6 research outputs found

    Dizajn za AAL integrirani namještaj za brigu i pomoć starijim osobama i osobama s invaliditetom

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    The European furniture sector is a key driver of sustainable growth, with a significant contribution to Europe’s overall economic health, competitiveness, creativity, innovation, employment and exports. It provides 1.08 million jobs to the European economy, and the needs of the European population in the future are one of the key factors of its improvement. By 2050, the number of people in the EU aged 65 and above is expected to grow by 70 % and the number of people aged over 80 by 170 %! Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) allows people to live at home for longer, despite cognitive or physical impediments. AAL is the answer for the growing elderly population in most European economies, and is a growing sector creating jobs. Furniture for elderly and disabled people needs to be special because of the requirements of its users. Its functionality depends on a good combination of: design and ergonomics, basic electronics, psychology, and AAL.Europski sektor proizvodnje namještaja ključni je pokretač održivog razvoja koji znatno pridonosi i zdravlju ukupnoga europskoga gospodarstva, konkurentnosti, kreativnosti, inovativnosti, zapošljavanju i izvozu. Sektor proizvodnje namještaja osigurava europskom gospodarstvu 1,08 milijuna radnih mjesta, a jedan od ključnih čimbenika poboljšanja stanja u sektoru jesu buduće potrebe europskog stanovništva. Do 2050. godine u EU-u se očekuje porast broja stanovnika u dobi od 65 i više godina za 70 %, a stanovnika starijih od 80 godina za 170 %. Život potpomognut okolinom (Ambient Assisted Living – AAL) omogućuje ljudima da dulje žive kod kuće unatoč njihovim kognitivnim ili fizičkim poteškoćama. AAL je odgovor na sve veći broj starijih osoba u većini europskih gospodarstava te je riječ o sektoru koji stvara nova radna mjesta. Namještaj za starije osobe i osobe s invaliditetom mora biti poseban zbog specifičnih potreba njegovih korisnika. Funkcionalnost tog namještaja ovisi o dobroj kombinaciji dizajna i ergonomije, osnovne elektronike, psihologije i AAL-a

    Falta de habilidades, conocimiento y competencias en la Educación Superior sobre la Industria 4.0 en el sector manufacturero

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    In this paper, the authors present a complete analysis carried out for reporting the lack, needs and requested competences and skills on the Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) of the Industry 4.0 (I4.0) in both Higher Education (HE) as well as in the wood, furniture and manufacturing sector all over Europe. Moreover, this analysis evaluates the level of implementation in this specific sector considering latest technological trends. The analysis was performed within the framework of the European project MAKING 4.0, where a complete set of surveys were launched to agents who were directly involved in the wood, furniture and manufacturing sector to find out what their impressions are about the current knowledge and the one demanded by the I4.0, obtaining results where the low level of competences and qualifications in this industrial sector is demonstrated, both in education and in industry, as well as the poor training offered in I4.0 and its KETs. It is concluded that there is an evident technological skills gap between those acquired by workers and by Vocational Education Training (VET) and HE students regards the demands of the I4.0, which must be covered within the next years, through training initiatives, enabling and acquisition of needed competences such as, for example, MAKING 4.0.En este trabajo, los autores presentan el análisis llevado a cabo para evaluar la falta, las necesidades y las competencias y habilidades requeridas sobre las tecnologías habilitadoras clave (KETs) de la Industria 4.0 (I4.0), tanto en la educación superior como en la industria del mueble, la madera y la manufacturación en Europa. El análisis también evalúa el nivel de implementación de las últimas tendencias tecnológicas en este mismo sector. El análisis se realizó en el marco del proyecto europeo MAKING 4.0, donde un completo set de encuestas se lanzaron a agentes directamente involucrados en el sector del mueble y la madera para conocer, de primera mano, cuáles son sus impresiones acerca del conocimiento actual y el demandado por la I4.0, obteniendo resultados donde se demuestra el bajo nivel de competencias y cualificación en este sector industrial, tanto a nivel educativo como en la industria, además de la falta y necesidad de adaptación de la oferta formativa actual sobre la I4.0 y sus KETs. Se concluye que existe una disparidad evidente entre las competencias actuales de los trabajadores y aquellas que adquieren los estudiantes de ciclos formativos (VET) y educación superior (HE) con respecto a lo demandado por la I4.0, debiéndose cubrir y solventar en los próximos años a través de nuevas iniciativas de formación, capacitación y adquisición de competencias necesarias, como por ejemplo, el proyecto MAKING4.0

    Utjecaj strukture slojeva na tvrdoću višeslojnih podnih obloga

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    The possibility of using composite elements of flooring pine veneers with knotholes for the production of supporting layers has been determined. This assessment was made on the basis of the Brinell hardness measurement of the face layer of five-layer composites with empty spots in their structure imitating knotholes of various diameters (10, 20 and 50 mm). The dependencies obtained from empirical determinations were supported by numerical analysis. It was found that it is possible to use veneers with defects (empty spots) with a diameter of up to 20 mm to produce composites of three and more layers of wood (counting from the face layer). The anatomical section of the exposed wood on the face (radial cross-section, tangential section) of the layered composite does not affect the obtained hardness values.Ispitivanjem je potvrđena mogućnost uporabe furnira od borova drva s rupama od kvrga kao srednjeg sloja u proizvodnji višeslojnih podnih obloga. Ta je procjena napravljena na temelju mjerenja tvrdoće prema Brinellu gaznog sloja peteroslojne podne obloge s rupama različitih promjera (10, 20 i 50 mm) unutar strukture obloge koje simuliraju rupe od kvrga. Ovisnosti dobivene iz empirijskih rezultata potkrijepljene su računskom analizom. Utvrđeno je da je za proizvodnju podnih obloga od tri i više slojeva (brojeći od gaznog sloja) moguće upotrijebiti furnire s greškama (s neispunjenim rupama) promjera do 20 mm. Anatomski presjek izloženog drva na licu višeslojne podne obloge (radijalni i tangentni presjek) ne utječe na vrijednosti tvrdoće

    Lack of skills, knowledge and competences in Higher Education about Industry 4.0 in the manufacturing sector [Falta de habilidades, conocimiento y competencias en la Educación Superior sobre la Industria 4.0 en el sector manufacturero]

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    En este trabajo, los autores presentan el análisis llevado a cabo para evaluar la falta, las necesidades y las competencias y habilidades requeridas sobre las tecnologías habilitadoras clave (KETs) de la Industria 4.0 (I4.0), tanto en la educación superior como en la industria del mueble, la madera y la manufacturación en Europa. El análisis también evalúa el nivel de implementación de las últimas tendencias tecnológicas en este mismo sector. El análisis se realizó en el marco del proyecto europeo MAKING 4.0, donde un completo set de encuestas se lanzaron a agentes directamente involucrados en el sector del mueble y la madera para conocer, de primera mano, cuáles son sus impresiones acerca del conocimiento actual y el demandado por la I4.0, obteniendo resultados donde se demuestra el bajo nivel de competencias y cualificación en este sector industrial, tanto a nivel educativo como en la industria, además de la falta y necesidad de adaptación de la oferta formativa actual sobre la I4.0 y sus KETs. Se concluye que existe una disparidad evidente entre las competencias actuales de los trabajadores y aquellas que adquieren los estudiantes de ciclos formativos (VET) y educación superior (HE) con respecto a lo demandado por la I4.0, debiéndose cubrir y solventar en los próximos años a través de nuevas iniciativas de formación, capacitación y adquisición de competencias necesarias, como por ejemplo, el proyecto MAKING4.0

    Analysing the Malaysian Higher Education Training Offer for Furniture Design and Woodworking Industry 4.0 as an Input Towards Joint Curriculum Validation Protocol

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    An education programme at the master’s level normally aims to facilitate graduates’ acquisition, mastery and application of advanced knowledge in specialised areas of education. However, there is no learning pathway that aims to improve the level of specific and transversal competencies and skills, with particular regard to those relevant for the labour market in the furniture sector, such as management, entrepreneurship, language competences and leadership toward wood and furniture industry 4.0. The methodology for this research inquiry was based upon a survey questionnaire of 54 respondents during the MAKING4.0 Seminar at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) in Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia. The results were analysed from the Work Package 1 (WP1) “Analysis and comparison of the current Higher Education training offer and furniture and woodworking industry”, before the learning outcomes were defined for each of the identified topics. The definition of learning outcomes was made considering the Recommendations of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), and subsequently harmonised with the Programme Learning Outcomes defined in the Malaysian Qualification Framework 2nd edition (MQF2.0) for a Master´s Degree Level 7. The identified learning outcomes have been grouped into four modules: (1) Processes and Production of Furniture, (2) Intelligent and Sustainable Design, (3) Wood and New Materials, and (4) Innovation Management. Results of the study indicated that MAKING4.0 is in line with the actions highlighted in the Malaysian Education Blueprint (2015–2025) and the objectives of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry in developing the National Industry 4.0 policy framework. MAKING4.0 aims to ensure an adequate supply of human capital and skills, as well as develop an innovative master’s degree to modernise the current training offer in wood and furniture technology processes and design around Industry 4.0 in Malaysia

    Forest Carbon Trade in Malaysia: Early Assessment of Awareness, Knowledge, and Constraints among Forest Owners

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    Forest carbon credit project developments throughout the world can contribute to nature-based solutions to mitigate climate change. With Malaysia’s large forest endowment, a study was conducted to evaluate the awareness and knowledge among forest owners, and to identify the main constraints faced when venturing into forest carbon credit projects. A total of 75 companies in both forest plantations and natural forests were involved in the study. The results clearly suggest that knowledge and awareness of forest carbon credit projects is relatively low among forest owners. Hence, forest carbon credit projects development in the country is relatively slow and only a few projects have had serious development to the auction phase. The slow uptake of carbon projects is plagued by the low carbon credit price, lack of clarity in the national carbon policy, limited expertise and capability for project development, and the lack of financing mechanisms for project development. Forest owners prefer biomass production and timber production due to the higher economic returns. Against this background, policymakers as well as federal-state initiatives need to address the gaps with the forest carbon credit project development ecosystem, in order to facilitate and realize the full carbon sequestration potential of the country