1,821 research outputs found

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    Fotografija omogućava da se svaki događaj prikaže slikom potpuno vjerno, tako da ih svatko može shvatiti. Fotografija je postala savrÅ”ena i nužna dopuna tiskanoj riječi. Označila je dolazak nove epohe, koja je unijela velike promjene u kulturni razvitak čovjeka i u svom daljnjem razvoju dala velik doprinos upoznavanju ljudi i svijeta. U radu se prikazuje proces stvaranja kolor fotografije i njegova evolucija kroz povijest. Kolor fotografija postoji već dva i pol stoljeća i cijelo vrijeme se usavrÅ”ava, te napretku kolor fotografije se ne nazire kraj. Činjenica koja prati kolor fotografiju je ta da sada, a vjerojatno ni bilo kad, neće moći dati potpuno vjerne boje iz prirode. Može se reći da budućnost amaterske fotografije pripada kolor fotografiji. Razlog tomu je maksimalno pojednostavljena obrada kolor fotografija. Danas se kolor fotografija radi sa digitalnom fotografijom i često puta one se prenose digitalnim pute s jedne strane na drugu bez razvijanja slika i fizičkog dodira. Jako dug je put od prve fotografije do danas, mlađi je postanak kolor fotografije no izgleda je daleka i njezina budućnost

    Svojstva i vizualna analiza proizvoda otisnutih 3D tiskom

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    Nove tehnologije i nove inovacije stvorile su novu 3D tisak tehnologiju. Pojavom 3D tehnologije tiska na tržiÅ”tu, polako se počeo mijenjati odnos industrije prema proizvodnji. Sve veća uporaba ove tehnologije definitivno ugrožava tradicionalnu konvencionalnu metodu proizvodnje. Mnogi stručnjaci 3D tehnologiju tiska oslovljavaju kao ā€žtreća industrijska revolucijaā€œ. S takvom reputacijom na svjetskom tržiÅ”tu rijetko se koja industrijska grana može pohvaliti, pa je potencijal velik. S toga se ovaj rad odnosi upravo na istraživanje i mogućnosti 3D ili aditivne tehnologije tiska kroz nove materijale. To su kompozitni materijali većinom na bazi polimera koji sa drugim kompozitnim materijalom daju poseban efekt imitacije. Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrđivanje kvalitete i mogućnosti materijala s efektima, FDM tehnologijom tiska. Materijali s efektima su se pokazali kao prava revolucija među materijalima za 3D tisak, ne samo zbog efekata nego zbog kvaliteta i načina primjene. FDM tehnologija se pokazala kao jednostavna, stabilna i sigurna opcija tiska. Metodologija rada se odnosi na teorijski i praktični dio u kojem se pored eksperimenta sa 3D tiskom odradila i anketa o dobivenim proizvodima. U radu se također prikazuju najpopularnije i nabolje tehnike tiska, nove inovacije i nove kombinacije materijala. Istaknuti treba metal kao najbrže rastući materijal u 3D tisku. Obzirom na relativno kratku povijest ove tehnologije, razvilo se jako puno tehnologija i materijala, a materijali s efektima upravo daju novi obol, pa se postavlja hipoteza da takvi materijali pored sposobnosti izrade replika, mogu iznijeti vrlo kvalitetne i estetski lijepe materijale koji su i jeftiniji od običnih

    Fine-grained Fiber Concrete on Mechanoactivated Portlandcement

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    This article is devoted to the study of the mechanical properties of fine-grained concrete used for flooring in industrial and civil buildings. Characterized by the wellknown advantages (unlimited raw material base, manufacturability, high homogeneity), fine-grained concrete requires an increased consumption of cement to achieve the necessary mechanical characteristics - compressive strength, abrasion, impact resistance. An alternative to the known technological method is proposed an intensive separate technology (IST) for preparing fine-grained concrete mixtures using a high-speed mixer-activator in the presence of hydrophobized basalt fiber and a polycarboxylate superplasticizer Relaxol-Super PC. The use of IST leads to an increase in the strength of fine-grained concrete in compression by 1.9 times, impact resistance by a factor of 2, and a decrease in abrasion by 40 ... 50% in comparison with the control. The relevance of using the technology of monolithic floors for industrial and civil construction is due to a wide range of varieties of Portland cement, the grain composition of aggregates, as well as the simplicity of the technology for preparing a fine-grained concrete mixture


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    Introduction: Association of Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection with the length of dialysis in dialysis patients is contradictory. This study was conducted in order to determine the association between the duration of dialysis and the HP infection status in the dialysis patients. Furthemore, biochemical parameters were monitored in two subject groups that were included in this study. Subjects and methods: The study included 51 patients on chronic hemodialysis program who had gastrointestinal symptoms. The subjects were divided in two groups per the length of dialysis treatment. In this study we analyzed age, gender, the time period since the onset of the chronic hemodialysis program, body mass index, biochemical parameters, and whether the patients have arterial hypertension and/or diabetes. The presence of HP antigen was determined in the stool samples with use of he UlcoGnost AG test plate. Results: The incidence of HP infection in hemodialysis patients, with some of the gastrointestinal symptoms, was 25.5%. Patients on hemodialysis for less than 24 months had lower incidence of HP infection than those on hemodialysis program for more than 24 months. HP positive and HP negative subjects were also compared by gender, age, biochemical parameters and body mass index. There was no statistical significant difference between the groups in any of those characteristics. When comparing the HP status of the subjects with the presence of arterial hypertension and diabetes, no statistically significant difference was found between the groups. Conclusion: This study showed negative correlation between HP infection and the length of hemodialysis program. Analysis of age, gender, body mass index, biochemical parameters, presence of arterial hypertension and/or diabetes showed no statistically significant difference was found between the hemodialysis patients who were HP positive and those who were HP negative. Additional studies are needed to elucidate the correlation mechanism between the HP infection and the duration of dialysis, in order to examine how long the dialysis time period is the most susceptible to HP infection, and then to improve the prognosis of patients with renal disease


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    Introduction: Topical corticosteroids are group of drugs which have anti-immuno-suppressive, anti-proliferative and vasoconstrictive effects and are among the most commonly prescribed medication, important and efficacious for management of various dermatological disorders. Strict implementation of the existing regulations is the need of the hour to prevent their widespread abuse. Aim of the study was to investigate the usage of topical corticosteroids therapy with the recipe of a doctor and without it. Subjects and methods: The subjects were patients who visited Pharmacies in Mostar from April to July 2020 and were buying topical corticosteroids with or without a recipe or medical report from the doctor. 80 subjects completed a questionnaire themselves included: the way of buying a topical corticosteroids, the information about using topical corticosteroids earlier, the information about subject\u27s visits to the doctor; the length of time using topical corticosteroids, the type of topical corticosteroids used, the part of body the topical corticosteroids was applied on. Results: A total of 80 subjects were treated in the observed period, 58.8% were female. 72.5% subjects had already used local corticosteroids, 62.50% purchased the drug at the recommendation of the pharmacist, 66.30% had no recent diagnosis or no diagnosed disease at all, 21.25% used the drug for more than a month, the most often purchased one was moderate potent local corticosteroid Betamethasone diproprionate 0.05 %. Most commonly subjects applied local corticosteroids on arms (50%). Conclusion: Strict regulations regarding only prescription-based dispensing of local corticosteroids must be put into practice. This will hopefully bring down both the extremes of ever increasing cases of steroid-induced dermatoses in everyday dermatology practise on one hand and the irrational fears of using TCs in well justified indications on the other

    Trends, Habits and Attitudes towards Suntanning

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    Epidemiological studies suggest a relationship between suntanning habits and high risk of malignant melanoma (MM). The incidence of MM is increased during the last 40 years. Sun exposure is highly prevalent in all age groups, especially among young and it is influenced by certain believes and attitudes towards suntanning and stimulated by peer pressure and aesthetic references. What is the cause of higher incidence of MM? Is it only trend and attitudes towards suntanning? A prototype of a young female of 21st century is attractive, slim, with bronze complexion, dresses in the bathing suit, whereas the lady of the 19th is pale, dressed in white dress and with hat or sunshade that protects face and hair from the sun. When did social mores and medical knowledge about sun exposure change? A critical interplay occurred between the end of 19th century and the start of the 20th century with significant success of phototherapy and the growing popularity of sunbathing which reflected number of social changes. During the same time of invigoration of sun exposure, appeared the first reports about correlation between sunlight and skin cancer, but without significant repercussion on medical profession and therefore without knowledge of the public. The 1920s and 1930s were highlighted with the great discovery that ultraviolet wavelengths less than 313 nm played the role in vitamin D synthesis which prevents rickets. Numerous other medical benefits were soon attributed to the sunlight. Finally, the cancerogenity of UV light came to attention when scientist succeeded in induction of skin cancer in rodents after UV light exposure. The etiology of sunlight in development of skin cancer was mentioned in scientific articles and public magazines in 1940s and 1950s. Over the decades the message that sunlight exposure leads to increased risk of skin cancer, reach the public. But despite the knowledge, even at present people believe that tan person looks healthier. Additional and continuous educational campaigns are needed for changing peopleā€™s behavior

    Brain metastases from lung cancer show increased expression of DVL1, DVL3 and beta-catenin and down-regulation of E-cadherin

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    The susceptibility of brain to secondary formation from lung cancer primaries is a well-known phenomenon. In contrast, the molecular basis for invasion and metastasis to the brain is largely unknown. In the present study, 31 brain metastases that originated from primary lung carcinomas were analyzed regarding over expression of Dishevelled-1 (DVL1), Dishevelled-3 (DVL3), E-cadherin (CDH1) and beta-catenin (CTNNB1). Protein expressions and localizations were analyzed by immunohistochemistry. Genetic alterations of E-cadherin were tested by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)/loss of heterozygosity (LOH). Heteroduplex was used to investigate mutations in beta-catenin. DVL1 and DVL3 showed over expression in brain metastasis in 87.1% and 90.3% of samples respectively. Nuclear staining was observed in 54.8% of cases for DVL1 and 53.3% for DVL3. The main effector of the Wnt signaling, beta-catenin, was up-regulated in 56%, and transferred to the nucleus in 36% of metastases. When DVL1 and DVL3 were up-regulated the number of cases with nuclear beta-catenin significantly increased (p=0.0001). Down-regulation of E-cadherin was observed in 80% of samples. Genetic analysis showed 36% of samples with LOH of the CDH1. In comparison to other lung cancer pathologies, the diagnoses adenocarcinoma and small cell lung cancer (SCLC) were significantly associated to CDH1 LOH (p=0.001). Microsatellite instability was detected in one metastasis from adenocarcinoma. Exon 3 of beta-catenin was not targeted. Altered expression of Dishevelled-1, Dishevelled-3, E-cadherin and beta-catenin were present in brain metastases which indicates that Wnt signaling is important and may contribute to better understanding of genetic profile conditioning lung cancer metastasis to the brain
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