1,049 research outputs found
Variations of the Magnetic Field at High Latitudes and Structure of the Geomagnetic Field in the Magnetosphere
Magnetic field variations at high latitudes and geomagnetic structure of magnetosphere in terms of equatorial boundaries of oval auroral zones and of westerly current vorte
The -matrix inverse scattering approach for coupled channels with different thresholds
The inverse scattering method within the -matrix approach to the two
coupled-channel problem is discussed. We propose a generalization of the
procedure to the case with different thresholds.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure
Using multi-agent systems in the educational process
Multi-agent systems (MAS) can be used in the education. In particular, the multi-agent knowledge banks (MAKB) provide information and advice to users, apply for student-centered learning and provide access to repositories of training and electronic educational resourcesМногоагентные системы могут использоваться в образовании. В частности, многоагентные банки знаний обеспечивают информационно-справочное консультирование пользователей об изучаемых предметных областях и решаемых в них задачах, личностно-ориентированное обучение, а также предоставляют доступ к хранилищам учебных и информационно-справочных электронных образовательных ресурсо
Ejecting properties of a bucket elevator
Air inside the enclosure of a belt elevator may be brought into motion both by moving bucket belt and by spillage flows during loading and unloading of buckets. Initial findings from studies performed to evaluate air motion in ducts with mobile partitions have been published in our earlier monographs [1-3]. Here we’ll consider the process of air ejection in bucket elevators from the standpoint of classical laws of change in air mass and momentum. Direction of airflow inside enclosures of the carrying and return runs of a bucket elevator is determined by the drag of buckets and moving conveyor belt as well as ejection head created by a stream of spilled particles when buckets are unloaded. As a result of these forces acting together inside an enclosure, differential pressure arises. This differential pressure is equal to the sum total of ejection heads created by conveyor belt with buckets k E and flow rate of spilled material p E minus aerodynamic drag of enclosure walls. The ejection head k E created by a bucket-carrying conveyor belt is determined by aerodynamic coefficient ek с (proportional to the number of buckets, their head resistances and squared mid-sectional dimensions) together with an absolute value and the direction of bucket velocity relative to the velocity of airflow inside the enclosure. Ejection head of spilled particles p E depends on the drag coefficient of particles, their size and flow rate, as well as the enclosure length, enclosure cross-section and relative flow velocity of particles. When both the carrying and return runs of the conveyor belt are located in a common enclosure, the velocity of forward airflow varies over its length as a result of cross-flows of air through gaps between the conveyor runs and enclosure walls. Cross-flows are caused by a differential pressure between the carrying and return run enclosures and is dependent on the drag of the gap. Cross-flow direction depends on the ratio between v p and u p . Given identical size of elevator enclosures, change in absolute values of longitudinal velocities is identical and depends on absolute values of cross-flow velocities and geometrical dimensions of the gap, as well as enclosure cross-section. The momentum of longitudinal airflow in this case is determined by variable magnitudes of aerodynamic forces of buckets due to changes in their relative motion velocities. The flow rate of air in enclosures may be determined by numerically integrating three dimensionless combined differential equations
Cross-flow of air through sealed elevator enclosures
Both the direction and the flow rate of ejected air in bucket elevator [1,2] enclosures that feature a separate arrangement of carrying and idle conveyor runs would depend on the ratio between ejection heads and the difference between static pressures inside the enclosures of elevator head and elevator boot. A forward motion of air (along the bucket travel direction) arises inside the enclosure of the carrying run when ejection forces prevail and inside the return run enclosure at any ejection forces differential pressures. A counterflow of air is only possible in a single enclosure. Relative velocities and flow rates of air inside the elevator enclosures depend on two parameters, t and g, representing the ratio of differential pressures and resistances of enclosures to ejection forces. When pressures inside the upper and lower elevator enclosures are equal. With ejection forces large enough air velocities become equal to the velocity of traveling elevator buckets. Absolute velocities of airflows inside enclosures are dependent not only on the velocity of moving buckets but also on the differential pressure, head resistance of elevator buckets and aerodynamic drag of enclosures, as well as spillage of particles. In the case of a forward flow pattern, air flow rate inside the return run enclosure is greater than the one inside the carrying run enclosure of the elevator conveyor. The explanation is that ejection forces arise in an opposite direction to forces caused by differential pressure inside the carrying run enclosure (both forces act in the same direction inside the return run, thus intensifying the air ejection process and boosting additional ejection forces which occur when buckets are unloaded, producing streams of spilled particles), as well as different values of the drag coefficient for empty and laden buckets. When air moves in a counterflow pattern, ejection forces of buckets create additional drag and therefore the absolute flow rate of ascending air inside the return run enclosure, as well as descending air inside the carrying run enclosure, increase less markedly than in the forward flow case
Criminal and Legal and Administrative and Legal Ways of Protection of Constitutional Right on Freedom of Worship and Religionsby the Legislation of the Russian Federation and Some Countriesof the Commonwealth of Independent States
In article the attention to features of a regulation of criminal and administrative responsibility for violation of the right to freedom of worship and religions by the legislation of the Russian Federation and some Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (The Republic of Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Republic of Belarus) is paid. It is specified that in the analyzed laws of these countries there is no uniform technical and legal approach of contents of articles belonging to protection of the right analyzed by us. Besides, administrative legal protection of the right to freedom of worship and religions is absent in the Code on Administrative Offences of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Ukraine. It is in turn emphasized that the domestic legislator from the Belarusian experience needs to adopt such sign at hindrance of activity of the religious organizations or holding a church service and other religious actions provided that their actions don't disturb the public peace and don't affect the right, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens as in Russia various destructive religions the violating these rights of citizens work. Also from the Belarusian experience the Russian legislator should enshrine in the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences responsibility for involvement of the minor without the consent of parents or one of parents or persons them replacing to systematic participation in church services and other religious actions because take place when one of parents professes any religion, including destructive, and other parent tries to interfere with it
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