76 research outputs found

    Improving the quality of life in the Republic of Belarus

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    The article discusses ways of accelerating economic growth in the Republic of Belarus. Denotes the growth of potential quality of life of residents of the country

    Improving the quality of life in the Republic of Belarus

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    The article discusses ways of accelerating economic growth in the Republic of Belarus. Denotes the growth of potential quality of life of residents of the country

    Scattering of inhomogeneous circularly polarized optical field and mechanical manifestation of the internal energy flows

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    Based on the Mie theory and on the incident beam model via superposition of two plane waves, we analyze numerically the momentum flux of the field scattered by a spherical microparticle placed within the spatially inhomogeneous circularly polarized paraxial light beam. The asymmetry between the forward- and backward-scattered momentum fluxes in the Rayleigh scattering regime appears due to the spin part of the internal energy flow in the incident beam. The transverse ponderomotive forces exerted on dielectric and conducting particles of different sizes are calculated and special features of the mechanical actions produced by the spin and orbital parts of the internal energy flow are recognized. In particular, the transverse orbital flow exerts the transverse force that grows as a^3 for conducting and as a^6 for dielectric subwavelength particle with radius a, in compliance with the dipole mechanism of the field-particle interaction; the force associated with the spin flow behaves as a^8 in both cases, which testifies for the non-dipole mechanism. The results can be used for experimental identification and separate investigation of the spin and orbital parts of the internal energy flow in light fields.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures. For resubmission, the language is improved, numerical mistakes in Fig. 4 are corrected and discussion is modified accordingl

    Modeling of the high-resolution optical-coherence diagnostics of bi-refringent biological tissues

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    We present a computer model of the polarization-sensitive interference diagnostics of the bi-refringent biological media, with a particular example of the lamella of eye cornea. The diagnostic procedure employs the modified Mach–Zehnder interferometer with controllable phase retardation of the reference wave, separate observation of the orthogonal linearly-polarized interference signals, and evaluation of the phases and amplitudes of their variable (AC) components. The data obtained permit to determine the mean refractive index as well as the difference between the extraordinary and ordinary refractive indices, which, in turn, indicates the optical axis and the collagen fibers’ orientation in the lamella. The modelled procedure enables the sample structure diagnostics with the longitudinal and lateral resolution ∼100 nm and ∼1.8 μm, correspondingly. In particular, it permits a reliable detection and quantitative characterization of a thin (<100 nm) near-surface layer where the mean refractive index differs by less than 1% from that in the main volume (due to the different orientation of the collagen fibers). The diagnostic approach, developed in the paper, can be useful in various problems of structure characterization of optically-anisotropic biological tissues

    The direction of the breeding process in a herd of Ayrshire breed cows in the conditions of the Vologda region

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    The direction of the breeding process in herds and populations of dairy cattle breeds based on the actual indicators and variability of the trait is one of the main factors that allows to determine the effectiveness of breeding measures. As the initial material for the research there were taken the data of breeding records (n=681) of Ayrshire breed cows of the agricultural complex "Maysky" of the Vologda region. The number of cows was distributed by generations (195 cows with the first incomplete lactation, 177 cows with the first completed lactation, 130 cows for the second lactation, 179 cows for the third lactation and older). According to the research results, the superiority of the actual indicators for the live weight of heifers in animals of modern generation in early age periods was from 28 to 39 kg. Consequently, with each new generation, animals have better development indicators, as evidenced by the indicators of variation (variability) of the live weight of heifers in the early age periods of weak and moderate Cv = 5.3 to 10.6 %, depending on generation. The reduction of the age of the first insemination of heifers to 13.4 months (-2.2 months) and the first fruitful insemination to 14.0 months (-2.1 months) in animals from full-age to the first incomplete lactation was revealed. A targeted selection of cows was carried out in the herd according to the level of milk productivity of mothers after the first lactation - the selection efficiency was 977 kg of milk, according to the highest - 456 kg. The selection of breeding bulls was carried out according to the level of productivity of the breeding stock, however, it should be noted that the intensity of selection in cows for the incomplete first (10968 kg of milk) and first lactation (10635 kg of milk) is reduced compared to cows for the second lactation (11417 kg of milk). Consequently, in herds and populations of dairy cattle breeds, in order to achieve genetic progress in productivity in the next generation, it is necessary to determine the direction of the breeding process


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    Due to the growing variety of vegetables, the impact of genotypic parameters of plants on pest resistance and efficiency of biological specimens is of high importance when selecting and creating new varieties and hybrids. The researchers found out the significant differences in stability of parental forms, hybrids and cucumber varieties of the Siberian selection in relation to twospotted spider mite. The paper finds out relatively resistant parental forms - ZhL-4 and GP-61/b, and also samples of the paternal form - GF-7 and a maternal line - ZhL-9 damaged by a phytophage in a strong degree have been defined rather steady against a phytophage. High acaricidal effect of Phytoverm was found on all studied varietal samples, however the most effective biospecimen restrained development of the pest on plants of  relatively resistant to phytophage of female line ZL-4. Reproduction of the twospotted spider phytoseiulus did not depend on genotypic features of parental forms, varieties and hybrids of cucumbers. The number of acarifages increased by 7.8-8.2 times in two weeks after appearance on the plants inhabited by spider mite in comparison with the initial number, as a result of which the damage rate of plants by the pest of most cultivars decreased, and in male forms practically did not change (GF-19) or slightly increased (GF-7). According to biochemical parameters, cucumber varieties with different degree of resistance to phytophage differed in dry matter content. Non-resistant to twospotted spider mite female forms LL-9, LL-12/1 and Nadezhda variety contained the lowest concentration of dry matter (5.4%), the highest amount of dry matter was observed in female line LL-4, which has the highest pest resistance (6.0%). Since the inherited traits are predominantly transmitted by the maternal component and the paternal form enhances these properties, it is important to assess not only the yield and flavour qualities but also the degree of resistance of parental forms to pests when selecting cucumber varieties and hybrids.В условиях постоянно пополняющегося сортового ассортимента овощных культур изучение влияния генотипических свойств растений на устойчивость к вредителям и эффективность биологических средств защиты является актуальным еще на этапе селекционного процесса создания новых сортов и гибридов. В экспериментах выявлены существенные различия по устойчивости родительских форм, гибридов и сортов огурца сибирской селекции по отношению к обыкновенному паутинному клещу. При естественном заселении растений и на фоне применения биологических средств защиты были определены относительно устойчивые к фитофагу родительские формы – ЖЛ-4 и ГП-61/б, а также повреждаемые фитофагом в сильной степени образцы отцовской формы – ГФ-7 и материнской линии – ЖЛ-9. Высокий акарицидный эффект Фитоверма был зафиксирован на всех изучаемых сортообразцах, однако наиболее эффективно биопрепарат сдерживал развитие вредителя на растениях относительно устойчивой к фитофагу женской линии ЖЛ-4. Размножение хищного клеща фитосейулюса не зависело от генотипических особенностей родительских форм, сортов и гибридов огурца. Численность акарифага через две недели после выпуска на заселенные паутинным клещом растения увеличилась в 7,8–8,2 раза по сравнению с первоначальным количеством, в результате чего балл поврежденности растений вредителем большинства сортообразцов снижался, а у мужских форм практически не изменялся (ГФ-19) или незначительно увеличивался (ГФ-7). По биохимическим показателям сортообразцы огурца с разной степенью устойчивости к фитофагу различались по содержанию сухого вещества. Неустойчивые к паутинному клещу женские формы ЖЛ-9, ЖЛ-12/1 и сорт Надежда содержали наименьшее количество сухого вещества (5,4%), больше всего сухого вещества обнаружено у женской линии ЖЛ-4, обладающей наибольшей устойчивостью к вредителю (6,0%). Поскольку наследуемые признаки передаются преимущественно материнским компонентом, а отцовская форма усиливает эти свойства, при селекции сортов и гибридов огурца важно оценивать не только урожайность и вкусовые качества, но и степень устойчивости родительских форм к вредителям

    Genetic and biochemical characterization of staphylococci occurring in Novosibirsk, Russia

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    Staphylococci are capable of penetrating many human tissues and organs, causing superficial and deep purulent infections, respiratory and urinary tract infections, food poisoning and intoxication. Last years, coagulase­negative staphylococci were the cause of infection in many cases. Infectious agents, namely Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus haemolyticus, and Staphylococcus hominis, were detected more often as nosocomial infections. A particular danger of these infections is a high virulence and  pathogenicity of bacterial strains and their resistance to various anti ­ biotics. Methicillin­resistant staphylococci are especially difficult to treat. The correct identification of staphylococci and their sensitivity to antibiotics are important for clinical diagnosis and appointment of adequate drug therapy. Rapid and accurate identification of Staphylococcus species and detection of their sensitivity to antibiotics is quite important. The aim of this study was to study staphylococci isolated in Novosibirsk from human, animal and environmental samples. A collection of 100 staphylococcus strains was analyzed. Staphylococcus species were identified by sequencing the 16S rRNA gene. Eleven staphylococcus species were identified. Among the strains obtained from hospitalized patients, Staphylococcus aure us dominated (79.1 %), Staphylococcus  epidermidis amounted to about 12.5 %. However, S. aureus and S. epi dermidis strains were isolated in an approximately equal proportion from community­associated samples. Identification of coagulase positive strains was performed using a standard biochemical method and by real­time PCR of the coa gene. 100 % coincidence between the presence of the gene and coagulase activity for S. aureus strains was recorded, which suggests that detection of the coa gene can be used as a correct method for S. aure us identification. A high coincidence rate (99 %) was reveal ed between the phenotypic resistance to oxacillin and the presence of the staphylococcal mecA gene. The study of staphylococci for the presence of the mecA gene can be considered as an alternative to the phenotypical method for identification of methicillin­resistant strains of staphylococci