235 research outputs found

    Ionospheric Signatures of Acoustic Waves Generated by Transient Tropospheric Forcing

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    Acoustic waves generated by tropospheric sources may attain significant amplitudes in the thermosphere and overlying ionosphere. Although they are weak precursors to gravity waves in the mesosphere below, acoustic waves may achieve temperature and vertical wind perturbations on the order of approximately tens of Kelvin and m/s throughout the E and F regions. Their perturbations to total electron content are predicted to be detectable by groundbased radar and GPS receivers; they also drive field-aligned currents that may be detectable in situ via magnetometers. Although transient and short lived, ionospheric signatures of acoustic waves may provide new and quantitative insight into the forcing of the upper atmosphere from below

    Latitude and Longitude Dependence of Ionospheric Tec and Magnetic Perturbations From Infrasonic-Acoustic Waves Generated by Strong Seismic Events

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    A numerical study of the effects of seismically generated acoustic waves in the ionosphere is conducted using a three-dimensional (3-D) ionospheric model driven by an axisymmetric neutral atmospheric model. A source consistent with the 2011 Tohoku earthquake initial ocean surface uplifting is applied to simulate the subsequent responses. Perturbations in electron density, ion drift, total electron content (TEC), and ground-level magnetic fields are examined. Results reveal strong latitude and longitude dependence of ionospheric TEC, and of ground-level magnetic field perturbations associated with acoustic wave-driven ionospheric dynamo currents. Results also demonstrate that prior two-dimensional models can capture dominant meridional responses of TEC over latitude, even though dynamics at other longitudes are not resolved. Conclusions support that TEC and magnetic signatures can arise from nonlinear acoustic waves generated by strong earthquakes; simulations elucidate the comprehensive physics of their 3-D ionospheric responses

    Dynamics of Density Cavities Generated by Frictional Heating: Formation, Distortion, and Instability

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    A simulation study of the generation and evolution of mesoscale density cavities in the polar ionosphere is conducted using a time-dependent, nonlinear, quasi-electrostatic model. The model demonstrates that density cavities, generated by frictional heating, can form in as little as 90 s due to strong electric fields of ∌120 mV/m, which are sometimes observed near auroral zone and polar cap arcs. Asymmetric density cavity features and strong plasma density gradients perpendicular to the geomagnetic field are naturally generated as a consequence of the strong convection and finite extent of the auroral feature. The walls of the auroral density cavities are shown to be susceptible to large-scale distortion and gradient-drift instability, hence indicating that arc-related regions of frictional heating may be a source of polar ionospheric density irregularities

    Modulation of Low-Altitude Ionospheric Upflow by Linear and Nonlinear Atmospheric Gravity Waves

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    This study examines how thermospheric motions due to gravity waves (GWs) drive ion upflow in the F region, modulating the topside ionosphere in a way that can contribute to ion outflow. We present incoherent scatter radar data from Sondrestrom, from 31 May 2003 which showed upflow/downflow motions, having a downward phase progression, in the field‐aligned velocity, indicating forcing by a thermospheric GW. The GW‐upflow coupling dynamics are investigated through the use of a coupled atmosphere‐ionosphere model to examine potential impacts on topside ionospheric upflow. Specifically, a sequence of simulations with varying wave amplitude is conducted to determine responses to a range of transient forcing reminiscent of the incoherent scatter radar data. Nonlinear wave effects, resulting from increases in amplitude of the modeled GW, are shown to critically impact the ionospheric response. GW breaking deposits energy into smaller scale wave modes, drives periods of large field‐aligned ion velocities, while also modulating ion densities. Complementary momentum transfer increases the mean flow and, through ion‐neutral drag, can increase ion densities above 300 km. Ionospheric collision frequency (cooling) and photoionization effects (heating), both dependent on ionospheric density, modify the electron temperature; these changes conduct quickly up geomagnetic field lines driving ion upflow at altitudes well above initial disturbances. This flow alters ion populations available for high‐altitude acceleration processes that may lead to outflow into the magnetosphere. We have included a representative source of transverse wave heating which, when supplemented by our GWs, illustrates strengthened upward fluxes in the topside ionosphere

    The Dynamics of Nonlinear Atmospheric Acoustic-Gravity Waves Generated by Tsunamis Over Realistic Bathymetry

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    The investigation of atmospheric tsunamigenic acoustic and gravity wave (TAGW) dynamics, from the ocean surface to the thermosphere, is performed through the numerical computations of the 3D compressible nonlinear Navier-Stokes equations. Tsunami propagation is first simulated using a nonlinear shallow water model, which incorporates instantaneous or temporal evolutions of initial tsunami distributions (ITD). Ocean surface dynamics are then imposed as a boundary condition to excite TAGWs into the atmosphere from the ground level. We perform a case study of a large tsunami associated with the 2011 M9.1 Tohuku-Oki earthquake and parametric studies with simplified and demonstrative bathymetry and ITD. Our results demonstrate that TAGW propagation, controlled by the atmospheric state, can evolve nonlinearly and lead to wave self-acceleration effects and instabilities, followed by the excitation of secondary acoustic and gravity waves (SAGWs), spanning a broad frequency range. The variations of the ocean depth result in a change of tsunami characteristics and subsequent tilt of the TAGW packet, as the wave\u27s intrinsic frequency spectrum is varied. In addition, focusing of tsunamis and their interactions with seamounts and islands may result in localized enhancements of TAGWs, which further indicates the crucial role of bathymetry variations. Along with SAGWs, leading long-period phases of the TAGW packet propagate ahead of the tsunami wavefront and thus can be observed prior to the tsunami arrival. Our modeling results suggest that TAGWs from large tsunamis can drive detectable and quantifiable perturbations in the upper atmosphere under a wide range of scenarios and uncover new challenges and opportunities for their observations

    Table: Spatial Extents of the Numerical Domains

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    The spatial extents of the numerical domains

    Auroral Ionospheric F Region Density Cavity Formation and Evolution: MICA Campaign Results

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    Auroral ionospheric F region density depletions observed by PFISR (Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar) during the MICA (Magnetosphere‐Ionosphere Coupling in the AlfvĂ©n Resonator) sounding rocket campaign are critically examined alongside complementary numerical simulations. Particular processes of interest include cavity formation due to intense frictional heating and Pedersen drifts, evolution in the presence of structured precipitation, and refilling due to impact ionization and downflows. Our analysis uses an ionospheric fluid model which solves conservation of mass, momentum, and energy equations for all major ionospheric species. These fluid equations are coupled to an electrostatic current continuity equation to self‐consistently describe auroral electric fields. Energetic electron precipitation inputs for the model are specified by inverting optical data, and electric field boundary conditions are obtained from direct PFISR measurements. Thus, the model is driven in as realistic a manner as possible. Both incoherent scatter radar (ISR) data and simulations indicate that the conversion of the F region plasma to molecular ions and subsequent recombination is the dominant process contributing to the formation of the observed cavities, all of which occur in conjunction with electric fields exceeding ∌90 mV/m. Furthermore, the cavities often persist several minutes past the point when the frictional heating stops. Impact ionization and field‐aligned plasma flows modulate the cavity depth in a significant way but are of secondary importance to the molecular generation process. Informal comparisons of the ISR density and temperature fits to the model verify that the simulations reproduce most of the observed cavity features to a reasonable level of detail

    Transient Ionospheric Upflow Driven by Poleward Moving Auroral forms Observed During the Rocket Experiment for Neutral Upwelling 2 (RENU2) Campaign

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    This study examines cumulative effects of a series of poleward moving auroral forms on ion upflow and downflow. These effects are investigated using an ionospheric model with inputs derived from the Rocket Experiment for Neutral Upwelling 2 (RENU2) sounding rocket campaign. Auroral precipitation inputs are constrained by all‐sky imager brightness values resulting in significant latitudinal structuring in simulated ionospheric upflows due to transient forcing. For contrast, a case with steady forcing generates almost double the O+ upflow transport through 1,000 km when compared to poleward moving auroral form‐like structures. At high altitudes, model results show a spread in upflow response time dependent on ion mass, with molecular ions responding slower than atomic ions by several minutes. While the modeled auroral precipitation is not strong enough to accelerate ions to escape velocities, source populations available for higher‐altitude energization processes are greatly impacted by variable forcing exhibited by the RENU2 event.Key PointsImager data provide realistic transient forcing constraints for model inputs to simulate observations from a high‐latitude rocket flightTransient forcing deposits energy over a wider latitudinal region but less energy in any specific locationModeling a sequence of poleward moving auroral forms with realistic spatiotemporal variability generates significant latitudinal structuringPeer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/150562/1/grl59002.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/150562/2/grl59002-sup-0001-Text_SI-S01.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/150562/3/grl59002_am.pd
