
A very important process of nucleosynthesis in stars


When some nuclei are free from strong gravitational field, they are unstable and will become stable nuclei by competitions of following processes: (1) neutron-evaporation; (2) spontaneous fission; and (3) beta prime 3-decay. At the initial stage, (1) and (2) are important and (3) can be ignored. The qualitative results are as follows: (1) it seems that nuclei with A 100 come from the spontaneous fission and beta prime decay of neutron-evaporated nuclei with A similiar to 140-440, which can replace the r-process; (2) the super-heavy elements with Z=114--126 (A similiar to 330--360) can be formed. They can be observed in cosmic rage if they have the halftime T 10 to the 7th poweer years; (3) the peak in the rare-earth elements comes from the symmetric fission of super-heavy elements; (4) there are more neutron-rich nuclei in the fragments; and (5) the abundances of a 83 elements in cosmic rays are one order of magnitude higher than that in the solar system

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