5 research outputs found

    Lastnoročne opombe in korekture Jana z Jenštejna v njegovem epistolariju

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    Among autographs by learned men of the late Middle Ages are only a few manuscripts written by an auxiliary copyist but corrected by the author of the text. Such manuscripts served as foundations for end-transcriptions of works destined for the public at large. The collection of 14th-century letters by Archbishop Jan of Jenštejn, published in 1877 as Jenštejn's Epistolary, represent such a transient codex-typus. The article focuses on the adjustment of the quires and character and order of the letters copied, as well as on the text corrections made by another scribe. It concludes that the manuscript originated under the direct supervision of the archbishop, who transmitted the papers of individual letters to the scribe step by step for copying, and then polished their stylistic form and corrected them. The epistolary has never been transcribed into a definitive form for the public.Med avtografi učenjakov iz poznega srednjega veka so le redki takšni, katerih besedilo je prenesel na papir pomočnik, popravil pa avtor. Takšni rokopisi so pomenili osnovo za dokončne prepise, preden je bilo delo predstavljeno širši javnosti. Takšen prehodni tip kodeksa predstavlja zbirka pisem nadškofa Jana z Jenštejna s konca 14.stoletja; pod naslovom »Jenštejnov epistolarij« je besedila objavil leta 1877 J. Loserth. – Prispevek se je osredotočil na ureditev leg ter na značaj in zaporedje prepisanih pisem, pa tudi na popravke, ki jih je naredil drug pisar. Sklepna ugotovitev se glasi, da je rokopis nastal pod neposrednim nadzorom nadškofa, ki je posamezna pisma postopoma izročal kopistu, nato pa jih je je stilistično izpilil in popravil. Epistolarij ni dočakal prepisa v dokončno obliko, namenjeno javnosti

    Czech church history of the middle ages after 1945

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    Objective survey of czech historiography to church historyof middle ages in 1945-1950, 1950-1990 and after 1990

    Czech church history of the middle age after 1945

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    The scientific research on the czech church history after 1945