50 research outputs found


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    U ovome radu prikazane su osnovne vinogradarske i enoloÅ”ke karakteristike cv. Pinot sivi iz vinogorja Imotski. Proces proizvodnje pjenuÅ”avoga vina proveden je prema konvencionalnoj metodi sekundarne alkoholne fermentacije u boci. Stupanj zrelosti grožđa u trenutku berbe bio je niži u odnosu na uobičajenu praksu za proizvodnju mirnih vina. Osnovno vino bilo je suho (Å”ećer 1,5 g/L), sadržaj stvarnog alkohola bio je 11,6 vol % i ukupna kiselost 7,1 g/L (pH 3,17). Procesom re-fermentacije stvarni se alkohol povisio za 0,9 vol. %, a nastali ugljični dioksid stvorio je pritisak od 5 bara. Metodom plinske kromatografije identificirano i kvantificirano je osam hlapljivih ā€³fermentativnihā€³ komponenti arome pjenuÅ”avoga vina. Na osnovi dobivenih rezultata, može se utvrditi da u vinogorju Imotski postoje prikladni klimatski uvjeti za proizvodnju pjenuÅ”avih vina.The eessential viticultural and oenological characteristics of cv. Pinot gris originated from viticultural area of Imotski were investigated. The sparkling wine was produced by the conventional method of secondary alcoholic fermentation in bottle. The degree of grape maturation at the harvest time was lower compared to the common practices of still wine production. The base wine was dry (sugar 1.5 g/L), content of actual alcohol was 11.6 vol. % and total acidity 7.1 g/L (pH 3.17). Re-fermentation process induced higher level of alcohol by 0.9 vol. % and carbon dioxide formed of five bars pressure. Eight volatile ā€œfermentativeā€ aroma compounds of sparkling wine were determined and quantified by using method of gas chromatography. According to the showed results it could be considered that climatic conditions in viticultural area of Imotski are suitable for sparkling wine production

    Primary Study of Viticultural and Oenological Characteristics of ā€˜Plavac Mali Siviā€™ and its Comparison with ā€˜PoÅ”ipā€™ and ā€˜Grkā€™ in the Central Dalmatia

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    Characterization of ā€˜Plavac Mali Siviā€™, a mutant of ā€˜Plavac Maliā€™ noir, having grey berry skin colour, and its comparison with well-known white cultivars in the region of Dalmatia ā€˜PoÅ”ipā€™ and ā€˜Grkā€™ were performed in this study. Basic viticultural and oenological characteristics were evaluated in three growing seasons in the grape germplasm repository. ā€˜Plavac Mali Siviā€™ showed lower yield per vine, and cluster weight than other two cultivars. Number of berries per cluster differed significantly among cultivars. ā€˜Plavac Mali Siviā€™ had significantly lower total acidity than ā€˜PoÅ”ipā€™ and ā€˜Grkā€™. High oenological variability among these three cultivars was found. ā€˜Plavac Mali Siviā€™ had a relatively high content of alcohol (13.9 vol.%) and equal to ā€˜PoÅ”ipā€™ (13.9 vol.%), and significantly different from the ā€˜Grkā€™ (12.8 vol.%). The highest content of dry extract was determined at ā€˜PoÅ”ipā€™, while ā€˜Plavac Mali Siviā€™ and ā€˜Grkā€™ were not significantly different. The results of this study indicate the possibility of providing a new white wine for the market from recently propagated mutant ā€˜Plavac Mali Siviā€™ in the region of Dalmatia and justify further technological investigation

    Phenotypical, Sanitary and Ampelometric Variability within the Population of cv. Plavac Mali (Vitis vinifera L.)

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    One hundred and sixty individual vines representative of the entire growing region for cv. Plavac Mali (Middle and Southern Dalmatia) were ampelographically analyzed in situ during a period of four years. High phenotypical variability was determined in the maturity period (35.6% ā€œearly maturityā€ vs. 11.9% ā€œlate maturityā€), colouring (>50% of vines had bunches that were not coloured completely) and density of bunches, and degree of firmness of flesh and size of the berries. In a sample of 36 vines harvested in 2005 high variability was determined in: parameters of fertility, sugar content (range 66- 139Ā°Oe), and the size parameters of bunches. The samples were tested for the presence of four viruses by ELISA test (Grapevine Fanleaf Virus (GFLV), Arabis Mosaic Virus (ArMV), Grapevine Leafroll associated Virus 1 and 3 (GLRaV-1 and GLRaV-3). 91% of all analyzed samples tested positive for GLRaV-3, while an infection with the ArMV (6%) was the least common. Only 5% of genotypes resulted as negative in virus testing. The results of the research point to a significant degree of intra cultivar genetical variability and the necessity of further individual clonal selection

    Somatic embryogenesis as a tool for virus elimination in Croatian indigenous grapevine cultivars

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    Most Croatian indigenous grapevine cultivars and vineyards are infected with a few dominant viruses. The goal of this study was to establish somatic embryogenesis as an efficient method for virus elimination from valuable Croatian cultivars and creating a reliable source of healthy plants. Somatic embryogenesis was induced from immature anthers and somatic embryogenesis-derived plantlets for seven indigenous cultivars were successfully regenerated. This procedure led to the elimination of viruses GFLV, GLRaV-1, GLRaV-3 and GFkV that were initially detected in the field-grown cultivars ā€˜Plavac maliā€™ and ā€˜Babicaā€™ with an elimination success of at least 30%. The described method has the potential for production of virus-free rooted plantlets for all economically important cultivars or superior cultivar clones and for the establishment of a steady source of certified virus-free planting material

    Analysis of Croatian wild and cultivated grapevine diversity by genotyping by sequencing

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    Minor varieties represent a significant part of the grapevine germplasm (Vitis vinifera L. subsp. vinifera) in Croatia. During the long history of grape cultivation in insular, coastal and continental Croatia, numerous local varieties were cultivated, many of which are still used today. There are also several populations of wild grapevine (Vitis vinifera subsp. sylvestris Hegi Gmel) that have survived until the present in natural sites. Here, we developed a single primer enrichment technology (SPET) panel consisting of 61,308 probes for targeted sequencing of the V. vinifera gene space. In doing so, we examined a total of 28,092 gene models, 88.2% of all predicted genes, interrogating an average of 19 Mb nucleotides per individual genome, which corresponds to 4% of the haploid genome length. This is the first time that SPET-based sequencing has been applied to Croatian grapevine germplasm to generate multilocus genotype data of 126 cultivated accessions and 50 wild specimens. We identified 531,900 variants sites, 208,802 of which reside in coding sequences, 140,836 in introns, 118,416 in UTRs, and 63,424 in the nearby intergenic space that revealed the presence of 33 clonally propagated specimens representing both synonymies and clones within local varieties (22) as well as synonymies between local and international varieties (11), mostly from neighbouring countries. To investigate possible contribution of wild grapevine (Vitis vinifera subsp. sylvestris Hegi Gmel) to the development of present cultivars, four wild grapevine populations were included. None of the cultivated varieties showed close kinship with local wild specimens. This study opens new possibilities for studying the genetic diversity of Croatian grapevine germplasm and provides additional information with respect to SSR genotyping and phenotyping

    Fermentative aroma compounds and sensory descriptors of traditional Croatian dessert wine ProŔek from Plavac mali cv.

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    ProŔek is a traditional dessert wine from the coastal region of Croatia made from partially dried grapes. There is very little literature data about the chemical composition and sensory properties of ProŔek, so an experimental production from the dried grapes of Plavac mali cultivar has been done using native and induced alcoholic fermentation. To determine the volatile compounds, gas chromatography with flame ionisation detector (GC/FID) was used on the samples prepared with solid phase microextraction (SPME). Higher alcohols, esters, carbonyl compounds and volatile acids were determined in the wine samples. Wines were grouped according to the production method using principal component analysis (PCA). It was found that ProŔek wines produced with native and induced alcoholic fermentation differ in their volatile compounds. Descriptive sensory analysis was applied to show the sensory properties of ProŔek wine, whose characteristic aromas include those of dried fruit (raisins), red berries, honey, chocolate and vanilla. A significant difference depending on the type of fermentation was determined in two sensory attributes, strawberry jam aroma and fullness

    Aroma i senzorna svojstva tradicionalnoga hrvatskog proŔeka od sorte Plavac mali

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    ProÅ”ek is a traditional dessert wine from the coastal region of Croatia made from partially dried grapes. There is very little literature data about the chemical composition and sensory properties of ProÅ”ek, so an experimental production from the dried grapes of Plavac mali cultivar has been done using native and induced alcoholic fermentations. To determine the volatile compounds, gas chromatography with flame ionisation detector (GC/FID) was used on the samples prepared with solid phase microextraction (SPME). Higher alcohols, esters, carbonyl compounds and volatile acids were determined in the wine samples. Wines were grouped according to the production method using principal component analysis (PCA). It was found that ProÅ”ek wines produced with native and induced alcoholic fermentation differ in their volatile compounds. Descriptive sensory analysis was applied to show the sensory properties of ProÅ”ek wine, whose characteristic aromas include those of dried fruit (raisins), red berries, honey, chocolate and vanilla. A significant difference depending on the type of fermentation was determined in two sensory attributes, strawberry jam aroma and fullness.ProÅ”ek je tradicionalno desertno vino koje se proizvodi od prosuÅ”enoga grožđa u obalnom području Hrvatske. Budući da postoji malo literaturnih podataka o kemijskom sastavu i senzornim svojstvima proÅ”eka, provedena je eksperimentalna proizvodnja od sorte Plavac mali koristeći spontano i inducirano alkoholno vrenje. Fermentacijski hlapljivi spojevi određivani su plinskom kromatografijom sa plamenim ionizacijskim detektorom (engl. gas chromatography with flame ionisation detector - GC/FID) uz pripremu uzorka pomoću mikroekstrakcije na čvrstoj fazi (engl. solid phase microextraction - SPME). U vinima su određeni viÅ”i alkoholi, esteri, karbonilni spojevi i hlapljive kiseline. Analizom glavnih komponenata (engl. principal component analysis ā€“ PCA) vina su razvrstana po načinu proizvodnje. Utvrđeno je da se proÅ”ek proizveden spontanim i induciranim alkoholnim vrenjem razlikuje po hlapljivim sastojcima. Senzornom analizom proÅ”eka uočena je aroma po suÅ”enom voću (grožđu), crvenom bobičastom voću, medu, čokoladi i vaniliji. S obzirom na vrstu alkoholnog vrenja najveća je razlika utvrđena u aromi džema od jagoda i punoći okusa vina

    Combining abilities and gene effect for 1000 seed weight and hectoliter mass in sunflower ( Helianthus annuus L.)

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    Masa 1000 zrna i hektolitarska masa su svojstva kojima se u oplemenjivačkom programu na suncokretu u Poljoprivrednom institutu Osijek poklanja značajna pozornost. Važan segment kod izbora po-željnih linija za navedena svojstva predstavlja procjena općih (OKS) i specifičnih (SKS) kombinacijskih sposobnosti, učinaka gena te izdvajanje najboljih hibridnih kombinacija. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 6 inbred linija, 15 dvolinijskih križanaca, 15 eksperimentalnih trolinijskih križanaca i tri priznata hibrida. U procjeni kombinacijskih sposobnosti koriÅ”tena je Griffingova analiza dialelnih križanja. Najvećom masom 1000 zrna u prvoj godini istraživanja (1999) ističe se 5A x 302 B, a u drugoj godini (101A x 103B) x RH- 28 i Fakir. NajviÅ”e vrijednosti hektolitarske mase u prvoj godini imali su križanci 5A x 103B i 5A x 302B, a u drugoj (272A x 302B) x RH- 28 i Olio. Linija L-5 ostvarila je najveće učinke OKS za oba istraživana svojstva, a pored nje dobar opći kombinator za masu 1000 zrna je linija L-103. Najbolje kombi-nacije za masu 1000 zrna su 5A x 302B i 101A x 103B. Učinci SKS za hektolitarsku masu nisu bili značajni. Veći je udio genetske u odnosu na okolinsku, te aditivne u odnosu na dominantnu varijancu za masu 1000 zrna.Thousand seed weight and hectoliter mass are traits which in sunflower breeding program at Agricultural Institute Osijek is given significant attention. Important part in selection of desirable lines for mentioned traits presents estimation of general (GCA) and specific (SCA) combining ability, gene effect and selection of the best hybrid combinations. This investigation conducts 6 inbread lines, 15 two-way crosses, 15 experimental three-way crosses and three recognized hybrids. Griffings\u27 analysis of diallel crossing is used in combining ability estimation. The highest 1000 seed weight in first year of investigation (1999) had combination 5A x 302 B, and in second year (101A x 103B) x RH- 28 and Fakir. The highest hectoliter mass values in first year had crosses 5A x 103B and 5A x 302B, and in second (272A x 302B) x RH- 28 and Olio. Line L-5 obtained the highest effects of GCA for both investigated traits, and beside this line, good general combinatory for 1000 seed weight is line L-103. The best combinations for 1000 seed weight are 5A x 302B and 101A x 103B. An effect of SCA for hectoliter mass wasnā€™t significant. Higher is a part of genetic in relation to environmental, and additive in relation to dominant variance for 1000 seed weight

    Ampelographic Characterization and Sanitary Status of Grapevine Cultivar ā€˜Prč bijeliā€™ (Vitis vinifera L.)

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    ā€˜Prč bijeliā€™ is an old Croatian autochthonous grapevine cultivar (Vitis vinifera L.), which has not been ampelographically characterized in detail until now. Ampelographic description was performed following 52 morphological, 22 phyllometric and seven bunches dimension characteristics. ā€˜Prč bijeliā€™ showed acceptable yield and a must composition suitable for oenological purposes, with low acidity value and medium sugar content. The following synonyms were established: ā€˜Ä†imavicaā€™, ā€˜Parčā€™ and ā€˜MuÅ”katā€™. The results of sanitary analysis (ELISA test on four viruses) on twenty-seven vines revealed that 92.6 % samples were GLRaV-3 positive, while ArMV was not detected. Only one vine was free of the tested viruses