28 research outputs found
Opinions on the role of chromium (III) in the prevention and control of diabetes
W niniejszej pracy dokonano przeglądu dostępnej
literatury dotyczącej poglądów na temat roli chromu
(III) w zapobieganiu i leczeniu cukrzycy typu 2.
W badaniach wykazano, że chrom (III) jest niezbędny
w regulacji gospodarki węglowodanowej i lipidowej,
a jego działanie polega między innymi na
zwiększeniu liczby receptorów dla insuliny oraz aktywacji
receptora insulinowego przez jego fosforylację.
Niektórzy badacze uważają, że niedobór chromu (III)
w organizmie może prowadzić do nietolerancji glukozy
i wystąpienia objawów cukrzycy typu 2. Ponadto
u chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 stężenie chromu
w tkankach może być obniżone, w związku z tym
niektórzy autorzy zalecają suplementację tym pierwiastkiem.
W pracy przytoczono wyniki badań na
zwierzętach, rezultaty prób klinicznych oraz omówiono
czynniki, które mogą wpływać na efekt suplementacji
chromem. Jednak ze względu na ograniczenia
metodologiczne wielu badań klinicznych stanowisko
głównych towarzystw diabetologicznych w sprawie
wskazań do suplementacji chromem u chorych na
cukrzycę oraz u osób z otyłością pozostaje nadal
negatywne.In this work the review of the literature about the
role of chromium (III) in prevention and control of
diabetes was presented. Studies indicate that Cr (III)
is necessary for regulatation of carbohydrate and lipid
metabolism mainly due to increasing the number
of insulin receptors and its activation by phosphorylation.
Some authors believe that chromium (III) deficiency
can lead to glucose intolerance and symptoms
of type 2 diabetes. Moreover, in type 2 diabetic
patients tissular chromium levels may be decreased,
therefore some authors recommend chromium supplementation.
The animal and human studies in that
subject as well as factors affecting chromium supplementation
were discussed. However, due to methodological
limitations of many clinical studies, the
statements of major diabetes associations concerning
recommendation from chromium supplementation
in individuals with diabetes and obesity still
remains negative
Analysis of selected biochemical parameters in blood of hypertensive patients in aspect of dietary intake
WSTĘP. Nieprawidłowy sposób żywienia oraz zaburzenia poziomów
wskaźników biochemicznych (m.in. cholesterolu i triglicerydów)
w surowicy krwi mają związek z występowaniem nadciśnienia tętniczego.
Celem pracy była ocena wskaźników gospodarki lipidowej,
stężenia glukozy oraz stężenia sodu i potasu we krwi chorych na
pierwotne nadciśnienie tętnicze w aspekcie ich sposobu żywienia.
MATERIAŁ I METODY. W badaniu wzięło udział 33 pacjentów
z pierwotnym nadciśnieniem tętniczym w wieku 18-60 lat. W surowicy
krwi osób badanych oznaczono wskaźniki gospodarki lipidowej,
stężenie glukozy oraz stężenie sodu i potasu. Ocenę żywienia
przeprowadzono za pomocą wywiadu 24-godzinnego.
WYNIKI. U pacjentów stwierdzono podwyższone stężenie cholesterolu
całkowitego, triglicerydów i glukozy w surowicy krwi. Ponadto
zaobserwowano istotnie niższe stężenie cholesterolu frakcji
HDL w surowicy krwi u mężczyzn, w porównaniu z kobietami.
W zakresie sposobu żywienia stwierdzono zbyt niską podaż energii,
niskie spożycie błonnika pokarmowego i potasu oraz nadmierne
spożycie sodu. WNIOSKI. U wysokiego odsetka pacjentów z pierwotnym nadciśnieniem
tętniczym obserwuje się niekorzystny profil lipidowy oraz
wysokie stężenie glukozy we krwi współwystępujące z nieprawidłowym
sposobem żywienia. Nie wykazano istotnych korelacji między
występującymi zaburzeniami gospodarki lipidowej i stężenia
glukozy we krwi badanej grupy osób a podażą analizowanych
składników odżywczych w diecie.INTRODUCTION. The incorrect dietary intake and disorders of
concentrations of biochemical parameters in serum (eg. cholesterol
and triglycerides) are connected with development of hypertension.
The aim of the study was analysis of lipid status, concentration
of glucose, sodium and potassium in blood of hypertensive
people in aspect of dietary intake.
MATERIAL AND METHODS. The study included 33 patients with
primary hypertension, aged 18–60 years. It was analysed lipid status,
concentration of glucose and sodium and potassium in serum
of patients. The 24-h recall was taken to evaluate the dietary intake.
RESULTS. It was shown the high concentration of total cholesterol,
glucose and triglycerides in patients. Moreover, in serum of
men was observed markedly lower concentration of HDL cholesterol than in women. Daily food rations oversupplied sodium with
concomitant insufficient supply of energy, fiber and potassium.
CONCLUSIONS. The disorders of lipid status and increase concentration
of glucose in blood of hypertensive patients coexist with
incorrect dietary intake. It was not found significant correlation
between disorders of lipid status and glucose concentration in
blood of patients and supply of nutritious components
Effect of Mycophenolate Mofetil on Plasma Bioelements in Renal Transplant Recipients
The proper concentrations of plasma bioelements may favorably reduce the incidence of metabolic disorders, which often occur during immunosuppressive therapy. Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) is currently one of the most frequently administered immunosuppressive agents; however, MMF treatment is often related to gastrointestinal side effects. The aim of this study was thus to verify whether the MMF treatment itself, or its metabolite pharmacokinetics, has an effect on the concentrations of plasma bioelements. To determine this, the effect of MMF on the levels of both major (sodium [Na], potassium [K], calcium [Ca], magnesium [Mg]), and trace (iron [Fe], zinc [Zn], copper [Cu]) plasma bioelements in 61 renal transplant recipients was assessed in comparison to a control group (n = 45). The pharmacokinetic parameters of mycophenolic acid were determined by the high-performance liquid chromatography method. All patients filled out a 24-h diet history questionnaire. The results showed high plasma concentrations of Fe and low plasma concentrations of Mg and Zn as compared with diagnostic norms. The patients treated with MMF had significantly lower plasma Na (P < 0.001) and significantly higher plasma Zn (P = 0.030) and Cu concentrations (P < 0.001). In conclusion, MMF treatment was found to affect plasma Fe, Zn, and Cu levels by increasing their concentrations while decreasing the plasma Na concentration. Mg and Zn deficiencies, as well as excessive Fe levels, are frequently observed irrespective of the immunosuppressive regimen applied, which suggests that monitoring of these bioelements may be favorable
Folic Acid and Protein Content in Maternal Diet and Postnatal High-Fat Feeding Affect the Tissue Levels of Iron, Zinc, and Copper in the Rat
Although maternal, fetal, and placental mechanisms compensate for disturbances in the fetal environment, any nutritional inadequacies present during pregnancy may affect fetal metabolism, and their consequences may appear in later life. The aim of the present study is to investigate the influence of maternal diet during gestation on Fe, Zn, and Cu levels in the livers and kidneys of adult rats. The study was carried out on the offspring (n = 48) of mothers fed either a protein-balanced or a protein-restricted diet (18% vs. 9% casein) during pregnancy, with or without folic acid supplementation (0.005- vs. 0.002-g folic acid/kg diet). At 10 weeks of age, the offspring of each maternal group were randomly assigned to groups fed either the AIN-93G diet or a high-fat diet for 6 weeks, until the end of the experiment. The levels of Fe, Zn, and Cu in the livers and kidneys were determined by the F-AAS method. It was found that postnatal exposure to the high-fat diet was associated with increased hepatic Fe levels (p < 0.001), and with decreased liver Zn and Cu contents (p < 0.01 and p < 0.05, respectively), as well as with decreased renal Cu contents (p < 0.001). Moreover, the offspring’s tissue mineral levels were also affected by protein and folic acid content in the maternal diet. Both prenatal protein restriction and folic acid supplementation increased the liver Zn content (p < 0.05) and the kidney Zn content (p < 0.001; p < 0.05, respectively), while folic acid supplementation resulted in a reduction in renal Cu level (p < 0.05). Summarizing, the results of this study show that maternal dietary folic acid and protein intake during pregnancy, as well as the type of postweaning diet, affect Fe, Zn, and Cu levels in the offspring of the rat. However, the mechanisms responsible for this phenomenon are unclear, and warrant further investigation
Evaluation of the Acute Oral Toxicity Class of Trinuclear Chromium(III) Glycinate Complex in Rat
Chromium(III) is considered as an essential element playing a role in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, and various chemical forms of this element are widely used in dietary supplements. A new trinuclear chromium(III) glycinate complex [Cr3O(NH2CH2CO2)6(H2O)3]+NO3− (CrGly), an analogue of Cr3 (trinuclear Cr(III) propionate complex) has been synthesized as a potential source of supplementary Cr. In this study, we evaluated the acute toxicity class of CrGly in Wistar rats applying the OECD 423 procedure. Male and female Wistar rats (n = 12, 6 ♀ and 6 ♂) were given by gavage either a single dose of CrGly 2,000 mg/kg body mass (equals to 300 mg Cr(III)/kg body mass; in aqueous solution) or equivalent volumes of distilled water and fed ad libitum commercial Labofeed B diet, and observed carefully for 14 days, then sacrificed to collect blood and internal organs for biochemical and histologic examination. No death cases were detected. No abnormalities in animal behavior, body mass gains, gross organ histology, or blood morphology and biochemistry were observed. The results demonstrate that LD50 of CrGly is greater than 2,000 mg/kg when administrated orally to rat; thus, this compound appears to belong to the fifth category in the GHS system or the fourth class (“unclassified”) in the EU classification system
Iron bioavailability from cereal products enriched with Pleurotus ostreatus mushrooms in rats with induced anaemia
Introduction and objective
Oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus is good source of iron. However, there is a limited data concerning bioavailability of iron from oyster mushroom and also cereal products containing this mushroom. The aim of this study was to assess bioavailability of iron from products with an addition of Pleurotus ostreatus in male rats with anaemia.
Material and Methods
Investigations were conducted in two stages. In the first stage iron deficiency was developed in rats. For this purpose 6 weeks old 36 male Wistar rats were fed a AIN-93M diet deficient in iron and 6 males received a standard AIN-93M diet. In the second stage of the study the assessment of Fe bioavailability from cereal products enriched with dried Pleurotus ostreatus . After experiment the animals were killed and blood and heart, liver, spleen and kidneys were collected for biochemical tests.
Feeding male Wistar rats supplemented with dried Pleurotus ostreatus mushrooms diets resulted in the restitution of the systemic Fe level, as manifested by an increase of the level comparable to the control group for: iron transferrin saturation rate, haemoglobin and mean corpuscular volume. Values of hematocrit, mean corpuscular haemoglobin and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration in animals fed products supplemented with Pleurotus ostreatus were significantly higher compared to animals fed products with no Fe added. The highest MCV value was recorded when 20% of dried oyster mushrooms were added. Iron levels in the blood serum, the liver and kidneys in animals fed cereal products considerably exceeded values recorded at the beginning of the experiment and were similar to the control values.
Product may be a valuable source of iron in the nutrition of individuals with a deficiency of this element, first of all patients with absorption and metabolism disorders, but also may add variety to the traditional daily diet