122 research outputs found

    Revision and Supplement of MR Ares Documentation

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    Import 23/08/2017Bakalářská práce se zabývá revizí a doplněním dokumentace k mobilnímu robotu ARES. V prvních kapitolách je popsána konstrukce robotu a komponenty elektronického systému. V druhé části práce je přiblížen aktuální stav dokumentace podvozku a její doplnění. Jedná se o zhotovení modelu robotu s ohledem na jeho montáž. Na základě poznatků zjištěných při revizi aktuálního stavu robotu jsou ve třetí části práce navržena možná řešení držáků HW komponent robotu. Finální varianta navrženého možného řešení je doplněna do vypracovaného modelu robotu a je k ní vytvořena příslušná výrobní dokumentace.Bachelor thesis is dealing with revision and supplement of mobile robot Ares documentation. The first chapters describe the robot construction and electronic system components. In the second part of the thesis, the current state of the documentation of the robot and its addition is described. It is about making a model of the robot with respect to its installation. Based on the findings of the current state of the robot, the third part of the thesis proposes possible solutions for the robot HW components holders. The final variant of the proposed solution is added to the robot model and the relevant production documentation is created.354 - Katedra robotikyvelmi dobř

    Mechanical Design of a Wheel with Active Steering

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá konstrukčním návrhem kola s aktivním zatáčením pro mobilní robot RoverOva K3P4, který je určen pro studentskou soutěž European Rover Challenge Student. V úvodu práce je proveden rozbor úkolů soutěže a zhodnocen aktuální stav kola robotu. Následně byl ze zjištěných poznatků vytvořen požadavkový list a tři varianty konstrukce kola. Optimální varianta byla podrobněji zpracována, doplněna o 3D model v programu Creo Parametric 4, pevnostními analýzami nosných částí a výkresovou dokumentací dle požadavků vedoucího práce.Thesis deals with construction design of a wheel with active steering for the mobile robot RoverOva K3P4, which is designed for the student competition European Rover Challenge Student. At the beginning of the thesis, the tasks of the competition are analyzed, and the current state of the robot wheel is evaluated. Subsequently, a requirement list and three variants of the wheel design were created from the findings. The optimal variant has been elaborated in more detail, completed by a 3D model in Creo Parametric 4, strength analysis of supporting parts and drawing documentation to the requirements of the thesis supervisor.354 - Katedra robotikyvýborn

    Planting Trees in the Desert: Delexicalized Tagging and Parsing Combined

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    Various unsupervised and semi-supervised methods have been proposed to tag and parse an unseen language. We explore delexicalized parsing, proposed by (Zeman and Resnik, 2008), and delexicalized tagging, proposed by (Yu et al., 2016). For both approaches we provide a detailed evaluation on Universal Dependencies data (Nivre et al., 2016), a de-facto standard for multi-lingual morphosyntactic processing (while the previous work used other datasets). Our results confirm that in separation, each of the two delexicalized techniques has some limited potential when no annotation of the target language is available. However, if used in combination, their errors multiply beyond acceptable limits. We demonstrate that even the tiniest bit of expert annotation in the target language may contain significant potential and should be used if available

    Design of algorithms for automatic selection of drive units for mechatronic devices

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    The design and selection of a suitable drive unit for use in mechatronic systems is a process that can be demanding not only in terms of the time required but also in terms of the demands placed on the knowledge and experience of development workers. The development aimed to create algorithms for the selection of compact electric power units based on data from dynamic analyses of the proposed system, with the help of which it would be possible to shorten and simplify the drive unit selection process significantly. The result of the development is a software tool called DrivePicker. Its functions and benefits are demonstrated in the design of drive units for a robotic arm with an angular structure and 5 degrees of freedom. Comparing selected units from two manufacturers (Spinea DS and HarmonicDrive CanisDrive) shows that by using this software tool, we can significantly speed up and streamline the design of mechatronic devices. DrivePicker also has an interface for connection to simulation and CAD systems, which opens up the possibility of further autonomy.Web of Science20214370436

    Research and development of a knowledge-based design system for designing selected elements of mechatronic devices

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    The design of mechatronic devices is a demanding process not only in terms of the time required but also of the demands placed on the knowledge and experience of development workers. The aim of this research and development was to create suitable procedures, algorithms, and databases of 3D models, with the help of which could this process be significantly shortened and simplified. The results of the development are a software tool for the design of electric drive units, procedures for creating 3D models with the possibility of using the SolidWorks software API, methods for automating the creation of assemblies of 3D models and a description of the knowledge database in which various data and algorithms are stored. The benefits of the proposed procedures, the Drive Picker software tool, and the knowledge database, are demonstrated on the design of a robotic arm with 5 degrees of freedom. Despite the complexity of the preparation of documents needed, it turns out that the chosen approach can significantly speed up and simplify the design of mechatronic devices.Web of Science20215390538

    HamleDT 2.0: Thirty Dependency Treebanks Stanfordized

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    We present HamleDT 2.0 (HArmonized Multi-LanguagE Dependency Treebank). HamleDT 2.0 is a collection of 30 existing treebanks harmonized into a common annotation style, the Prague Dependencies, and further transformed into Stanford Dependencies, a treebank annotation style that became popular recently. We use the newest basic Universal Stanford Dependencies, without added language-specific subtypes. We describe both of the annotation styles, including adjustments that were necessary to make, and provide details about the conversion process. We also discuss the differences between the two styles, evaluating their advantages and disadvantages, and note the effects of the differences on the conversion. We regard the stanfordization as generally successful, although we admit several shortcomings, especially in the distinction between direct and indirect objects, that have to be addressed in future. We release part of HamleDT 2.0 freely; we are not allowed to redistribute the whole dataset, but we do provide the conversion pipeline

    Knowledge-based automated mechanical design of a robot manipulator

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    Design methods have been improving with an increasing level of algorithmic support for some time. The most recent advances include generative design and various optimization methods. However, the automated design tools are often focused on a single stage of the design process, for example, kinematics design, mechanical topology, or drive selection. In this paper, we show the whole design process of a robotic manipulator in an automated workflow. The method consisted of two main parts: a genetic optimization of the kinematic structure and an iterative automated CAD design. The method was then applied to a case study in which a manipulator with five degrees of freedom for a handling task was designed.Web of Science1212art. no. 589

    Findings of the Shared Task on Multilingual Coreference Resolution

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    This paper presents an overview of the shared task on multilingual coreference resolution associated with the CRAC 2022 workshop. Shared task participants were supposed to develop trainable systems capable of identifying mentions and clustering them according to identity coreference. The public edition of CorefUD 1.0, which contains 13 datasets for 10 languages, was used as the source of training and evaluation data. The CoNLL score used in previous coreference-oriented shared tasks was used as the main evaluation metric. There were 8 coreference prediction systems submitted by 5 participating teams; in addition, there was a competitive Transformer-based baseline system provided by the organizers at the beginning of the shared task. The winner system outperformed the baseline by 12 percentage points (in terms of the CoNLL scores averaged across all datasets for individual languages)

    Structural optimization method of a FinRay finger for the best wrapping of object

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    Soft gripping, in which the gripper adapts to differently shaped objects, is in great demand for use in unknown or dynamically changing environments and is one of the main research subjects in soft robotics. Several systems have already been created, one of which is a passive shape-adaptable finger based on the FinRay effect. The geometric shape of this finger ensures that the finger wraps around the object it grips. FinRay fingers have been studied in several studies, which have changed the internal structure and examined how gripping force's dependence on finger deformation changes. So far, however, no specific way has been determined to evaluate the proposed finger regarding its ability to wrap around the object. This work comes up with a new and simple method to evaluate the finger's wrapping around the object mathematically. Based on this evaluation method, several different patterns of the internal structure of FinRay fingers were tested. The fingers were first tested in a simulation program, which simulated a steel roller indentation with a diameter of 20 mm in the middle of the finger's contact surface. Based on the simulation results, selected types of structure were made by the Fused Filament Fabrication method from a flexible filament and tested on a real test rig to verify the results of the simulation and compare it with the real behaviour. According to the methodology used, the results show that the most suitable structure of the selected tested fingers from the point of view of wrapping the finger around the object is a structure without internal filling. Designers can simply use the new evaluation method to compare their designed finger variants and select the most suitable one according to the ability to wrap around the gripped object. They can also use graphs from this work's results and determine the finger's dimensions without internal filling according to the required forces and deflection.Web of Science119art. no. 385