251 research outputs found

    Limit Theorems and Governing Equations for Levy Walks

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    The Levy Walk is the process with continuous sample paths which arises from consecutive linear motions of i.i.d. lengths with i.i.d. directions. Assuming speed 1 and motions in the domain of beta-stable attraction, we prove functional limit theorems and derive governing pseudo-differential equations for the law of the walker's position. Both Levy Walk and its limit process are continuous and ballistic in the case beta in (0,1). In the case beta in (1,2), the scaling limit of the process is beta-stable and hence discontinuous. This case exhibits an interesting situation in which scaling exponent 1/beta on the process level is seemingly unrelated to the scaling exponent 3-beta of the second moment. For beta = 2, the scaling limit is Brownian motion

    Technological Innovations for Ecologically Sustainable Development: The Case of Chemical and Energy Industries in the Context of Energo- chemical Systems Technologies Development

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    This paper is aimed at the identification and evaluation of various development paths for the energy and chemical industries. This is to be embedded in the broader philosophy of the so-called Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD). We focus our attention on the Polish energy and chemical industries since their development seems to be one of the key factors within the context of ESD. Assuming a strategic option described by Haefele (Novel Horizontally Integrated Energy Systems -- NHIES) as a target structure for the next century, we present various development alternatives which may be paths leading to the target. This view if one of the results of our research in the field of development for the chemical industry in Poland. As this research is regionally oriented, we take into consideration the possibilities of utilizing two coal and lignite conversion technologies (PYGAS and PYREG). We show their reliability within the ESD context when these technologies will be introduced in the chemical and energy and power industries

    Learning from the Past: Supplementary Exercise on Memory, Persistence and Explainable Outreach

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    This Working Paper [WP] supports WP-17-015. Toward Handling Uncertainty in Prognostic Scenarios: Advanced Learning from the Past by Żebrowski, Jonas & Jarnicka (2017). Their WP (ZJJ WP hereafter) constitutes the main report summarizing the outcome of a one-year project (bearing the same title) under the Earth Systems Sciences [ESS] Research Program of the Austrian Academy of Sciences [OeAW]. The WP focuses on systems with memory, typical in Earth system sciences. Memory allows referring to how strongly a system’s past can influence its near-term future (paraphrased credibility of expectations about a system’s future behavior in the ZJJ WP) by virtue of its persistence. We consider memory an intrinsic property of the system, retrospective in nature; and persistence a consequential (observable) feature of memory, prospective in nature. We delineate the system’s near-term future by means of (what we call) its explainable outreach [EO]. This approach to determine the EO of a system complements the approach taken in the ZJJ WP. The WP makes use of a simple synthetic data (time) series example—our control—which we equip, step by step, with realistic physical features such as memory and noise, while exploring the system’s persistence and deriving its EO. The prime intention of the WP is to better understand memory and persistence and to consolidate our systems thinking. Therefore, during this explorative state, systemic insight is valued more than mathematical rigor. The example is geared to making the concept of EOs applicable. However, we discuss how consequential it is, where it underperforms, and the questions it provokes. From our example we conclude that memory allows defining a system’s explainable outreach, above and beyond the numerical set up given here. It seems that, even if we know only the temporal extent of memory, a system’s EO can be determined. This is promising because it appears possible to determine the temporal extent of memory in the presence of great noise, not exactly but approximately. However, even with complete knowledge of how memory evolves over time, we are confronted with the challenge of reconstructing best-fit regressions that separate memory and noise—a challenge that we leave for the future

    Towards Handling Uncertainty in Prognostic Scenarios: Advanced Learning from the Past

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    Das Forschungsprogramm „Earth System Sciences (ESS)“, ein Programm des Bundesministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft (BMWFW), durchgeführt von der ÖAW, hat die Erforschung des Systems Erde zum Ziel. Im Rahmen von Ausschreibungen werden wissenschaftliche Forschungsprojekte gefördert, die dem neusten Stand der Wissenschaft entsprechen. Das Programm ESS sieht es als seine Aufgabe, Lücken in der österreichischen Förderungslandschaft zu schließen. Dies bezieht sich etwa auf interdisziplinäre Projekte, Projekte zur Langzeitforschung sowie auf Projekte, die auf derzeit noch gering beforschte Bereiche fokussiert sind und denen wissenschaftlich

    Towards Handling Uncertainty in Prognostic Scenarios: Advanced Learning from the Past

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    In this report we introduce the paradigm of learning from the past which is realized in a controlled prognostic context. It is a data-driven exploratory approach to assessing the limits to credibility of any expectations about the system’s future behavior which are based on a time series of a historical observations of the analyzed system. This horizon of the credible expectations is derived as the length of explainable outreach of the data, that is, the spatio-temporal extent which, in lieu of the knowledge contained in the historical observations, we are justified in believing contains the system’s future observations. Explainable outreach is of practical interest to stakeholders since it allows them to assess the credibility of scenarios produced by models of the analyzed system. It also indicates the scale of measures required to overcome the system’s inertia. In this report we propose a method of learning in a controlled prognostic context which is based on a polynomial regression technique. A polynomial regression model is used to understand the system’s dynamics, revealed by the sample of historical observations, while the explainable outreach is constructed around the extrapolated regression function. The proposed learning method was tested on various sets of synthetic data in order to identify its strengths and weaknesses, and formulate guidelines for its practical application. We also demonstrate how it can be used in context of earth system sciences by using it to derive the explainable outreach of historical anthropogenic CO2 emissions and atmospheric CO2 concentrations. We conclude that the most robust method of building the explainable outreach is based on linear regression. However, the explainable outreach of the analyzed datasets (representing credible expectations based on extrapolation of the linear trend) is rather short
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