11,734 research outputs found

    An Efficient Mode Decision Algorithm Based on Dynamic Grouping and Adaptive Adjustment for H.264/AVC

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    “This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder." “Copyright IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.”The rate distortion optimization (RDO) enabled mode decision (MD) is one of the most important techniques introduced by H.264/AVC. By adopting the exhaustive calculation of rate distortion, the optimal MD enhances the video encoding quality. However, the computational complexity is significantly increased, which is a key challenge for real-time and low power consumption applications. This paper presents a new fast MD algorithm for highly efficient H.264/AVC encoder. The proposed algorithm employs a dynamic group of candidate inter/intra modes to reduce the computational cost. In order to minimize the performance loss incurred by improper mode selection for the previously encoded frames, an adaptive adjustment scheme based on the undulation of bitrate and PSNR is suggested. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm reduces the encoding time by 35% on average, and the loss of PSNR is usually limited in 0.1 dB with less than 1% increase of bitrate

    An efficient fast mode decision algorithm for H.264/AVC intra/inter predictions

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    H.264/AVC is the newest video coding standard, which outperforms the former standards in video coding efficiency in terms of improved video quality and decreased bitrate. Variable block size based mode decision (MD) with rate distortion optimization (RDO) is one of the most impressive new techniques employed in H.264/AVC. However, the improvement on performance is achieved at the expense of significantly increased computational complexity, which is a key challenge for real-time applications. An efficient fast mode decision algorithm is then proposed in this paper. By exploiting the correlation between macroblocks and the statistical characteristics of sub-macroblock in MD, the video encoding time can be reduced 52.19% on average. Furthermore, the motion speed based adjustment scheme was introduced to minimize the degradation of performanc

    A very important process of nucleosynthesis in stars

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    When some nuclei are free from strong gravitational field, they are unstable and will become stable nuclei by competitions of following processes: (1) neutron-evaporation; (2) spontaneous fission; and (3) beta prime 3-decay. At the initial stage, (1) and (2) are important and (3) can be ignored. The qualitative results are as follows: (1) it seems that nuclei with A 100 come from the spontaneous fission and beta prime decay of neutron-evaporated nuclei with A similiar to 140-440, which can replace the r-process; (2) the super-heavy elements with Z=114--126 (A similiar to 330--360) can be formed. They can be observed in cosmic rage if they have the halftime T 10 to the 7th poweer years; (3) the peak in the rare-earth elements comes from the symmetric fission of super-heavy elements; (4) there are more neutron-rich nuclei in the fragments; and (5) the abundances of a 83 elements in cosmic rays are one order of magnitude higher than that in the solar system

    Nucleosynthesis in the terrestrial and solar atmospheres

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    Variations of Delta D, delta C-13, Delta C-14 and Delta O-18 with time were measured by a lot of experiments. Many abnormalities of isotope abundances in cosmic rays were found by balloons and satellites. It is suggested that these abnormalities are related to nuclearsynthesis in the terrestrial and solar atmospheres and are closely related to solar activities

    Probing Dark Energy with the Kunlun Dark Universe Survey Telescope

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    Dark energy is an important science driver of many upcoming large-scale surveys. With small, stable seeing and low thermal infrared background, Dome A, Antarctica, offers a unique opportunity for shedding light on fundamental questions about the universe. We show that a deep, high-resolution imaging survey of 10,000 square degrees in \emph{ugrizyJH} bands can provide competitive constraints on dark energy equation of state parameters using type Ia supernovae, baryon acoustic oscillations, and weak lensing techniques. Such a survey may be partially achieved with a coordinated effort of the Kunlun Dark Universe Survey Telescope (KDUST) in \emph{yJH} bands over 5000--10,000 deg2^2 and the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope in \emph{ugrizy} bands over the same area. Moreover, the joint survey can take advantage of the high-resolution imaging at Dome A to further tighten the constraints on dark energy and to measure dark matter properties with strong lensing as well as galaxy--galaxy weak lensing.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Perfect State Transfer in Laplacian Quantum Walk

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    For a graph GG and a related symmetric matrix MM, the continuous-time quantum walk on GG relative to MM is defined as the unitary matrix U(t)=exp(itM)U(t) = \exp(-itM), where tt varies over the reals. Perfect state transfer occurs between vertices uu and vv at time τ\tau if the (u,v)(u,v)-entry of U(τ)U(\tau) has unit magnitude. This paper studies quantum walks relative to graph Laplacians. Some main observations include the following closure properties for perfect state transfer: (1) If a nn-vertex graph has perfect state transfer at time τ\tau relative to the Laplacian, then so does its complement if nτn\tau is an integer multiple of 2π2\pi. As a corollary, the double cone over any mm-vertex graph has perfect state transfer relative to the Laplacian if and only if m2(mod4)m \equiv 2 \pmod{4}. This was previously known for a double cone over a clique (S. Bose, A. Casaccino, S. Mancini, S. Severini, Int. J. Quant. Inf., 7:11, 2009). (2) If a graph GG has perfect state transfer at time τ\tau relative to the normalized Laplacian, then so does the weak product G×HG \times H if for any normalized Laplacian eigenvalues λ\lambda of GG and μ\mu of HH, we have μ(λ1)τ\mu(\lambda-1)\tau is an integer multiple of 2π2\pi. As a corollary, a weak product of P3P_{3} with an even clique or an odd cube has perfect state transfer relative to the normalized Laplacian. It was known earlier that a weak product of a circulant with odd integer eigenvalues and an even cube or a Cartesian power of P3P_{3} has perfect state transfer relative to the adjacency matrix. As for negative results, no path with four vertices or more has antipodal perfect state transfer relative to the normalized Laplacian. This almost matches the state of affairs under the adjacency matrix (C. Godsil, Discrete Math., 312:1, 2011).Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    New Approach on the General Shape Equation of Axisymmetric Vesicles

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    The general Helfrich shape equation determined by minimizing the curvature free energy describes the equilibrium shapes of the axisymmetric lipid bilayer vesicles in different conditions. It is a non-linear differential equation with variable coefficients. In this letter, by analyzing the unique property of the solution, we change this shape equation into a system of the two differential equations. One of them is a linear differential equation. This equation system contains all of the known rigorous solutions of the general shape equation. And the more general constraint conditions are found for the solution of the general shape equation.Comment: 8 pages, LaTex, submit to Mod. Phys. Lett.