5,108 research outputs found

    Conformal Prediction: a Unified Review of Theory and New Challenges

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    In this work we provide a review of basic ideas and novel developments about Conformal Prediction -- an innovative distribution-free, non-parametric forecasting method, based on minimal assumptions -- that is able to yield in a very straightforward way predictions sets that are valid in a statistical sense also in in the finite sample case. The in-depth discussion provided in the paper covers the theoretical underpinnings of Conformal Prediction, and then proceeds to list the more advanced developments and adaptations of the original idea.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:0706.3188, arXiv:1604.04173, arXiv:1709.06233, arXiv:1203.5422 by other author

    Synthesis of a Galile oand Wi-Max Three-Band Fractal-Eroded Patch Antenna

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    In this letter, the synthesis of a three-band patch antenna working in E5-L1 Galileo and Wi − Max frequency bands is described. The geometry of the antenna is defined by performing a Koch-like erosion in a classical rectangular patch structure according to a Particle Swarm strategy to optimize the values of the electrical parameters within given specifications. In order to assess the effectiveness of the antenna design, some results from the numerical synthesis procedure are described and a comparison between simulations and experimental measurements is reported. (c) 2007 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works

    The Exponential Map for the Conformal Group 0(2,4)

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    We present a general method to obtain a closed, finite formula for the exponential map from the Lie algebra to the Lie group, for the defining representation of the orthogonal groups. Our method is based on the Hamilton-Cayley theorem and some special properties of the generators of the orthogonal group, and is also independent of the metric. We present an explicit formula for the exponential of generators of the SO+(p,q)SO_+(p,q) groups, with p+q=6p+q = 6, in particular we are dealing with the conformal group SO+(2,4)SO_+(2,4), which is homomorphic to the SU(2,2)SU(2,2) group. This result is needed in the generalization of U(1) gauge transformations to spin gauge transformations, where the exponential plays an essential role. We also present some new expressions for the coefficients of the secular equation of a matrix.Comment: 16pages,plain-TeX,(corrected TeX