29 research outputs found

    An uncommon case of inferior vena cava injury during atrial fibrillation ablation

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    A 64-year-old man underwent catheter ablation (CA) of atrial fibrillation with intracardiac echocardiography (ICE) assistance. As the probe was advanced toward the right atrium, sudden abdominal pain was felt by the patient with hypotension and tachycardia requiring fluids and vasopressors for hemodynamic stabilization. The inferior vena cava (IVC) was injured by the passing probe and open repair was then performed. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of symptomatic IVC laceration by the probe used for ICE during CA

    The mouse model is suitable for the study of viral factors governing transmission and pathogenesis of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) viruses in mammals

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    Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) viruses of the H5 and H7 subtype pose a major public health threat due to their capacity to cross the species barrier and infect mammals, for example dogs, cats and humans. In the present study we tested the capacity of selected H7 and H5 HPAI viruses to infect and to be transmitted from infected BALB/c mice to contact sentinels. Previous experiments have shown that viruses belonging to both H5 and H7 subtypes replicate in the respiratory tract and central nervous system of experimentally infected mice. In this study we show that selected H7N1 and H5N1 HPAI viruses can be transmitted from mouse-to-mouse by direct contact, and that in experimentally infected animals they exhibit a different pattern of replication and transmission. Our results can be considered as a starting point for transmission experiments involving other influenza A viruses with α 2-3 receptor affinity in order to better understand the viral factors influencing transmissibility of these viruses in selected mammalian species


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    Background The traditional technique for subcutaneous implantable cardioverter defibrillator (S-ICD) implantation, which involves three incisions and a subcutaneous pocket, is associated with possible complications, including inappropriate interventions. The aim of this prospective multicenter study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of an alternative intermuscular two-incision technique for S-ICD implantation. Methods The study population included 36 consecutive patients (75% male, mean age 44 ± 12 years [range 20–69]) who underwent S-ICD implantation using the intermuscular two-incision technique. This technique avoids the superior parasternal incision for the lead placement and consists of creating an intermuscular pocket between the anterior surface of the serratus anterior and the posterior surface of the latissimus dorsi muscles instead of a subcutaneous pocket. Results All patients were successfully implanted in the absence of any procedure-related complications with a successful 65-J standard polarity defibrillation threshold testing, except in one, who received a second successful shock after pocket revision. During a mean follow-up of 10 months (range 3–30), no complications requiring surgical revision were observed. At device interrogation, stable sensing without interferences was observed in all patients. Two patients (5.5%) experienced appropriate and successful shock on ventricular fibrillation and in four patients (11%), a total of seven nonsustained self-terminated ventricular tachycardias were correctly detected. No inappropriate interventions were observed. Conclusions Our experience suggests that the two-incision intermuscular technique is a safe and efficacious alternative to the current technique for S-ICD implantation that may help reducing complications including inappropriate interventions and offer a better cosmetic outcome, especially in thin individuals

    Early appearance of pancreatic hormone-expressing cells in the zebrafish embryo

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    Adult pancreatic islets comprise four cell types, alpha, beta, delta and PP, expressing glucagon, insulin, somatostatin and pancreatic-polypeptide, respectively, arising from cell lineages whose relationships during endocrine pancreas differentiation are still uncertain [Edlund, 1998. Diabetes 47, 1817-1823]. As zebrafish (Danio rerio) represents an attractive vertebrate model to study mutants affecting pancreatic organogenesis [Pack et al., 1996. Development 123, 321-328], we have investigated the expression patterns of islet hormones in zebrafish embryos, from the 16-somite (17 h) to 48-h stages, by whole-mount in situ hybridization and immunofluorescence. Results showed that in the zebrafish pancreatic primordium (a) insulin is the first hormone gene to be expressed, and (b) somatostatin colocalizes with insulin while glucagon-expressing cells, since their appearance, are distinct from insulin- or insulin/somatostatin-expressing cells. Notably, both somatostatin and glucagon, but not insulin, are first expressed in extrapancreatic regions

    Function and regulation of zebrafish nkx2.2a during development of pancreatic islet and ducts

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    In the mouse Nkx2.2 is expressed in the entire pancreatic anlage. Nevertheless, absence of Nkx2.2 only perturbs the development of endocrine cell types, notably beta-cells which are completely absent. In order to test the possibility that Nkx2.2 might fulfil additional functions during pancreas development we analysed its zebrafish homologue nkx2.2a using gene targeting and GFP-transgenic fish lines. Our results suggest similar roles for nkx2.2a and Nkx2.2 during the development of the endocrine pancreas. Morpholino-based knock-down of nkx2.2a leads to a reduction of alpha- and beta-cell number and an increase of ghrelin-producing cells but, as in mice, does not affect delta-cells. Moreover, like in the mouse, two spatially distinct promoters regulate expression of nkx2.2a in precursors and differentiated islet cells. In addition we found that in zebrafish nkx2.2a is also expressed in the anterior pancreatic bud and, later, in the differentiated pancreatic ducts. A nkx2.2a-transgenic line in which pancreatic GFP expression is restricted to the pancreatic ducts revealed that single GFP-positive cells leave the anterior pancreatic bud and move towards the islet where they form intercellular connections between each other. Subsequently, these cells generate the branched network of the larval pancreatic ducts. Morpholinos that block nkx2.2a function also lead to the absence of the pancreatic ducts. We observed the same phenotype in ptf1a-morphants that are additionally characterized by a reduced number of nkx2.2a-positive duct precursors. Whereas important details of the molecular program leading to the differentiation of endocrine cell types are conserved between mammals and zebrafish, our results reveal a new function for nkx2.2a in the development of the pancreatic ducts

    The basic helix-loop-helix olig3 establishes the neural plate boundary of the trunk and is necessary for development of the dorsal spinal cord

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    olig genes encode a previously unrecognized group of vertebrate-specific basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors. As shown in mice, chickens, and zebrafish, two members of this group, olig1 and olig2, are involved in the differentiation of motoneurons and oligodendrocytes, but nothing is known about the role of the third member, olig3. Here, we show that olig3 plays an essential role in the establishment of the neural crest-lateral neural plate boundary. In zebrafish embryos, morpholino-induced olig3 inactivation dramatically increases the number of neural crest cells, but lateral neural plate fates (interneurons and astrocytes) are missing. Zebrafish swirl mutants that have impaired bone morphogenetic protein signaling and lack neural crest cells display an expanded olig3 expression domain. Moreover, olig3 is up-regulated in mindbomb mutants lacking the neural crest because of an impaired notch signaling, and olig3 repression in such mutants rescues the neural crest. In addition, olig3 regulates ngn1 and deltaA expression in interneuron precursors. Our results indicate that olig3 has an essential proneural activity in the dorsal spinal cord and cooperates with the Delta/Notch regulatory loop to establish the boundary between the neural crest and the lateral neural plate. Thus, a proper regulation of the olig gene family is essential for the formation of three cell types (oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, and neural crest) that are unique to vertebrates

    olig3 establishes the neural plate boundary of the trunk and is necessary for the development of the dorsal spinal cord

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    olig3 establishes the neural plate boundary of the trunk and is necessary for the development of the dorsal spinal cor

    A comparative study of isomeric polyalkylterthiophenes with regular regiochemistry of substitution: Characterization of electrochemical doping process

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    In this paper we present a systematic study of the effect of the substitution pattern in the starting monomers on the resulting properties of some electrodeposited polydidodecylterthiophenes. The compared characterization of p-doping processes in regioregular electropolymerized poly-3‘,4‘- and 3,3‘ ‘-didodecyl-2,2‘:5‘,2‘ ‘-terthiophene is here reported for the first time. The in situ variations of the optical, magnetic, and electrical transport properties have been measured and correlated with the effects associated to the substituent position. An important result was the verification of absorption fine structures in the wavelength range 500 < λ < 620 nm for the optical spectra of the electropolymerized polydidodecylterthiophenes thus confirming the typical features of regioregular polymers. Visible spectra and cyclic voltammetries verified that poly-3,3‘ ‘-didodecyl-2,2‘:5‘,2‘ ‘-terthiophene possessed a more effective electronic conjugation with respect of the other isomer poly-3‘,4‘-didodecyl-2,2‘:5‘,2‘ ‘-terthiophene. On the other hand the latter polymer showed a higher value of the electronic conductivity (33 vs 21 S cm-1). Such differences were discussed in terms of the effect of the substituent position on the polymers packing and the separation between chains

    The bHLH transcription factor Olig3 co-operates with Notch signalling to establish the trunk neural crest / lateral neural plate boundary

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    The bHLH transcription factor Olig3 co-operates with Notch signalling to establish the trunk neural crest / lateral neural plate boundar