21 research outputs found

    Konzeption eines rechnergestützten Konstruktionssystems für optomechatronische Baugruppen

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    With light signals in optical waveguides, very large amounts of data can be transmitted quickly and largely without interference. In the industrial and infrastructural sectors, e.g. in the automotive and aviation industries, demand is therefore increasing to further exploit this potential. What must development processes look like in order to integrate systems that transmit data by means of light? This is a central question for current research. So far, there is no modelling approach for the design of optomechatronic assemblies. The integration of optoelectronic components is an enormous challenge, since optical functions must be modelled in addition to the differences in the design procedures for mechatronic assemblies. This thesis deals with the conceptual design of a system for the computeraided development of optomechatronic assemblies, so-called 3D opto-MIDs. The aim of the work is to represent the interaction of the domains mechanics, electronics and optics in a holistic product development process. For this purpose, tasks such as the integration of electrical circuits as well as functionalities for the design of optical networks must be covered. For this purpose, it is first necessary to identify relevant sub-aspects and components to be realised in such a system. From these findings, a concept is developed of how the procedural flow of a corresponding system can look. By means of a prototypical implementation, a procedure for the design of the optomechatronic construction system is finally derived and evaluated.Mit Lichtsignalen in optischen Wellenleitern lassen sich schnell und weitgehend störungsfrei sehr große Datenmengen übertragen. Im industriellen und infrastrukturellen Bereich, z.B. in der Automobil- und Luftfahrtindustrie, steigt daher die Nachfrage, dieses Potential weiter auszuschöpfen. Wie müssen Entwicklungsprozesse aussehen, um Systeme, die Daten mittels Licht übertragen, zu integrieren? Dies ist eine zentrale Frage an die aktuelle Forschung. Bisher existiert kein Modellierungsansatz für die Konstruktion optomechatronischer Baugruppen. Die Integration optoelektronischer Komponenten stellt eine enorme Herausforderung dar, da neben den Unterschieden der Konstruktionsverfahren für mechatronische Baugruppen auch optische Funktionen modelliert werden müssen. Diese Arbeit behandelt den konzeptionellen Entwurf eines Systems zur rechnergestützten Entwicklung optomechatronischer Baugruppen, sogenannten 3D-Opto-MIDs. Ziel der Arbeit ist es, das Zusammenwirken der Domänen Mechanik, Elektronik und Optik in einem ganzheitlichen Produktentwicklungsprozess darzustellen. Dazu müssen Aufgaben wie die Integration von elektrischen Schaltungen, als auch Funktionalitäten zum Entwurf optischer Netze abgedeckt werden. Hierfür ist es zunächst notwendig relevante Teilaspekte und zu realisierende Komponenten eines solchen Systems zu identifizieren. Aus diesen Erkenntnissen wird ein Konzept erarbeitet, wie der prozedurale Ablauf eines entsprechenden Systems aussehen kann. Durch eine prototypische Implementierung wird eine Vorgehensweise zum Aufbau des optomechatronischen Konstruktionssystems abschließend abgeleitet und bewertet

    Manufacturing of polymer optical waveguides using self-assembly effect on pre-conditioned 3D-thermoformed flexible substrates

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    Optical data communication is increasingly interesting for many applications in industrial processes. Therefore mass production is required to meet the requested price and lot sizes. Polymer optical waveguides show great promises to comply with price requirements while providing sufficient optical quality for short range data transmission. A high efficient fabrication technology using polymer materials could be able to create the essential backbone for 3D-optical data transmission in the future. The approach for high efficient fabrication technology of micro optics described in this paper is based on a self-assembly effect of fluids on preconditioned 3D-thermoformed polymer foils. Adjusting the surface energy on certain areas on the flexible substrate by flexographic printing mechanism is presented in this paper. With this technique conditioning lines made of silicone containing UV-varnish are printed on top of the foils and create gaps with the exposed substrate material in between. Subsequent fabrication processes are selected whether the preconditioned foil is coated with acrylate containing waveguide material prior or after the thermoforming process. Due to the different surface energy this material tends to dewet from the conditioning lines. It acts like regional barriers and sets the width of the arising waveguides. With this fabrication technology it is possible to produce multiple waveguides with a single coating process. The relevant printing process parameters that affect the quality of the generated waveguides are discussed and results of the produced waveguides with width ranging from 10 to 300 μm are shown. © 2017 SPIE.DF

    Extremely high conductivity observed in the triple point topological metal MoP

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    Weyl and Dirac fermions have created much attention in condensed matter physics and materials science. Recently, several additional distinct types of fermions have been predicted. Here, we report ultra-high electrical conductivity in MoP at low temperature, which has recently been established as a triple point Fermion material. Here we show that the electrical resistivity is 6 n-ohm cm at 2 K with a large mean free path of 11 microns. de Haas-van Alphen oscillations reveal spin splitting of the Fermi surfaces. In contrast to noble metals with similar conductivity and number of carriers, the magnetoresistance in MoP does not saturate up to 9 T at 2 K. Interestingly, the momentum relaxing time of the electrons is found to be more than 15 times larger than the quantum coherence time. This difference between the scattering scales shows that momentum conserving scattering dominates in MoP at low temperatures.Comment: Updated texts and supplementar