novel materials has been identified, the surface properties are not yet fully understood. By means of scanning tunneling spectroscopy, we find that NbPs (001) surface hosts a pair of Dirac cones protected by mirror symmetry. Through our high resolution spectroscopic measurements, we resolve the quantum interference patterns arising from these novel Dirac fermions, and reveal their electronic structure, including the linear dispersions. Our data, in agreement with our theoretical calculations, uncover further interesting features of the Weyl semimetal NbPs already exotic surface. Moreover, we discuss the similarities and distinctions between the Dirac fermions here and those in topological crystalline insulators in terms of symmetry protection and topology

    Atomic-scale visualization of quasiparticle interference on a type-II Weyl semimetal surface

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    We combine quasiparticle interference simulation (theory) and atomic resolution scanning tunneling spectro-microscopy (experiment) to visualize the interference patterns on a type-II Weyl semimetal Mox_{x}W1x_{1-x}Te2_2 for the first time. Our simulation based on first-principles band topology theoretically reveals the surface electron scattering behavior. We identify the topological Fermi arc states and reveal the scattering properties of the surface states in Mo0.66_{0.66}W0.34_{0.34}Te2_2. In addition, our result reveals an experimental signature of the topology via the interconnectivity of bulk and surface states, which is essential for understanding the unusual nature of this material.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Negative flat band magnetism in a spin-orbit coupled correlated kagome magnet

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    It has long been speculated that electronic flat band systems can be a fertile ground for hosting novel emergent phenomena including unconventional magnetism and superconductivity. Although flat bands are known to exist in a few systems such as heavy fermion materials and twisted bilayer graphene, their microscopic roles and underlying mechanisms in generating emergent behavior remain elusive. Here we use scanning tunneling microscopy to elucidate the atomically resolved electronic states and their magnetic response in the kagome magnet Co3Sn2S2. We observe a pronounced peak at the Fermi level, which is identified to arise from the kinetically frustrated kagome flat band. Increasing magnetic field up to +-8T, this state exhibits an anomalous magnetization-polarized Zeeman shift, dominated by an orbital moment in opposite to the field direction. Such negative magnetism can be understood as spin-orbit coupling induced quantum phase effects tied to non-trivial flat band systems. We image the flat band peak, resolve the associated negative magnetism, and provide its connection to the Berry curvature field, showing that Co3Sn2S2 is a rare example of kagome magnet where the low energy physics can be dominated by the spin-orbit coupled flat band. Our methodology of probing band-resolved ordering phenomena such as spin-orbit magnetism can also be applied in future experiments to elucidate other exotic phenomena including flat band superconductivity and anomalous quantum transport.Comment: Nature Physics onlin

    Observation of Weyl fermions in a magnetic non-centrosymmetric crystal

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    Characterized by the absence of inversion symmetry, non-centrosymmetric materials are of great interest because they exhibit ferroelectricity, second harmonic generation, emergent Weyl fermions, and other fascinating phenomena. It is expected that if time-reversal symmetry is also broken, additional magneto-electric effects can emerge from the interplay between magnetism and electronic order. Here we report topological conducting properties in the non-centrosymmetric magnet PrAlGe. By photoemission spectroscopy, we observe an arc parametrizing surface-localized states---a topological arc. Using the bulk-boundary correspondence, we conclude that these arcs correspond to projected topological charges of ±1\pm{1} in the surface Brillouin zone, demonstrating the presence of magnetic Weyl quasiparticles in bulk. We further observe a large anomalous Hall response, arising from diverging bulk Berry curvature fields associated with the magnetic Weyl band structure. Our results demonstrate a topological phase with robust electronic surface states and anomalous transport in a non-centrosymmetric magnet for the first time, providing a novel material platform to study the interplay between magnetic order, band topology and transport.Comment: To appear in Nature Communications (2020

    Observation of sixfold degenerate fermions in PdSb2_2

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    Three types of fermions have been extensively studied in topological quantum materials: Dirac, Weyl, and Majorana fermions. Beyond the fundamental fermions in high energy physics, exotic fermions are allowed in condensed matter systems residing in three-, six- or eightfold degenerate band crossings. Here, we use angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy to directly visualize three-doubly-degenerate bands in PdSb2_2. The ultrahigh energy resolution we are able to achieve allows for the confirmation of all the sixfold degenerate bands at the R point, in remarkable consistency with first-principles calculations. Moreover, we find that this sixfold degenerate crossing has quadratic dispersion as predicted by theory. Finally, we compare sixfold degenerate fermions with previously confirmed fermions to demonstrate the importance of this work: our study indicates a topological fermion beyond the constraints of high energy physics