20 research outputs found

    NF-Y histone fold α1 helices help impart CCAAT specificity

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    NF-Y is a conserved trimeric transcriptional activator with an extremely high specificity for CCAAT boxes. The NF-YB and NF-YC subunits have histone fold motifs with a high degree of homology to NC2\u3b1/\u3b2, a TBP-binding repressor. The histone fold is composed of three \u3b1 helices, \u3b11, \u3b12, \u3b13, separated by short loops. Structural data on core histones showed that \u3b11 are involved in DNA-binding. To understand the molecular basis of NF-Y sequence-specificity, we constructed deletion and swapping mutants, in which the \u3b11 of NC2 and archeal HMfB, a bona fide histonic protein, was placed in NF-YB and NF-YC. Our analysis indicates that (i) subunit interactions are normal; (ii) NF-YB-NF-YC and NC2\u3b1/\u3b2 do not form heterodimers and NC2 cannot associate NF-YA. (iii) None of the NF-Y swaps can complex with TBP on a TATA box. (iv) Specific residues, R47 and K49 in NF-YC and N61 in NF-YB, are crucial for CCAAT-binding. We conclude that specificity of the NF-Y trimer is not due to NF-YA only, but stems in part from the contribution of the histone fold \u3b11, particularly that of NF-YB

    Cloning of Schistosoma mansoni transcription factor NF-YA subunit : phylogenic conservation of the HAP-2 homology domain

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    The CCAAT-binding factor NF-Y (CBF/CP1) is a heteromeric transcription factor involved in the regulation of a variety of eukaryotic genes. We identified NF-Y as the CCAAT activity binding to the promoter region of the gene coding for the 28-kDa glutathione S-transferase of the human parasite Schistosoma mansoni (Sm28GST). We isolated the NF-YA cDNA from S. mansoni (SmNF-YA): the complete 268 amino acid sequence harbors a region in its C- terminal part that shows homology with the subunit interaction and DNA- binding domains of the mammalian NF-YA; the N-terminal region has an amino acid composition reminiscent of the mammalian and echinoderm counterparts, rich in glutamine and hydrophobic residues, but shows no sequence similarity at the primary level. In vitro synthesized SMNF-YA is able to associate with mammalian NF-YB/C subunits in the absence of DNA and to bind to the Sm28GST CCAAT box. Surprisingly, a monoclonal antibody directed against the non- conserved Q-rich activation domain of mammalian NF-YA supershifts and immunoprecipitates SMNF-YA, strongly suggesting structure conservation in the activation domain between divergent species

    Cloning and expression of human NF-YC

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    The CCAAT box is an important element in eukaryotic promoters and NF-Y (CBF) is a conserved heterotrimeric protein binding to it. Two subunits, NF-YB and NF-YC, contain a histone-like motif. We cloned the complete cDNA coding for the human NF-YC gene. The ORF codes for a 335 aa protein that shows virtual identity to the rat sequence, confirming the stunning invariance of NF-Y genes across species. We expressed and purified the yeast homology domain of NF-YC in bacteria and performed EMSA together with the corresponding conserved domains of NF-YA and NF-YB, obtaining a CCAAT-binding mini-NF-Y. We evaluated the expression of NF-YC and found that mRNA levels are similar in different human tissues except in testis

    Conservation and divergence of NF-Y transcriptional activation function.

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    The CCAAT-binding protein NF-Y is involved in the regulation of a variety of eukaryotic genes and is formed in higher eukaryotes by three subunits NF-YA/B/C. We have characterized NF-Y of the trematode parasite Schistosoma mansoni and studied the structure and the function of the SMNF-YA subunit. In this work, we present the cloning and sequence analysis of the B subunit of the parasite factor. SMNF-YB contains the conserved HAP-3 homology domain but the remaining part of the protein was found to be highly divergent from all other species. We demonstrated by transfections of GAL4 fusion constructs, that mouse NF-YB does not contain activation domains while the C-terminal part of SMNF-YB has transcriptional activation potential. On the other hand, the N-terminal parts of SMNF-YA and mouse NF-YA were shown to mediate transactivation; the integrity of a large 160 amino acid glutamine-rich domain of NF-YA was required for this function and an adjacent serine- and threonine-rich domain was necessary for full activity in HepG2, but redundant in other cell types. Transactivation domains identified in SMNF-YB are also rich in serine and threonine residues. Our results indicate that serine/threonine-richsequences from helminth parasites potentiate trans-cription and that such structures have diverged during evolution within the same transcription factor

    CCAAT binding NF-Y-TBP interactions: NF-YB and NF-YC require short domains adjacent to their histone fold motifs for association with TBP basic residues.

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    Both the TATA and CCAAT boxes are widespread promoter elements and their binding proteins, TBP and NF-Y, are extremely conserved in evolution. NF-Y is composed of three subunits, NF-YA, NF-YB and NF-YC, all necessary for DNA binding. NF-YB and NF-YC contain a putative histone-like motif, a domain also present in TBP-associated factors (TAFIIs) and in the subunits of the transcriptional repressor NC2. Immunopurification of holo-TFIID with anti-TBP and anti-TAFII100 antibodies indicates that a fraction of NF-YB associates with TFIID in the absence of NF-YA. Sedimentation velocity centrifugation experiments confirm that two pools of NF-YB, and most likely NF-YC, exist: one associated with NF-YA and binding to the CCAAT box; another involved in high molecular weight complexes. We started to dissect NF-Y-TFIID interactions by showing that: (i) NF-YB and NF-YC interact with TBP in solution, both separately and once bound to each other; (ii) short stretches of both NF-YB and NF-YC located within the evolutionary conserved domains, adjacent to the putative histone fold motifs, are necessary for TBP binding; (iii) TBP single amino acid mutants in the HS2 helix, previously shown to be defective in NC2 binding, are also unable to bind NF-YB and NF-YC