50 research outputs found

    The Russian Countryside from Tsarist times to the Fall of the Soviet Empire

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    Giant recurrent perineal endometriosis in an episiotomy scar – a case report

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    The occurrence of perineal endometriotic lesions can be explained by mechanical dissemination and transplantation of endometrial cells. Viable decidual endometrial cells are likely to be transplanted into the episiotomy wounds or perineal tears during normal vaginal delivery and subsequent growth may occur. A case of a 33-year old woman with a medical history of recurrent perineal endometriosis was described. An endometriotic giant mass (8 centimeter in diameter) was wide-excised, together with the episiotomy scar. The recovery was uneventful. Three years after the surgery, the patient is symptom-free and with no signs of recurrence or discomfort. According to the literature and our own experience, a complete excision of endometriotic tissue is the treatment of choice. We can conclude that a wide excision is mandatory as it is the only way to prevent tumor recurrence

    Selectivity of mixed iron-cobalt spinels deposited on a N,S-doped mesoporous carbon support in the oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline media

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    One of the practical efforts in the development of oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) catalysts applicable to fuel cells and metal-air batteries is focused on reducing the cost of the catalysts production. Herein, we have examined the ORR performance of cheap, non-noble metal based catalysts comprised of nanosized mixed Fe-Co spinels deposited on N,S-doped mesoporous carbon support (N,S-MPC). The effect of the chemical and phase composition of the active phase on the selectivity of catalysts in the ORR process in alkaline media was elucidated by changing the iron content. The synthesized materials were thoroughly characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Raman spectroscopy (RS). Detailed S/TEM/EDX and Raman analysis of the phase composition of the synthesized ORR catalysts revealed that the dominant mixed iron-cobalt spinel is accompanied by minor fractions of bare cobalt and highly dispersed spurious iron oxides (Fe2O3 and Fe3O4). The contribution of individual phases and their degree of agglomeration on the carbon support directly influence the selectivity of the obtained catalysts. It was found that the mixed iron-cobalt spinel single phase gives rise to significant improvement of the catalyst selectivity towards the desired 4e− reaction pathway, in comparison to the reference bare cobalt spinel, whereas spurious iron oxides play a negative role for the catalyst selectivity

    Use of DMT and CPTU tests in the evaluation of shear modulus G 0 for soils of different origin

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    The subject of this article is the analysis of the relationship between G 0/ M DMT and K D, where G 0 is the small strain shear modulus, while M DMT and K D are respectively the constrained modulus and the horizontal stress index determined from DMT tests. This relationship allows to determine a profile with depth of G 0 from standard DMT test results, useful when data from nonseismic DMT investigations are available. The analysis was based on a large amount of data for a wide range of soils of different origins in Poland. The dataset included OC and NC loams, silts, medium sands, silty sands and fine sands. The overconsolidation ratio (OCR) was estimated using data from CPTU and DMT tests. The obtained empirical G 0/ M DMT vs. K D relationships were compared with the correlations established by Marchetti et al. [1] for different soil types. To account for the significant influence of overconsolidation, an original empirical relationship between G 0/�� p and K D, where �� p is the preconsolidation stress, was defined based on data from all investigated fine-grained soils

    Wpływ operacji bariatrycznej na homeostazę wapnia i biochemiczne markery obrotu kostnego u osób z otyłością olbrzymią

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    Introduction: Obese patients may have abnormal calcium homeostasis because of unbalanced diet and decreased sun exposure. Bariatric surgery itself may lead to disturbances in calcium homeostasis (and in consequence changes in bone mass) or increase preexisting metabolic derangements. The aim of the study was: 1. To assess calcium homeostasis and biochemical markers of bone turnover in patients with morbid obesity. 2. To determine the impact of bariatric surgery on parameters mentioned above. 3. To establish recommendations for supplementation with calcium and vitamin D in morbidly obese patients after bariatric surgery. Material and methods: Serum calcium, parathormone (PTH), vitamin D (25(OH)D), biochemical markers of bone turnover (β-CrossLaps as a marker of bone resorption and osteocalcin as a marker of bone formation) and urine calcium as well as fat mass, lean mass and bone mineral content (by DXA) were measured before bariatric surgery of the stomach (VBG or GBP) in 57 morbidly obese patients (48 women, 9 men; mean age 35.9 y). The same procedures were repeated six months after operation in 28 of them (24 women, 4 men). Daily calcium intake was also determined based on food questionnaire. Results: Biochemical findings in the group of patients before bariatric surgery were as follows: serum calcium, β-CrossLaps and urine calcium were within normal range, PTH concentration was increased to 81.0 pg/ml and 25(OH)D as well as osteocalcin concentration decreased (4.9 ng/ml and 13.6 ng/ml, respectively). Six months after bariatric surgery there was no change in serum and urine calcium, PTH concentration decreased to normal level (46.8 pg/ml), 25(OH)D concentration increased to 6.5 ng/ml (not significant) and still remained below normal range. Markers of bone turnover - both resorption and formation - increased (β-CrossLaps over normal range to 0.594 ng/ml, osteocalcin to normal range 26.8 ng/ml). Daily calcium intake was below RDA before and after bariatric procedure. Conclusions: 1. Patients with morbid obesity have secondary hyperparathyroidism and deficiency of vitamin D. 2. Abrupt weight loss after bariatric surgery is accompanied by the regression of secondary hyperparathyroidism, decrease of the deficiency of vitamin D and increase in bone turnover. 3. Supplementation with vitamin D and calcium is recommended for patients with morbid obesity after bariatric surgery.Wstęp: U osób otyłych częściej może dochodzić do rozwoju zaburzeń homeostazy wapniowej z powodu spożywania niezbilansowanej diety i unikania ekspozycji na słońce. Leczenie operacyjne otyłości olbrzymiej może również prowadzić do rozwoju zaburzeń w gospodarce wapniowej (a w konsekwencji zmian masy kostnej) lub nasilać zaburzenia już istniejące, mimo późniejszego stosowania diety racjonalnej. Celami niniejszej pracy były: 1. Ocena homeostazy wapniowej, zaopatrzenia organizmu w witaminę D, stężenia parathormonu i markerów obrotu kostnego u osób z otyłością olbrzymią; 2. Prospektywna ocena wpływu operacyjnego leczenia otyłości olbrzymiej na gospodarkę wapniową, zaopatrzenie organizmu w witaminę D, stężenie parathormonu i markerów obrotu kostnego; 3. Ustalenie ewentualnych wskazań do wdrożenia suplementacji wapniem i witaminą D u osób po chirurgicznym leczeniu otyłości olbrzymiej. Materiał i metody: Badaniami objęto 57 osób z otyłością olbrzymią (w tym 48 kobiet i 9 mężczyzn; średnia wieku wynosiła 35,9 lat), zakwalifikowanych do leczenia operacyjnego otyłości metodą pionowej plastyki żołądka (VBG, vertical banded gastroplasty) lub wyłączenia żołądkowego (GBP, gastric bypass) i powtórzono je po zmniejszeniu masy ciała po upływie 6 miesiêcy od operacji bariatrycznej u 28 osób (24 kobiet i 4 mężczyzn). U osób tych wykluczono choroby nerek i wątroby oraz przyjmowanie leków mogących wpływać na przebudowę tkanki kostnej. U wszystkich pacjentów oznaczano w surowicy stężenia wapnia całkowitego, parathormonu (PTH, parathormone), 25-hydroksywitaminy D (25(OH)D) i biochemicznych markerów obrotu kostnego-β-CrossLaps (wiązań sieciujących kolagen) jako markera resorpcji oraz osteokalcyny jako markera kościotworzenia, a także wyliczono wskaźnik kalciurii FUCa/Cr. Wykonano również badanie densytometryczne z zastosowaniem dwuenergetycznej densytometrii DXA, w którym określono masę tkanki tłuszczowej (FM, fat mass) i jej procentową zawartość w organizmie (FM%), masę beztłuszczową (LM, lean mass) i zawartość minerału kostnego (BMC, bone mineral content). U wszystkich pacjentów przeprowadzono ocenę spożycia wapnia na podstawie ankiet żywieniowych. Wyniki: U osób z otyłością olbrzymią przed zabiegiem operacyjnym w surowicy stwierdzono prawidłowe stężenie wapnia i β-CrossLaps, podwyższone stężenie PTH (do 81,0 pg/ml), obniżone stężenie 25(OH)D i osteokalcyny (odpowiednio: 4,9 ng/ml i 13,6 ng/ml). Wydalanie wapnia z moczem było prawidłowe. Spożycie wapnia w diecie było poniżej zalecanej dawki dziennej. U osób z otyłością olbrzymią po 6 miesiącach od zabiegu bariatrycznego (w stosunku do wartości przed zabiegiem) w surowicy nie stwierdzono zmian stężenia wapnia, natomiast zaobserwowano obniżenie stężenia PTH do wartości prawidłowych (46,8 pg/ml), nieznamienny wzrost stężenia 25(OH)D do 6,5 ng/ml (nadal utrzymujący się poniżej dolnej granicy normy), wzrost stężenia β-CrossLaps do wartoœci przekraczających górną granicę normy (0,594 ng/ml) oraz wzrost stężenia osteokalcyny do wartości prawidłowych (26,8 ng/ml). Nie wykazano zmian w wydalaniu wapnia z moczem. Spożycie wapnia w diecie nadal utrzymywało się poniżej zalecanej dawki dziennej. Wnioski: 1. Otyłość olbrzymia sprzyja rozwojowi wtórnej nadczynności przytarczyc oraz ogólnoustrojowemu niedoborowi witaminy D. 2. Znaczne obniżenie masy ciała w wyniku operacyjnego leczenia otyłości olbrzymiej prowadzi do cofania się wtórnej nadczynności przytarczyc, zmniejszenia ogólnoustrojowego niedoboru witaminy D i wzrostu markerów obrotu kostnego. 3. U osób z otyłością olbrzymią po operacji bariatrycznej istnieją wskazania do suplementacji preparatami witaminy D (drogą doustną lub przez stymulowanie syntezy skórnej) i solami wapnia

    Protein and siRNA delivery by transportan and transportan 10 into colorectal cancer cell lines

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    Introduction. Cell penetrating peptides (CPPs) have the ability to translocate through cell membranes with high efficiency and therefore can introduce biological agents with pharmaceutical properties into the cell. Transportan (TP) and its shorter analog transportan 10 (TP10) are among the best studied CPPs, however, their effects on viability of and cargo introduction into colorectal cancer (CRC) cells have yet not been investigated. The aim of our study was to evaluate the cytotoxic effects of TP and TP10 on representative CRC lines and the efficiency of protein (streptavidin) and siRNA cargo delivery by TP-biotinylated derivatives (TP-biot). Material and methods. HT29 (early stage CRC model) and HCT116 (metastatic CRC model) cell lines were incubated with TP, TP10, TP-biot1, TP-biot13 and TP10-biot1. The effects of studied CPPs on cell viability and cell cycle were assessed by MTT and annexin V assays. The uptake of streptavidin-FITC complex into cells was determined by flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy, with the inhibition of cellular vesicle trafficking by brefeldin A. The efficiency of siRNA for SASH1 gene delivery was measured by quantitative PCR (qPCR). Results. Since up to 10 µM concentrations of each CPP showed no significant cytotoxic effect, the concentrations of 0.5–5 µM were used for further analyses. Within this concentration range none of the studied CPPs affected cell viability and cell cycle. The efficient and endocytosis-independent introduction of streptavidin-FITC complex into cells was observed for TP10-biot1 and TP-biot1 with the cytoplasmic location of the fluorescent cargo; decreased SASH1 mRNA level was noticed with the use of siRNA and analyzed CPPs. Conclusions. We conclude that TP, TP10 and their biotinylated derivatives can be used as efficient delivery vehicles of small and large cargoes into CRC cells

    Underexpression of LATS1 TSG in colorectal cancer is associated with promoter hypermethylation

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    AIM: To investigate large tumor suppressor 1 (LATS1) expression, promoter hypermethylation, and microsatellite instability in colorectal cancer (CRC). METHODS: RNA was isolated from tumor tissue of 142 CRC patients and 40 colon mucosal biopsies of healthy controls. After reverse transcription, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed, and LATS1 expression was normalized to expression of the ACTB and RPL32 housekeeping genes. To analyze hypermethylation, genomic DNA was isolated from 44 tumor CRC biopsies, and methylation-specific PCR was performed. Microsatellite instability (MSI) status was checked with PCR using BAT26, BAT25, and BAT40 markers in the genomic DNA of 84 CRC patients, followed by denaturing gel electrophoresis. RESULTS: Decreased LATS1 expression was found in 127/142 (89.4%) CRC cases with the average ratio of the LATS1 level 10.33 ± 32.64 in CRC patients vs 32.85 ± 33.56 in healthy controls. The lowest expression was found in Dukes’ B stage tumors and G1 (well-differentiated) cells. Hypermethylation of the LATS1 promoter was present in 25/44 (57%) CRC cases analyzed. LATS1 promoter hypermethylation was strongly associated with decreased gene expression; methylated cases showed 162× lower expression of LATS1 than unmethylated cases. Although high-grade MSI (mutation in all three markers) was found in 14/84 (17%) cases and low-grade MSI (mutation in 1-2 markers) was found in 30/84 (36%) cases, we found no association with LATS1 expression. CONCLUSION: Decreased expression of LATS1 in CRC was associated with promoter hypermethylation, but not MSI status. Such reduced expression may promote progression of CRC