4,557 research outputs found

    Antidiabetic potential of Balanites Aegyptiaca kernel, flesh and their combination against streptozotocin-induced hyperglycemia in male rats

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    Purpose: To investigate the antidiabetic effect of Balanites aegyptiaca fruit kernel, flesh and their mixture on streptozocin (STZ)-induced diabetes in male rats.Methods: Six-week-old male Wistar rats were divided into nine groups: (1) control; (2) kernel; (3) flesh; (4) kernel + flesh; (5) STZ; (6) STZ + kernel; (7) STZ + flesh; (8) STZ + (kernel + flesh) and (9) STZ + metformin. Body weight changes, fasting blood glucose and serum insulin were assessed. Haematoxylin and Eosin (H & E) stained pancreas sections were examined microscopically for the number and status of β cells.Results: Administration of Balanites aegyptiaca kernel, flesh and their mixture significantly increased rat body weight compared to STZ-treated rats. In addition, the hypoglycemic effect of kernel, flesh and their mixture was noticed. In STZ-treated rats, administration of Balanites aegyptiaca kernel and kernel + flesh mixture significantly increased serum insulin (p < 0.05). Histopathological examination revealed a marked increase in the islets cell population with cellular activation, with superior effect in STZ + kernel group and STZ + (kernel + flesh) group.Conclusion: Balanites aegyptiaca showed a hypoglycemic effect which is comparable to metformin action. Further studies are required to determine its suitability as an anti-diabetic agent in humansKeywords: Balanites aegyptiaca, Diabetes, Histopathology, Insulin, Pancrea

    On the energy-momentum tensor in non-commutative gauge theories

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    We study the properties of the energy-momentum tensor in non-commutative gauge theories by coupling them to a weak external gravitational field. In particular, we show that the stress tensor of such a theory coincides exactly with that derived from a theory where a Seiberg-Witten map has been implemented (namely, the procedure is commutative). Various other interesting features are also discussed.Comment: 3 page

    Heterogeneous Catalysis to Drive the Waste-to-Pharma Concept: From Furanics to Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients

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    A perspective on the use of heterogeneous catalysis to drive the waste-to-pharma concept is provided in this contribution based on the conversion of furanics to active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). The provided overview of the concept in this perspective article has been exemplified for two key molecule examples: Ancarolol and Furosemide

    Presacral tumors of the Currarino triad: teratomas or hamartomas?

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    Purpose: The aim was to elucidate the nature of the presacral tumors in the Currarino triad through studying their preoperative radiological anatomy and histopathology of excised specimens.Patients and methods: The study group included three operated cases of Currarino triad. All were women who presented with constipation and demonstrated the typical three components of the disease: anorectal anomaly, sacral bony defect, and presacral tumor. The histopathological slides of excised specimens (presacral tumors) were available for re-examination. For comparison, we included another ‘control’ group representing the standard sacrococcygeal teratomas (without vertebral or anorectal anomalies).Results: Histopathological examination of presacral tumors in the Currarino triad showed multicystic spaces lined by different types of epithelia mainly keratinized stratified squamous epithelium with focal areas of transitional epithelium. The underlying stroma showed fibrovascular connective tissue admixed with randomly arranged smooth muscle bundles. In contrast to the standard sacrococcygeal teratomas, neither skin adnexal structures nor heterologous mesenchymal tissues were observed; no immature elements could be detected.Conclusion: In the Currarino triad, several clinical and histopathological observations would suggest the excised presacral tumors to be developmental cysts (retrorectal hamartomas) rather than neoplastic teratomas.Keywords: Currarino triad, hamartoma, sacrococcygeal, tailgut, teratom

    Knowledge Translation in Africa for 21(st) Century Integrative Biology: The "Know-Do Gap" in Family Planning with Contraceptive Use among Somali Women

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    Abstract An emerging dimension of 21(st) century integrative biology is knowledge translation in global health. The maternal mortality rate in Somalia is amongst the highest in the world. We set out to study the "know-do" gap in family planning measures in Somalia, with a view to inform future interventions for knowledge integration between theory and practice. We interviewed 360 Somali females of reproductive age and compared university-educated females to women with less or no education, using structured interviews, with a validated questionnaire. The mean age of marriage was 18 years, with 4.5 pregnancies per marriage. The mean for the desired family size was 9.3 and 10.5 children for the university-educated group and the less-educated group, respectively. Importantly, nearly 90% of the university-educated group knew about family planning, compared to 45.6% of the less-educated group. All of the less-educated group indicated that they would never use contraceptives, as compared to 43.5% of the university-educated group. Prevalence of contraceptive use among ever-married women was 4.3%. In the less-educated group, 80.6% indicated that they would not recommend contraceptives to other women as compared to 66.0% of the university-educated group. There is a huge gap between knowledge and practice regarding family planning in Somalia. The attendant reasons for this gap, such as level of education, expressed personal religious beliefs and others, are examined here. For primary health care to gain traction in Africa, we need to address the existing "know-do" gaps that are endemic and adversely impacting on global health. This is the first independent research study examining the knowledge gaps for family planning in Somalia in the last 20 years, with a view to understanding knowledge integration in a global world. The results shall guide policy makers, donors, and implementers to develop a sound family planning policy and program to improve maternal and child health in 21(st) century primary healthcare

    The prevalence of hepatitis B surface antigen and anti-hepatitis B core antibody in Iran: A population-based study

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    Background: Hepatitis B virus infection is a very common cause of chronic liver disease worldwide. It is estimated that 3 of Iranians are chronically infected with hepatitis B virus. Current population-based studies on both rural and urban prevalence of hepatitis B virus infection in Iran are sparse with results that do not always agree. We performed this study to find the prevalence of hepatitis B surface antigen, anti-hepatitis B core antibody, and associated factors in the general population of three provinces of Iran. Methods: We randomly selected 6,583 subjects from three provinces in Iran, namely Tehran, Golestan, and Hormozgan. The subjects were aged between 18 and 65 years. Serum samples were tested for hepatitis B surface antigen and anti-hepatitis B core antibody. Various risk factors were recorded and multivariate analysis was performed. Results: The prevalence of hepatitis B surface antigen and anti-hepatitis B core antibody in Iran was 2.6 and 16.4, respectively. Predictors of hepatitis B surface antigen or anti-hepatitis B core antibody in multivariate analysis included older age, not having high-school diploma, living in a rural area, and liver disease in a family member. We did not find any significant differences between males and females. Conclusion: In spite of nationwide vaccination of newborns against hepatitis B virus since 1992, hepatitis B virus infection remains a very common cause of chronic liver disease in Iran which should be dealt with for at least the next 30-50 years

    Born-Infeld-Einstein Actions?

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    We present some obvious physical requirements on gravitational avatars of non-linear electrodynamics and illustrate them with explicit determinantal Born-Infeld-Einstein models. A related procedure, using compensating Weyl scalars, permits us to formulate conformally invariant versions of these systems as well.Comment: 7 page

    Sacrococcygeal teratoma excision: a vertical rather than transverse wound closure

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    Background: The chevron incision has been the standard approach for sacrococcygeal teratoma (SCT) excision. Here, we are reporting our experience of shifting to the vertical posterior sagittal approach.Patients and methods: During the period 2011 through 2016, we operated on 17 (16 female and one male) cases of SCT. Their age at presentation ranged from day 1 to 26 months (mean=4.8 months, median=2 months). The chevron incision was used in five, whereas the vertical posterior sagittal approach was used in 12 patients.Results: In this series, we had one case of perioperative mortality, in addition to another case of perineal wound disruption (in the group of vertical wound closure), which was managed conservatively (to heal by secondary intention) with a very satisfactory hidden scar at 6-month follow-up. Overall, we did not find the vertical approach to add any extra limitations to the surgical exposure or dissection; meanwhile, it provided a well-recognized cosmetic advantage.Conclusion: The vertical posterior sagittal approach for excision of SCT is both feasible and advantageous in terms of the cosmetic outcome. It provides a well-hidden scar in the natal cleft and preserves normal contouring of the buttocks.Keywords: buttock, cosmesis, posterior sagittal, reconstruction, sacrococcygeal teratom

    New Polymer Syntheses Part: 55#. Novel Conducting Arylidene Polymers and Copolymers Based on Methyl-Cyclohexanone Moiety

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    A new interesting class of conducting polymers based on methyl-cyclohexanone in the polymer main chain has been synthesized by solution polycondensation of terephthalaldehyde with methyl-cyclohexanone. Copolymers containing different cycloalkanone moieties were also synthesized using solution polycondensation technique. The model compound I was synthesized by the interaction of methyl-cyclohexanone monomer with benzaldehyde, and its structure was confirmed by elemental and spectral analyses. The resulting new polymers and copolymers were characterized by elemental and spectral analyses, beside solubility and viscometry measurements. The thermal properties of those polymer and copolymers were evaluated by TGA, DrTGA and DTA measurements and correlated to their structural units. PDT as well as T10 was in the range from 205 to 370 ºC. In addition, T10 thermal stability for all the polymers was in theorder: VI> II > III > IV > V. X–ray analysis showed that it has some degree of crystallinity in the region 2q = 5–60 degree.The UV– visible spectra of some selected polymers were measured in DMSO solution and showed absorption bands in the range 265-397 nm, due to n – π* and π – π* transition. The morphological properties of copolymer IV as selected examples were tested by SEM. The electrical conductivities of the synthesized polymers and copolymers enhanced to become in the range of 10-9-10-8 S cm-1 by doping with iodine
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