4 research outputs found

    The next generation virus‐like particle platform for the treatment of peanut allergy

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    Background: Allergy to peanut is one of the leading causes of anaphylactic reactions among food allergic patients. Immunization against peanut allergy with a safe and protective vaccine holds a promise to induce durable protection against anaphylaxis caused by exposure to peanut. A novel vaccine candidate (VLP Peanut), based on virus‐like particles (VLPs), is described here for the treatment of peanut allergy. Methods and Results: VLP Peanut consists of two proteins: a capsid subunit derived from Cucumber mosaic virus engineered with a universal T‐cell epitope (CuMVTT_{TT}) and a CuMVTT_{TT} subunit fused with peanut allergen Ara h 2 (CuMVTT_{TT}‐Ara h 2), forming mosaic VLPs. Immunizations with VLP Peanut in both naïve and peanut‐sensitized mice resulted in a significant anti‐Ara h 2 IgG response. Local and systemic protection induced by VLP Peanut were established in mouse models for peanut allergy following prophylactic, therapeutic, and passive immunizations. Inhibition of FcγRIIb function resulted in a loss of protection, confirming the crucial role of the receptor in conferring cross protection against peanut allergens other than Ara h 2. Conclusion: VLP Peanut can be delivered to peanut‐sensitized mice without triggering allergic reactions, while remaining highly immunogenic and offering protection against all peanut allergens. In addition, vaccination ablates allergic symptoms upon allergen challenge. Moreover, the prophylactic immunization setting conferred the protection against subsequent peanut‐induced anaphylaxis, showing the potential for preventive vaccination. This highlights the effectiveness of VLP Peanut as a prospective break‐through immunotherapy vaccine candidate toward peanut allergy. VLP Peanut has now entered clinical development with the study PROTECT

    Physical Strength Development in Gym Classes for Highschool Students

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    Autors: Andris Zeltiņš Darba nosaukums: Fiziskās īpašības - spēka attīstīšanas iespējas sporta stundās. Apļa treniņš ir metodiska forma fiziskās īpašības – spēka attīstīšanai. Šim treniņam ir vairāki varianti, kuri atšķiras ar slodžu dozēšanu. Kvalitatīvs apļa treniņš uzlabo fiziskās spējas skolēniem. Lai noteiktu fiziskās īpašības – spēka rezultātu, iespējams izmantot dažādus testēšanas veidus. Viens no testēšanas veidiem ir Eirofit metode, ar kuras palīdzību var noteikt gan fiziskās sagatavotības līmeni, gan funkcionālo stāvokli skolēniem. Pētījuma uzdevuma veikšanai pielietotas šādas metodes: •Literatūras atlase un analīze; •Testēšana; •Matemātiski statiskā analīze. Darbā tika analizēta literatūra par pētāmo tēmu, atlasīti un pielietoti fiziskās īpašības – spēka noteikšanas – testi, analizēti testos iegūtie rezultāti. Pētījumā tika noskaidrots, ka apļa treniņa metodes pielietošana paaugstina fiziskā spēka rezultātus. Darbs sastāv no anotācijām, ievada, 3 galvenajām nodaļām, secinājumiem, izmantotās literatūras un avotu saraksta, 3 pielikumiem.Author: Andris Zeltiņš Title: Developing Physical Strength in Sport Classes in Highschool Circuit training is a methodical form of physical attributes - the development of strength. This exercise has several variants that differ in load dosing. High-quality circuit training improves the physical ability of the pupils. To determine the physical properties - the strength of the result allows you to use different types of testing. One of the test methods is the Eirofit method, which can measure both the level of physical fitness and the functional state of the students. The following methods have been used for the research task: • Selection and analysis of literature; • Testing; • Mathematical static analysis. Project has analysed the literature on the subject under study, selected physical characteristics - force determination tests, the results obtained in the tests were analysed. The study found that the use of the circuit training method increases the physical strength. Project consists of annotations, introduces 3 main sections, conclusions, list of literature and sources, 3 annexes

    Situation with Heat Supply in Latvia: Current Problems and Search of Their Solution

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    In Latvia, under the typical North European weather conditions, almost half of the total energy consumption is used to produce heat. There are widespread district heating systems not only in the big cities and small towns but also in rural villages. In Latvia’s capital, centralised heating plants have been built equipped with the most contemporary cogeneration technology and gas turbines. Almost half of Latvia’s territory is covered with forests; therefore it is profitable to increase and improve the utilisation of energetic wood. The production of woodchips from the waste of the forestry and wood processing plants is already widely developed, especially in the regions which are rich in forests. A complicated problem is connected with the payment for the heat. But, making use of the situation, a part of the population does not pay for the heat; there have appeared malicious non payers having good incomes. It is a not easy to restrict them because in apartment houses cutting off individual flats from the central heating network is impossible. As a result, in some cases the debts of the malicious non payers reach the price of the flat. Therefore legislation must be improved in order to regain the debts

    The next generation virus-like particle platform for the treatment of peanut allergy.

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    BACKGROUND Allergy to peanut is one of the leading causes of anaphylactic reactions among food allergic patients. Immunization against peanut allergy with a safe and protective vaccine holds a promise to induce durable protection against anaphylaxis caused by exposure to peanut. A novel vaccine candidate (VLP Peanut), based on virus-like particles (VLPs), is described here for the treatment of peanut allergy. METHODS AND RESULTS VLP Peanut consist of two proteins: a capsid subunit derived from Cucumber mosaic virus engineered with a universal T cell epitope (CuMVTT ) and a CuMVTT subunit fused with peanut allergen Ara h 2 (CuMVTT -Ara h 2), forming mosaic VLPs. Immunizations with VLP Peanut in both naïve and peanut-sensitised mice resulted in a significant anti-Ara h 2 IgG response. Local and systemic protection induced by VLP Peanut were established in mouse models for peanut allergy following prophylactic, therapeutic and passive immunizations. Inhibition of FcγRIIb function resulted in a loss of protection, confirming the crucial role of the receptor in conferring cross protection against peanut allergens other than Ara h 2. CONCLUSION VLP Peanut can be delivered to peanut-sensitized mice without triggering allergic reactions, whilst remaining highly immunogenic and offering protection against all peanut allergens. In addition, vaccination ablates allergic symptoms upon allergen challenge. Moreover, the prophylactic immunization setting conferred the protection against subsequent peanut-induced anaphylaxis, showing the potential for preventive vaccination. This highlights the effectiveness of VLP Peanut as a prospective break-through immunotherapy vaccine candidate towards peanut allergy. VLP Peanut has now entered clinical development with the study PROTECT