21 research outputs found


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    In the paper is described development of predictive controller of combustion engine. The basic part of control system is predictive model describing future engine behavior in transient conditions. Accurate identification of controlled system, combustion engine in our case, is very important for high level of control precision. Typical engine operation is defined by driving cycle, which is used for engine operation parameters identification. Developed predictive control system was subsequently tested using software‐in‐the‐loop technique.V tomto článku je popsán vývoj prediktivního řídicího systému pro spalovací motor. Základem prediktivního kontrolního systému je prediktivní model popisující chování v krátké budoucnosti přechodového děje. Přesná identifikace řízené soustavy, v našem případě spalovacího motoru, je velmi důležitá z hlediska přesnosti řízení. Typický provoz motoru je definován jízdním cyklem, který byl z tohoto důvodu použit pro identifikaci stavových parametrů motoru. Vyvinutý prediktivní systém řízení byl následně otestován s využitím software‐in‐the‐loop techniky

    Experimental validation of motion sensor Physilog®5 applied to shoulder joint

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    The main motivation of this paper is to verify the idea of using the Physilog®5 unit for the patients with shoulder movement difficulties. The attached sensor to the patient’s arm then measures motion during which the patient should follow certain paths. Finally, if a patient has difficulty with motion requirements, some typical pattern for their problem should emerge. By analysing these patterns, a database of typical problems could be created, which could assist doctors in determining a patient’s diagnosis.The experiment is focused on Physilog® concerning the 5th generation. The goal is to experimentally identify and verify the performance of this generation during relatively large motions of the upper limb. For this purpose, an experimental stand representing spherical joint with an accurate absolute position sensing is assembled and calibrated. Subsequently, the three Physilog®5 sensors are mounted on this stand at different positions

    Experimental validation of motion sensor Physilog®5 applied to shoulder joint

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    The main motivation of this paper is to verify the idea of using the Physilog®5 unit for the patients with shoulder movement difficulties. The attached sensor to the patient’s arm then measures motion during which the patient should follow certain paths. Finally, if a patient has difficulty with motion requirements, some typical pattern for their problem should emerge. By analysing these patterns, a database of typical problems could be created, which could assist doctors in determining a patient’s diagnosis.The experiment is focused on Physilog® concerning the 5th generation. The goal is to experimentally identify and verify the performance of this generation during relatively large motions of the upper limb. For this purpose, an experimental stand representing spherical joint with an accurate absolute position sensing is assembled and calibrated. Subsequently, the three Physilog®5 sensors are mounted on this stand at different positions

    Optimization and Control of a Planar Three Degrees of Freedom Manipulator with Cable Actuation

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    The paper analyzes a planar three degrees of freedom manipulator with cable actuation. Such a system can be understood as a special type of hybrid parallel kinematic mechanism composed of the rigid serial chain and the additional auxiliary cable system. The advantage of the auxiliary cable mechanism is the ability to reconfigure the whole system. The fulfillment of sufficient prestressing is the constraint of the optimization process. Computed Torque Control with a cable force distribution algorithm is implemented. The control algorithm performance is examined on different trajectories, including non-smooth motion requests, and its robustness is tested by randomly generated errors of the model parameters in regulators. The results demonstrate that the optimized structure is capable of controlling the manipulator motion and keeping the cable prestressing within the given limits

    Adaptive calibration method with on-line growing complexity

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    This paper describes a modified variant of a kinematical calibration algorithm. In the beginning, a brief review of the calibration algorithm and its simple modification are described. As the described calibration modification uses some ideas used by the Lolimot algorithm, the algorithm is described and explained. Main topic of this paper is a description of a synthesis of the Lolimot-based calibration that leads to an adaptive algorithm with an on-line growing complexity. The paper contains a comparison of simple examples results and a discussion. A note about future research topics is also included

    Optimization and Control of a Planar Three Degrees of Freedom Manipulator with Cable Actuation

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    The paper analyzes a planar three degrees of freedom manipulator with cable actuation. Such a system can be understood as a special type of hybrid parallel kinematic mechanism composed of the rigid serial chain and the additional auxiliary cable system. The advantage of the auxiliary cable mechanism is the ability to reconfigure the whole system. The fulfillment of sufficient prestressing is the constraint of the optimization process. Computed Torque Control with a cable force distribution algorithm is implemented. The control algorithm performance is examined on different trajectories, including non-smooth motion requests, and its robustness is tested by randomly generated errors of the model parameters in regulators. The results demonstrate that the optimized structure is capable of controlling the manipulator motion and keeping the cable prestressing within the given limits

    Tool center position determination of deformable sliding star by redundant measurement

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    This paper deals with the procedures for the determination of TCP (tool center position) of machine tool of PKM (parallel kinematical machines) structure in the case that PKM must be considered as compliant mechanism. Two different approaches are described and investigated. The first approach is based on the model of compliant mechanism of PKM. The second approach is based on the redundant measurement that can replace the stiffness knowledge and force balance computation by pure geometric consideration. These procedures are described on PKM Sliding Star

    Influence of crucial parameters of the system of an inverted pendulum driven by fibres on its dynamic behaviour

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    Fibres, cables and wires can play an important role in design of many machines. One of the most interesting applications is replacement of chosen rigid elements of a manipulator or a mechanism by fibres. The main advantage of this design is the achievement of a lower moving inertia, which leads to a higher mechanism speed, and lower production costs. An inverted pendulum attached and driven by two fibres serves as a typical testing system for the investigation of the fibres properties influence on the system dynamic response. The motion of the pendulum of this nonlinear system is investigated using the alaska simulation tool. The influence of some parameters of the system of inverted pendulum driven by fibres has been investigated. The evaluation of influence of these crucial parameters of the system of inverted pendulum driven by fibres on its dynamic behaviour is given in this article

    Reconstruction of the material parameters of the homogenous isotropic or orthotropic 2D continuum

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    The paper describes the way how to find the material parameters of the homogenous isotropic or orthotropic 2D continuum from measurements of deformation of selected nodes. The FE method is used for reconstruction of the stiffness matrix. The developed method enables to determine the angle between the material axes of the continuum and the local coordinate system of the used elements