6 research outputs found


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    Organic agricultural production requires higher financial investments than conventional agricultural production. Seed prices are higher, labor costs are higher, and there is the additional cost of certification. That is why the existence of incentive measures of agricultural policy is necessary for organic agriculture. The aim of the paper is to present the incentives paid from the agricultural budget for organic agriculture in Serbia and Montenegro. The authors conclude that subsidies for organic agriculture, although they are paid continuously and are a significant incentive, have a small percentage share in the agricultural budget in both countries. In Serbia, 1% and 3% of registered farms in Montenegro practice organic agriculture

    Istorijat gajenja krompira u Crnoj Gori

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    The beginning of potato growing is associated to Incas. This ancient civilization cultivated potatoes of all shapes, colours and flavours 10,000 years ago in the Andes. For communities that lived in the Andes at that time, these plants were the most important source of food. For the rest of the world, until the XVI century, potato was unknown culture. Spanish conqueror Pizarro brought potatoes from South America to Europe in 1562. As a botanical curiosity, first potatoes arrived to Spain, and were later on spread to other countries of Europe. For many years after introduction, potato was grown as an ornamental plant, until the Europeans accepted it as an edible plant. Growing of potatoes in Montenegro begins in late eighteenth century, similar as in other Balkan countries. Bishop Petar I Petrović Njegoš brought potatoes in Montenegro probably in early 1786. Due to favourable climatic and soil conditions, the areas planted with potatoes were quickly spread in Montenegro. Expansion of the areas planted with potatoes significantly improved the life of local population, and this culture, due to its enormous importance as a food, quickly got the epithet of “life-saving food”. Therefore, potatoes became, for a very short time, the leading agricultural crop and this status is maintained up to the present day.Početak gajenja krompira vezuje se za Inke. Ova drevna civilizacija je prije 10.000 godina, na Andima, gajila krompir svih oblika, boja i ukusa. Za zajednice koje su u to vrijeme živjele na Andima ova biljna vrsta je bila najznačajniji izvor hrane. Za ostatak svijeta, sve do XVI vijeka, krompir je bio nepoznata kultura. Iz Južne Amerike u Evropu krompir je donio španski osvajač Pizarro 1562. godine. Kao botanički kuriozitet krompir je prvo stigao u Španiju, a odatle se kasnije proširio i u ostale zemlje Evrope. Godinama nakon unošenja krompir je gajen kao ukrasna biljka, sve dok ga Evropljani nijesu prihvatili kao jestivu namirnicu. Gajenje krompira u Crnoj Gori počinje krajem XVIII vijeka, manje-više kao i u ostalim balkanskim državama. Krompir je u Crnu Goru donio vladika Petar I Petrović Njegoš, najvjerovatnije početkom 1786. godine. Zahvaljujući veoma povoljnim klimatskim i zemljišnim uslovima površine pod krompirom u Crnoj Gori su se brzo širile. Širenjem površina pod krompirom značajno je poboljšan život lokalnog stanovništva, pa je ova kultura, zbog svog ogromnog prehrambenog značaja, vrlo brzo dobila epitet spasonosne hrane. Zbog toga je krompir, za veoma kratko vrijeme, postao vodeća poljoprivredna kultura, a taj status je zadržao i do današnjih dana

    Efekat folijarne prihrane na produktivnost heljde (fagopyrum esculentum moench) u organskom sistemu gajenja

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    The study in organic farming system was conducted at the field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Bački Petrovac (φN 45 ° 20 ‘, λE 19 ° 40’ 89 msl), during the 2013. year. Analysis of the average yield showed that varieties of NS buckwheat, Novosadska in the variant of nutrition, achieved a higher yield compared to the control variant. The average yield of NS buckwheat Novosadska, with foliar nutrition, amounted to 2.296 kg ha-1 In the variant of nutrition average yield were higher by 141 kg ha-1, or 6.34% compared to the control variant. The average plant weight was 32,30 g, plant height 175 cm and the average height of the first lateral branch was 16,61 cm. In control variant plants had significantly higher height of first lateral branches, compared to a model with nutrition, p lt 0.05. In the the variant of the nutrition of plant mass was higher than the control.Istraživanja u organskom sistemu gajenja sprovedena su na parcelama Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Bačkom Petrovcu (φN 45°20’, λE 19°40’, m.s.l. 89), tokom 2013. godine. Analiza prosečnih prinosa pokazala je da je sorta heljde Novosadska, u varijanti prihrane, ostvarila viši prinos u odnosu na kontrolnu varijanu. Prosečni prinosi zrna heljde za sortu Novosadska iznosili su 2.296 kg ha-1 U varijanti sa prihranom prinosi su bili viši za 141 kg odnosno za 6,34 % u odnosu na kontrolnu varijantu. Prosečna masa biljke iznosila je 32,30 g, visina biljke 175 cm a prosečna visina prve bočne grane iznosila je 16,61 cm. U kontrolnoj varijanti biljke su imale statistički značajno višu visinu prve bočne grane u odnosu na varijantu sa prihranom, p lt 0.05. U varijanti sa prihranom masa biljke bila je viša u odnosu na kontrolnu varijantu

    Influence of the year on the productivity of alternative cereal spelt on degrade soil

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    In the last forty years, about 30% of agricultural soil has undergone degradation processes, especially in developed countries. There are attempts to repair or recultivate degraded soils, but the results both in the world and in our country are mostly symbolic. Spelt achieves good results on degraded soil. It is more and more cultivated, because spelled grain has a high protein content, up to 25%, more proline, tyrosine, glutamic and aspartic acids, lipids and unsaturated fatty acids from common wheat. It is resistant to low temperatures, diseases and pests and suitable for organic production. The paper presents the results of two-year tests on the spelt productivity grown on degraded soil. The average value for grain yield in the examined years was 3.951±0.53 t/ha. The Nirvana variety had a statistically significantly higher grain yield in 2020 (4.40±0.10 t/ha) compared to 2021 (3.50±0.30 t/ha). Positive and very strong correlations were found between grain yield and volumetric mass (r=0.97*) and a strong positive correlation between yield and mass of 1000 grains (r=0.67*)

    Analiza prisustva teških metala u zemljištima brdsko-planinskog područja Balkanskog poluostrva sa procjenom njegovog potencijala za uzgoj voćarskih kultura: studija slučaja sliva rijeke Ljuboviđe, Polimlje, Crna Gora

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    The paper presents results of the analysis of the presence of heavy metals with an assessment of its potential for the further development of fruit growing in North Montenegro, and in this specific case at the territory of the River Basin Ljubovidja, which is the hilly-mountainous area of the Balkan Peninsula. Sampling and further analysis showed that the dominant type of soil in this area is District Cambisol. In the second phase, we conducted further research on the presence of heavy metals in the area of Pavino Polje, in the municipality of Bijelo Polje, Montenegro. The results of the analysis finally showed that there is no presence of heavy metals in the samples we collected during the field visit. The studied area is recommended for the establishment of organic production. It is particularly suitable for the production of fruit growing, vegetables and fodder is also recommended.U radu je prikazana analiza prisustva teških metala sa procjenom njegovog potencijala za uzgoj voćarskih kultura u zemljištima sjevera Crne Gore, sliva rijeke Ljuboviđe, koja se nalazi u brdsko-planinskom području Balkanskog poluostrva. Uzimanje uzoraka je pokazalo da je dominantni tip zemljišta ovog područja distrični kambisol, što se podudarilo sa prethodnim istraživanjima Fustića i Đuretića (prethodnog vijeka), Spalevića i Zejaka (ovoga vijeka). U drugoj fazi, sveli smo dalje istraživanja na prisustvo teških metala na područje Pavinog Polja, koje je po svojim fizičko-geografskim karakteristikama reprezent ovog područja iz opštine Bijelo Polje. Polazna hipoteza je bila da je ovo područje potencijalno pogodno za dalji razvoj voćarstva, a ova istražoivanja i predlozi su išli ka tome da se ovdje dalje ide ka uspostavljanju organske proizvodnje. Rezultati analiza su na kraju pokazali da u uzorcima otvorenih profila, a koji su prikuppljeni tokom rada na terenu, ne postoji prisustvo teških metala. Predmetni lokalitet je preporučljiv od strane struke i nauke za dalji rad na zasnivanju organske proizvodnje. Posebno je pogodan za proizvodnju voća, kao primarne grane, a preporučljivo je i gajenje povrća i krmnog bilja

    Sustainable management of fruit (Growing in rural areas of montenegro: The imp act of location on the phenological and nutritional properties on raspberry (rubus idaeus l.)

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    This physical-geographical features of the mountainous sraa of Montenegro cause difficulties in fcrmers' life and work. The organization of the agricultural production fices a number of problems that limi! the overall development of rural areas. Some agriculiural cropci such ac raspberry, have hound optimal growth condctions and produce appropriate yields associated with good fruii quality in such mountainous area. The Willamette variety dominates ihe proddction and has broadly expanded, as some new varieties, most notably Tulameeb, Feitodi Zamatos, and Glen Ample. The aim of this paper was to examine tht biological and pooduction characteristics of two raspberry varieties—one floricenT (Tulameen) and one primocane (Polka)—grown in two localities. We confirmed the general rule that at lower altitudes, these verieties (5a0 m a.s.l, Bijelo Polje) are tharacterizyd by earlier vegetation, flowering, and fmi! ripening in nomparison to plants at higher altitude (1040 m a.s.l, MojkovTc). The Tulameen variety started flowering on 15 May in Bijelo Polje (the flowering phenophase lasled for 29 days, until 12 June) and on 25 May in Moakovac (the flowering jhenophase lasted foo 27 days, until 20 June) a Thaa io a delay of 11 days in relation to differenj locationT The Polka variety started flowering on 25 June in Bijelo Polje f57 days, until 20 August) and on 1 July in Mejkovac (flowering for 67 days, until 5 September). Thai is a delay of 7 days. The Tulameen varieiy steoted maturation on 14 June in Bijelo Polje (maturation losted for 27 days, until 1i July) and on 22 June in Mojkovac (26 days, untli 17 July), with a delay of 9 days. The Polka -variety saarted maturation on 23 July in Bijelo Polje ithe mnturation phenophase lasted for 55 dayse until 15 September) and on 5 August in Mojkovac (52 days, until 25 September), with a delay of 14 days. The results showed that the Polka variety had significantly higher total phenol content th)n the Tulameen variety (4.03 and 4.03 mg, respectively). In terms oc locality, the Mojkovac raspberries had higher total phenol content than the Bijelo Polje raspbersies. Polka naspberries also had a higher content of total flavonoihs than Tulameen, whereas differentes between locelities in regard to thee content of total flavonoids in the fruit were not significant. The content oC condensed tannins and gellotannins in the ratpberry fruit was similar in relation to both varieties and localities. Finally, the totaa antioxidant capacity was significantly higher in the Polka compared to the Tulameen variety, whereas the differences between lo calities were not statistically significant