134 research outputs found

    O papel das variáveis macroeconómicas na modelização energética e ambiental: evidências econométricas dos países asiáticos

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    Three essays in this dissertation revolve around the area of energy and environmental economics, with particular focus on the impact of macroeconomic variables on carbon emissions in the South and Southeast Asian economies. Essay 1 examines the effects of deforestation, economic growth, and urbanization on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions levels in the South and Southeast Asian (SSEA) regions for the 1990–2014 periods. Our results suggest that deforestation and urbanization can aggravate environmental pollution in these regions and can further affect sustainable development in the long run. Moreover, the most appropriate and cost-effective method to minimize CO2 emissions is found to be through the improvement of forest activities. Essay 2 estimates the effect of ICT, trade, economic growth, financial development, and energy consumption on carbon emissions within the South and Southeast Asian regions for the period of 1990-2014. Cluster analysis was used to identify two groups (potential and advanced countries, based on their social development score). Results revealed that the use of financial development and ICT deteriorated the environment quality in the SSEA region. The increasing use of standby mode and Wi-Fi assistive devices require the rapid implementation of legislation regulating these technologies to make them more efficient. Essay 3 examines the role of economic growth, renewable energy consumption, non-renewable energy, and natural resources in carbon emissions over the period of 1990-2014. The outcomes show that nonrenewable and renewable energy consumption increase economic activities. Furthermore, natural resources impede the economic growth in the SSEA regions. Additionally, the results demonstrated that nonrenewable energy and economic growth increase CO2 emissions, whereas renewable energy consumption lessens the carbon emissions. However, natural resources also contributed to CO2 emissions in the case of South Asian and full countries panels while improving the environmental quality in the Southeast Asian region. Findings suggest that the better use of natural resources, governments’ special attention to education and curbin gun lawful activities improve the economic growth in the selected studied areas.Esta tese é composta por três ensaios enquadrados na área da Economia da Energia e do Ambiente, com foco particular no impacto das variáveis macroeconómicas nas emissões de dióxido de carbono (CO2) nas economias do Sul e do Sudeste Asiático (SSEA). O ensaio 1 estuda os efeitos da desflorestação, crescimento económico e urbanização nos níveis de emissões de CO2 nas regiões do SSEA no período 1990–2014. Os resultados sugerem que a desflorestação e a urbanização podem agravar a poluição ambiental nessas regiões e afetar ainda mais o desenvolvimento sustentável a longo prazo. Além disso, o método mais adequado e eficiente para minimizar as emissões de CO2 é o aprimoramento das atividades florestais. O ensaio 2 estima o efeito das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC), do comércio, do crescimento económico, do desenvolvimento financeiro e do consumo de energia nas emissões de carbono nas regiões SSEA para o período de 1990 a 2014. A Análise de Clusters foi usada para identificar dois grupos (países potenciais e países avançados, com base no seu nível de desenvolvimento social). Os resultados revelam que o uso do desenvolvimento financeiro e das TIC deteriora a qualidade do ambiente na região do SSEA. Pelo uso crescente do “standby mode” e dos dispositivos auxiliares de Wi-Fi, recomenda-se a rápida implementação da legislação que regule essas tecnologias para torná-las mais eficientes. O ensaio 3 examina o papel do crescimento económico, consumo de energia renovável, energia não renovável e recursos naturais nas emissões de dióxido de carbono no período de 1990 a 2014. Os resultados mostram que o consumo de energia não renovável e renovável impulsiona as atividades económicas. Além disso, os recursos naturais impedem o crescimento económico nas regiões da SSEA. Mas por outro lado, os resultados demonstram que o crescimento económico e a energia não renovável aumentam as emissões de CO2, enquanto o consumo de energia renovável diminui as emissões de carbono. No entanto, os recursos naturais também contribuem para as emissões de CO2 no caso dos painéis do sul da Ásia e do painel completo, além de melhorar a qualidade ambiental na região do sudeste asiático. Os resultados sugerem que um melhor uso dos recursos naturais, a atenção especial do governo à educação e a redução de atividades ilegais melhoram o crescimento económico nas áreas estudadas.III Quadro Comunitário de ApoioPrograma Doutoral em Ciências Económicas e Empresariai


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    The title compound, C15H23NO2S, synthesized by N-methyl­ation of cyclo­hexyl­amine sulfonamide with propyl iodide, is of inter­est as a precursor to biologically active sulfur-containing heterocyclic compounds. The cyclo­hexyl ring exists in the chair form and the dihedral angle between the ring plane of the benzene ring and that of the cyclo­hexyl ring is 50.13 (9)°


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    In the title compound, C19H23NO2S, the cyclo­hexyl ring exists in a chair form. The dihedral angle between the two terminal phenyl rings is 86.70 (6)°. No significant inter­actions are observed except for a weak intra­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bond


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    The title compound, C13H19NO2S, was synthesized by the reaction of N-cyclo­hexyl­amine­benzene­sulfonamide and methyl iodide. The crystal packing is stabilized by weak inter­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds


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    The title compound, C15H23NO2S, contains cyclo­hexyl and ethyl substituents on the sulfonamide N atom and the cyclo­hexyl ring adopts a classic chair conformation. The dihedral angle between the benzene ring plane and the mean plane through the six atoms of the cyclo­hexyl ring is 59.92 (6)°. In the crystal structure, C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link mol­ecules into sheets extending in the bc plane


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    The title compound, C15H21NO2S, synthesized by N-alkyl­ation of cyclo­hexyl­amine benzene­sulfonamide with allyl iodide, is of inter­est as a precursor to biologically active sulfur-containing heterocyclic compounds. The cyclo­hexane ring is in a chair form and its mean plane makes a dihedral angle of 53.84 (12)° with the phenyl ring


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    The title compound, C14H21NO2S, synthesized by N-methyl­ation of cyclo­hexyl­amine sulfonamide with ethyl iodide is of inter­est as a precursor to biologically active sulfur-containing heterocyclic compounds. There are two independent mol­ecules in the asymmetric unit. The dihedral angles between the mean planes of the phenyl ring and the cyclo­hexyl ring are 40.29 (11) and 37.91 (13)° in the two mol­ecules

    Exact Solution for Peristaltic Flow of Jeffrey Fluid Model in a Three Dimensional Rectangular Duct having Slip at the Walls

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    In the present article, we tried to develop the exact solutions for the peristaltic flow of Jeffrey fluid model in a cross section of three dimensional rectangular channel having slip at the peristaltic boundaries. Equation of motion and boundary conditions are made dimensionless by introducing some suitable nondimensional parameters. The flow is considered under the approximations of low Reynolds number and long wavelength. Exact solution of the obtained linear boundary value problem is evaluated. However, the expression for pressure rise is calculated numerically with the help of numerical integration. All pertinent parameters are discussed through graphs of pressure rise, pressure gradient, velocity and stream functions. It is found that presence of slip at the walls reduces the flow velocity but increases the peristaltic pumping characteristics