5 research outputs found

    Gamification of Business Processes of HR Management

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    The article is aimed at studying modern HRM systems on availability of gamification function in the context of the HR business processes. Business technologies have changed the way companies do business. Companies have to adapt to changing technologies and market fluctuations, but they can’t succeed if they have an unmotivated team that doesn’t want to change. Gamification is an effective way to increase staff productivity. In addition, it has a positive effect on attracting and retaining employees, most of whom do not like routine processes, but they enjoy playing games. Gamification of the HR processes and procedures can turn a boring experience into an immersive game that takes employees to the next level. The article defines that gamification is based on many game attributes and strategies that it applies to a wide range of real business processes, transforming non-gaming experience to motivate staff actions and achieve company goals. Gamification is rapidly transforming businesses around the world, creating new ways to engage employees, expand relationships, and increase loyalty and encouragement, and leverage the motivations and desires that are natural in everyone. The existing HR processes of modern companies are analyzed and the most gamified ones are identified. Taking into account the large number of HRM systems for the needs of any company, the best ones that offer elements of the game for use in the implementation of HR processes are examined. The functioning of gamification in modern HRM systems can help increase the efficiency of the employee development process, reduce training costs and increase involvement in these training programs. The success of gamification implementation depends on the correct choice of methods and tools, as well as on the organizational culture and approach to HR management. Companies should study their own needs for new technologies, which, of course, causes close cooperation with developers of HRM systems. The analysis of scientific papers and practical activities of companies shows that the main gamified HR processes are selection, training, adaptation, motivation, performance management and staff evaluation, but there are others that require creative innovations and solutions, which actualizes further research in this direction

    Assessment of Trees Vitality in Urban Landscape of Steppe Zone

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    During planning of green planting in cities, vital status of plants which make up thegroups is taken into account first. The methods of assessment of morphological and physiologicalparameters of the vital status are the most widely used ones. In the process of work, the vitality ofwoody plants was evaluated under the impact of anthropogenic pressure in the framework of thephysiological state, which is determined to a great extent by the content of chlorophylls in theleaves of trees. The content of green and yellow pigments was studied in the drought conditions ofvegetative period for 8 species of trees which are common in green planting of cities in the South-East of Ukraine. Stable species (Populus simonii Carrier, Populus × canadensis Moench) respond byincrease in the content of chlorophylls at maximum air temperatures during the growing season.Nonsufficient-stable species show significant effect of the amount of rainfall on the changes inchlorophyll content in leaves, which is the evidence of their adaptive capacity. Deterioration of thefunctional state of trees in street and park planting compared to suburban territories was revealed,confirmed by reduced chlorophyll content and increase in carotenoids. For the further introductionin the urban greening of industrial cities of steppe zone, the models of influence of themeteorological factors on the content of green pigments in the leaves of Polulus simonii and Acerpseudoplatanus L. are proposed

    Prospects of Use of Modern Models of Budgeting in Domestic Banks Перспективы использования современных моделей бюджетирования в отечественных банках

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    The goal of the article is to identify prospects of use of modern models of budgeting in domestic banking institutions. Having analysed, systemised and generalised scientific and practical developments on this issue, the article considers evolution of models of budgeting and their strong and weak points. As a result, it identifies an aggregate of factors that influence selection of a specific model of budgeting. It justifies that a correctly selected model increases efficiency of the budget process in a bank, facilitates construction of its financial structure and is a powerful instrument from the point of view of management and motivation of personnel. The prospect of further studies in this direction is an emphasis on non-traditional models of budgeting and specific features of their use in banking institutions in countries with an unstable market economy.<br>Цель статьи заключается в определении перспектив использования современных моделей бюджетирования в отечественных банковских учреждениях. На основе проведенного анализа, систематизации и обобщения научных и практических разработок по данному вопросу рассмотрена эволюция моделей бюджетирования, их сильные и слабые стороны. В результате определена совокупность факторов, которые влияют на выбор конкретной модели бюджетирования. Обосновано, что верно выбранная модель повышает эффективность бюджетного процесса в банке, способствует построению оптимальной его финансовой структуры, а также является мощным инструментом с точки зрения управления и мотивации персонала. Перспективой дальнейших исследований по данному направлению является акцент на нетрадиционных моделях бюджетирования и особенностях их использования в банковских учреждениях в странах с нестабильной рыночной экономикой

    Высшее образование Украины во время пандемии COVID-19

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    The aim of this article is to present a scientific analysis of higher education potential in Ukraine by providing the educational services in the quarantine period caused by the COVID-19 pandemicМетою цієї статті є представити науковий аналіз потенціалу вищої освіти в Україні з надання освітніх послуг у карантинний період, викликаний пандемією COVID-19Цель данной статьи - представить научный анализ потенциала высшего образования в Украине по оказанию образовательных услуг в период карантина, вызванного пандемией COVID-19

    Use of XPS to clarify the Hall coefficient sign variation in thin niobium layers buried in silicon

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    Si/Nb/Si trilayers formed with 9.5 and 1.3 nm thick niobium layer buried in amorphous silicon were prepared by magnetron sputtering and studied using XPS depth-profile techniques in order to investigate the change of Hall coefficient sign with thickness. The analysis of high-resolution (HR) XPS spectra revealed that the thicker layer sample has sharp top interface and metallic phase of niobium, thus holes dominate the transport. In contrast, the analysis indicates that the thinner layer sample has a Nb-rich mixed alloy formation at the top interface. The authors suggest that the main effect leading to a change of sign of the Hall coefficient for the thinner layer sample (which is negative contrary to the positive sign for the thicker layer sample) may be related to strong boundary scattering enhanced by the presence of silicon ions in the layer close to the interface/s. The depth-profile reconstruction was performed by SESSA software tool confirming that it can be reliably used for quantitative analysis/interpretation of experimental XPS data