93 research outputs found

    The Use of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms in the Prognosis and Detection of Lymph Node Involvement in Head and Neck Cancer and Possible Impact in the Development of Personalized Therapeutic Strategy: A Systematic Review

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    Given the increasingly important role that the use of artificial intelligence algorithms is taking on in the medical field today (especially in oncology), the purpose of this systematic review is to analyze the main reports on such algorithms applied for the prognostic evaluation of patients with head and neck malignancies. The objective of this paper is to examine the currently available literature in the field of artificial intelligence applied to head and neck oncology, particularly in the prognostic evaluation of the patient with this kind of tumor, by means of a systematic review. The paper exposes an overview of the applications of artificial intelligence in deriving prognostic information related to the prediction of survival and recurrence and how these data may have a potential impact on the choice of therapeutic strategy, making it increasingly personalized. This systematic review was written following the PRISMA 2020 guidelines

    Adipose Stem Cells in Modern-Day Ophthalmology

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    Stem cells (SCs) have evolved as an interesting and viable factor in ophthalmologic patient care in the past decades. SCs have been classified as either embryonic, mesenchymal, tissue-specific, or induced pluripotent cells. Multiple novel management techniques and clinical trials have been established to date. While available publications are predominantly animal-model-based, significant material is derived from human studies and case-selected scenarios. This possibility of explanting cells from viable tissue to regenerate/repair damaged tissue points to an exciting future of therapeutic options in all fields of medicine, and ophthalmology is surely not left out. Adipose tissue obtained from lipo-aspirates has been shown to produce mesenchymal SCs that are potentially useful in different body parts, including the oculo-visual system. An overview of the anatomy, physiology, and extraction process for adipose-tissue-derived stem cells (ADSC) is important for better understanding the potential therapeutic benefits. This review examines published data on ADSCs in immune-modulatory, therapeutic, and regenerative treatments. We also look at the future of ADSC applications for ophthalmic patient care. The adverse effects of this relatively novel therapy are also discussed

    Exploring Deep Cervical Compartments in Head and Neck Surgical Oncology through Augmented Reality Vision: A Proof of Concept

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    Background: Virtual surgical planning allows surgeons to meticulously define surgical procedures by creating a digital replica of patients’ anatomy. This enables precise preoperative assessment, facilitating the selection of optimal surgical approaches and the customization of treatment plans. In neck surgery, virtual planning has been significantly underreported compared to craniofacial surgery, due to a multitude of factors, including the predominance of soft tissues, the unavailability of intraoperative navigation and the complexity of segmenting such areas. Augmented reality represents the most innovative approach to translate virtual planning for real patients, as it merges the digital world with the surgical field in real time. Surgeons can access patient-specific data directly within their field of view, through dedicated visors. In head and neck surgical oncology, augmented reality systems overlay critical anatomical information onto the surgeon’s visual field. This aids in locating and preserving vital structures, such as nerves and blood vessels, during complex procedures. In this paper, the authors examine a series of patients undergoing complex neck surgical oncology procedures with prior virtual surgical planning analysis. For each patient, the surgical plan was imported in Hololens headset to allow for intraoperative augmented reality visualization. The authors discuss the results of this preliminary investigation, tracing the conceptual framework for an increasing AR implementation in complex head and neck surgical oncology procedures

    Thermo-electrochemical production of compressed hydrogen from methane with near-zero energy loss

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    [EN] Conventional production of hydrogen requires large industrial plants to minimize energy losses and capital costs associated with steam reforming, water-gas shift, product separation and compression. Here we present a protonic membrane reformer (PMR) that produces high-purity hydrogen from steam methane reforming in a single-stage process with near-zero energy loss. We use a BaZrO3-based proton-conducting electrolyte deposited as a dense film on a porous Ni composite electrode with dual function as a reforming catalyst. At 800 degrees C, we achieve full methane conversion by removing 99% of the formed hydrogen, which is simultaneously compressed electrochemically up to 50 bar. A thermally balanced operation regime is achieved by coupling several thermo-chemical processes. Modelling of a small-scale (10 kg H-2 day-1) hydrogen plant reveals an overall energy efficiency of >87%. The results suggest that future declining electricity prices could make PMRs a competitive alternative for industrial-scale hydrogen plants integrating CO2 capture.This work was supported by the Research Council of Norway (grant 256264) and the Spanish Government (SEV-2016-0683 grant).Malerød-Fjeld, H.; Clark, D.; Yuste Tirados, I.; Zanón González, R.; Catalán-Martínez, D.; Beeaff, D.; Hernández Morejudo, S.... (2017). Thermo-electrochemical production of compressed hydrogen from methane with near-zero energy loss. Nature Energy. 2(12):923-931. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41560-017-0029-4S923931212Morejudo, S. H. et al. Direct conversion of methane to aromatics in a catalytic co-ionic membrane reactor. Science 353, 563–566 (2016).Chu, S. & Majumdar, A. Opportunities and challenges for a sustainable energy future. Nature 488, 294–303 (2012).Logan, B. E. & Elimelech, M. Membrane-based processes for sustainable power generation using water. Nature 488, 313–319 (2012).Rostrup-Nielsen, J. R. 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    Ridurre le scorte con l’aiuto del sistema informativo

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    Un ERP viene scelto e installato per ragioni diverse dall’ottimizzazione tematica. Ciò nonostante, nelle pur semplici funzioni di operations management da esso offerte si può ricercare quel ritorno economico tanto complicato da quantificare attraverso i generici benefici dell’innalzamento della qualità dei processi e dell’integrazione funzional

    An Overview of Corneal Transplantation in the Past Decade

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    The cornea is a transparent avascular structure located in the front of the eye that refracts light entering the eyes and also serves as a barrier between the outside world and the internal contents of the eye. Like every other body part, the cornea may suffer insult from trauma, infection, and inflammation. In the case of trauma, a prior infection that left a scar, or conditions such as keratoconus that warrant the removal of all or part of the cornea (keratoplasty), it is important to use healthy donor corneal tissues and cells that can replace the damaged cornea. The types of cornea transplant techniques employed currently include: penetrating keratoplasty, endothelial keratoplasty (EK), and artificial cornea transplant. Postoperative failure acutely or after years can result after a cornea transplant and may require a repeat transplant. This minireview briefly examines the various types of corneal transplant methodologies, indications, contraindications, presurgical protocols, sources of cornea transplant material, wound healing after surgery complications, co-morbidities, and the effect of COVID-19 in corneal transplant surgery

    Ridurre le scorte con l’aiuto del sistema informativo

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    Un ERP viene scelto e installato per ragioni diverse dall’ottimizzazione tematica. Ciò nonostante, nelle pur semplici funzioni di operations management da esso offerte si può ricercare quel ritorno economico tanto complicato da quantificare attraverso i generici benefici dell’innalzamento della qualità dei processi e dell’integrazione funzional
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