24 research outputs found

    Subsection 160-th Division in the Fighting in Volhynia in July 1944

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    Стаття присвячена бойовим діям 160-ї дивізії 70-ї армії І Білоруського фронту у межах Люблінсько-Брестської наступальної операції. Окрема увага приділяється застосуванню частин та підрозділів дивізії в умовах воєнних дій. Article is devoted to fighting the 160-th Division, 70-th Army of the І Byelorussian Front, which took place in the Lublin-Brest offensive. Special attention is paid to the use of parts and sub-divisions in hostilities

    Vibrational dynamics in glassy crystals. Raman and DSC studies of equilibrium and non-equilibrium structures of phenylacetylene in methylcyclohexane

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    Abstract We present the result of Raman studies on vibrational dynamics and static properties of phenylacetylene (PA) in the liquid, undercooled liquid and solid phases. Raman spectra of the m s ðBC-HÞ and Raman spectra in the lattice region 15-200 cm À1 of PA dissolved in methylcyclohexane in frozen and liquid matrices as a function of concentration, temperature, and quenching rate have been recorded in the temperature range 10-293 K. The optical measurements were complemented by the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) scans. We have found that vibrational dynamics as well as the static vibrational properties are very sensitive indicators to specify phases and phase transitions at the molecular level. Low temperature polymorphism of the mixtures of PA in methylcyclohexane in the full concentration range has been characterised.

    The Y chromosome in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha has accumulated unique repeat sequences harboring a male-specific gene

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    The haploid liverwort Marchantia polymorpha has heteromorphic sex chromosomes, an X chromosome in the female and a Y chromosome in the male. We here report on the repetitive structure of the liverwort Y chromosome through the analysis of male-specific P1-derived artificial chromosome (PAC) clones, pMM4G7 and pMM23-130F12. Several chromosome-specific sequence elements of ≈70 to 400 nt are combined into larger arrangements, which in turn are assembled into extensive Y chromosome-specific stretches. These repeat sequences contribute 2–3 Mb to the Y chromosome based on the observations of three different approaches: fluorescence in situ hybridization, dot blot hybridization, and the frequency of clones containing the repeat sequences in the genomic library. A novel Y chromosome-specific gene family was found embedded among these repeat sequences. This gene family encodes a putative protein with a RING finger motif and is expressed specifically in male sexual organs. To our knowledge, there have been no other reports for an active Y chromosome-specific gene in plants. The chromosome-specific repeat sequences possibly contribute to determining the identity of the Y chromosome in M. polymorpha as well as to maintaining genes required for male functions, as in mammals such as human