5 research outputs found

    Formal support of parents with intellectual disabilities in the context of social work

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    There is a limited body of research about formal support for parents with intellectual disabilities in the context of the Czech Republic. As the process of deinstitutionalization continues, people with intellectual disabilities have more opportunities to make decisions about the ways they want to live in society and establish partner relationships. It is therefore appropriate to look at whether the available formal support adequately responds to the needs of families with intellectual disabilities. Therefore, the aim of this research was to analyze the existing system of formal support for parents with intellectual disabilities. The author also examined how social workers are prepared to work with this group of parents. Last but not least, the aim of this research study was to analyze the experience of parents with intellectual disabilities with formal support. In order to conduct such a comprehensive research study, the author used a mixed method research approach. Specifically, interviews, vignettes and the Support Interview Guide were used with parents with intellectual disabilities, as well as a survey and focus groups with social workers. The participants in this study were 18 parents with intellectual disabilities, 294 social workers who completed the survey, and 39 social workers who took...Téma formální podpory rodičů s mentálním postižením dosud nebylo v českém prostředí dostatečně probádáno. S pokračujícím procesem deinstitucionalizace přibývají osobám s mentálním postižením možnosti volit si způsob života ve většinové společnosti a vytvářet partnerské svazky. Je proto vhodný čas zabývat se tím, zda nabízená formální podpora adekvátně reaguje na potřeby těchto rodin. Proto bylo cílem předkládaného výzkumu zanalyzovat stávající systém formální podpory pro rodiče s mentálním postižením. Autorka dále zjišťovala, jak jsou sociální pracovníci připraveni na práci s touto skupinou rodičů. V neposlední řadě bylo cílem provést analýzu zkušenosti samotných rodičů s mentálním postižením s poskytovanou formální podporou. Pro takto komplexní zkoumání autorka zvolila smíšenou výzkumnou strategii. Pro sběr dat s cílovou skupinou rodičů s mentálním postižením byl použit rozhovor, tzv. viněty a nástroj Support Interview Guide. U cílové skupiny sociálních pracovníků pak autorka využila dotazník a ohniskové skupiny. Výzkumného šetření se zúčastnilo celkem 18 rodičů s mentálním postižením, 294 respondentů z řad sociálních pracovníků vyplnilo dotazník a 39 sociálních pracovníků se zúčastnilo ohniskových skupin. Z výzkumného šetření vyplývá, že sociální pracovníci při své práci s rodiči s mentálním...Oddělení pro vědeckou činnostPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio

    Support for visual perception in children with visual and multiple disabilitis

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    This thesis focuses on functional assessments, visual stimulation and on offers of Centres for Early Intervention that provide services in the area of visual perception for children in early and preschool age. The goal of the thesis is to analyze interviews with workers in these centres on options and services in the area of visual aid that these centres provide for families and their children with disabilities. The first four chapters deal with theoretical background in the area of functional assessments of vision, visual stimulation and description of the group of children in early and preschool age with visual and multiple disabilities. Last but not least, these chapters also deal with organizations that provide early intervention services, their structure, composition of personnel and range of offered services. The content of the fifth chapter is a qualitative research investigation. The data were collected through interviews with instructors of visual stimulation and with an early intervention assistant. Analysis of these interviews then became basis for the subsequent definition of commendable suggestions for good practise

    E-larning Method of Study in Special Educaiton

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    Katedra speciální pedagogikyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Formal support of parents with intellectual disabilities in the context of social work

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    There is a limited body of research about formal support for parents with intellectual disabilities in the context of the Czech Republic. As the process of deinstitutionalization continues, people with intellectual disabilities have more opportunities to make decisions about the ways they want to live in society and establish partner relationships. It is therefore appropriate to look at whether the available formal support adequately responds to the needs of families with intellectual disabilities. Therefore, the aim of this research was to analyze the existing system of formal support for parents with intellectual disabilities. The author also examined how social workers are prepared to work with this group of parents. Last but not least, the aim of this research study was to analyze the experience of parents with intellectual disabilities with formal support. In order to conduct such a comprehensive research study, the author used a mixed method research approach. Specifically, interviews, vignettes and the Support Interview Guide were used with parents with intellectual disabilities, as well as a survey and focus groups with social workers. The participants in this study were 18 parents with intellectual disabilities, 294 social workers who completed the survey, and 39 social workers who took..