4 research outputs found

    Temperature of spring water in Polonina Wetlinska massif

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    The temperature of spring water reflects recharge condition, depth, and circulation time of supplying with ground water. The aim of the study was to characterize spring water temperature in Polonina Wetlinska massif and to determine the factors controlling its spatial diversity and seasonal changes. The data from field mapping in 2010 and 2011 were used along with data collected in 2012-14 by automatic data logger. Neither regularity in spatial diversity of spring water temperature was identified nor was relation with elevation and slope exposition. On the other hand a dependency between spring water temperature and type of outflow (rheocrene/bog springs) was observed, which was controlled by the heating process of groundwater in spring niche. The same mechanism controlled the higher temperature of water in springs of low discharge than observed in the most abundant ones. The temperature of monitored spring were stable throughout the year - the annual amplitude did not exceed 2^{\circ}C. Two types of thermal regime were identified

    Drought in the Bieszczady Mts in 2015

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    A hydrologic drought in the Bieszczady Mts. is usually observed from July to August, with variable duration, sometimes exceeding one month. In the summer of 2015, extremely high air temperatures and low precipitation totals contributed to a deep drought in the study area. It was one of the longest and most significant low-water stages in recent years, resulting in a decrease in surface water levels and deterioration of water retention conditions. The purpose of the paper is to document and characterize this drought event, which occurred in the Bieszczady mountain region in southeastern Poland in the summer of 2015. The paper also aims to evaluate this drought in the context of long-term hydrologic conditions in the studied area. In conclusion, while the drought was the longest in recent memory, it was not the largest; even so, it did contribute to significant changes in fluvial flows and groundwater levels

    Selected hydrological problems of California state

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    Problemy hydrologiczne s膮 coraz wi臋kszym wyzwaniem dla gospodarek wsp贸艂czesnego 艣wiata. Szczeg贸lnie nara偶one s膮 na to tereny g臋sto zaludnione oraz po艂o偶one w niesprzyjaj膮cych klimatycznie regionach kuli ziemskiej. Przyk艂adem jest Kalifornia, jeden ze stan贸w USA, kt贸ry coraz bardziej odczuwa skutki trudno艣ci z gospodarowaniem zasobami wodnymi. Praca ta omawia poszczeg贸lne problemy, z naciskiem na temat wieloletniej suszy i powi膮za艅 z ga艂臋zi膮 rolnictwa. Ponadto, scharakteryzowane zosta艂y kurcz膮ce si臋 zasoby w贸d podziemnych, salinizacja w贸d morskich, zwi臋kszaj膮ca si臋 populacja i katastrofy hydroteczniczne. W dalszej cz臋艣ci pracy zosta艂y rozwini臋te zagadnienia metod zapobiegawczych, poprzez charakterystyk臋 instytucji rz膮dowych zajmuj膮cych si臋 gospodark膮 wodn膮 oraz ich projekt贸w. Wyci膮gaj膮c wnioski, mo偶na stwierdzi膰, 偶e problemy z wod膮 w Kalifornii na pewno nie ustan膮 w kolejnych latach. Kluczem do podj臋cia walki z trudno艣ciami b臋dzie wsp贸艂praca mi臋dzyinstytucjonalna oraz nowoczesne programy oparte na my艣li zr贸wnowa偶onego rozwoju.Hydrological problems are increasing challange for modern world economy, escpecially for regions highly populated and located in unfavourable climatic conditions. California, one of United States of America, is a good example of region, which more and more has difficulties with water resources economy. This thesis discuss particular problems, with emphasis on perrenial drought issue and its connections with agriculture. Besides, shrinking resources of groundwater, desalination of sea water, increasing population and hydrotechnical disasters have been described. Further in the thesis, preventive methods questions have been developed, through government institutions and their projects profile. In conclusion, it could be certify that problems with water in California don't cease in next years for sure. The key to take fight with difficulties would be interinstitutional cooperation and projects included sustainable developement

    Changes of the hydrographic network in Krakow in Podgorze district from the XVIII century

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    Badanie zmian sieci wodnej miasta Krakowa posiada wieloletni膮 histori臋, pocz膮wszy od pocz膮tk贸w XX wieku. Powstaj膮ce opracowania obejmowa艂y g艂贸wnie centrum miasta lub podchodzi艂y do problemu bez uszczeg贸艂owienia. Podg贸rze zacz臋艂o pojawia膰 si臋 na mapach Krakowa od ko艅ca XVIII wieku. Autorami map byli g艂贸wnie wojskowi kartografowie. Celem pracy by艂a analiza zmian sieci hydrograficznej w dzielnicy Podg贸rze, od ko艅ca XVIII wieku do 2017 roku. Analiza obj臋艂a przemiany ciek贸w, zbiornik贸w wodnych oraz teren贸w podmok艂ych. Podstaw膮 opracowa艅 by艂y arkusze map historycznych oraz ortofotomapy i plany dost臋pne online. W wyniku por贸wnania parametr贸w sieci wodnej dla wybranych lat, wykazano tendencj臋 do zmniejszania si臋 powierzchni teren贸w podmok艂ych oraz skracania d艂ugo艣ci ciek贸w. Wiele zbiornik贸w wodnych zosta艂o zasypanych, b膮d藕 przeznaczonych dla cel贸w rekreacyjnych bez zadbania o w艂a艣ciwe zagospodarowanie. Otrzymane wyniki 艣wiadcz膮 o du偶ym wp艂ywie antropopresji na 艣rodowisko przyrodnicze dzielnicy Podg贸rze w okresie minionych 140 lat, a w szczeg贸lno艣ci od lat 60. XX wieku. Pozyskiwanie nowych obszar贸w pod zabudow臋 spowodowa艂o konieczno艣膰 zintensyfikowania prac melioracyjnych, prowadz膮cych do zmian w strukturze sieci wodnej dzielnicy.The study of changes in the water network of the city of Krakow has a long history dating back to the beginning of the 20th century. The resulting developement mainly concentrated on the city center or approached the problem without elaborating. Podgorze began to appear on the map of Krakow from the end of the 18th century. Map authors were mainly military cartographers. The aim of the study was to analyze changes in the hydrographic network in Podgorze, from the end of the 18th century to 2017. The analysis covered the transformation of watercourses, reservoirs and wetlands. The basis of the study was the historical map sheets and orthophotomaps and plans available online. As a result of comparison of water network parameters for selected years, the tendency of shrinkage surface of wetland areas and shortening of watercourses has been shown. Many of the water reservoirs have been buried or used for recreational purposes without proper development. The results show the great impact of the anthropopression on the natural environment of the Podg贸rze area over the past 140 years, especially since the 1960s. Acquisition of new development areas has led to the need to intensify drainage works leading to changes in the structure of the water network in the district