131 research outputs found

    Model of the modern geography teacher as a competitive specialist

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    The teacher remains a key figure in the transfer of knowledge and social experience to young generations, therefore the quality of training and education ultimately depends on the level of his professionalism. Clear an understanding of the competency requirements for a geography teacher is necessary for an objective assessment of the quality of teacher’s work, the successful organization of a training and retraining system for teachers. Conducted the work certainly does not exhaust the problem of developing the professional competence of geography teachers as a model modern teacher, and provides for the continuation of scientific and research work

    Methods of improving effectiveness of agrolandscape utilization in Zaporizhia oblast (Ukraine)

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    We examine the issues concerning the rational use of the potential of agrolandscapes in Zaporizhia oblast. Among the new promising techniques of improving effectiveness of their utilization, it is necessary to highlight an increase in the percentage of forest land on the territory concurrently with the introduction of soil-protection systems of crop farming. There is a need to pay more attention to melliferous plants in crop rotations and in the composition of field-protective afforestation in order to drive up earnings from apiculture as well as to promote rural (green) tourism in agrolandscapes which is becoming an increasingly popular kind of recreation. Furthermore, an enhancement in efficiency of agricultural nature management is aided by clearly defined and legislatively established responsibility of land users for non-purpose-oriented use of lands

    Institute of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 1999. V. 2, N 2. P. 78-83

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    Abstract. The polycrystalline SmS films were fabricated by MOCVD technique using a number of ditiocarbamates, synthesized by different techniques. The growth kinetics and temperature dependencies of the film growth rate are investigated, which allowed us to determine the activation energies and the reaction type. The investigations of the structure and surface morphology of films were carried out. The technological conditions are determined providing the fabrication of single-phase SmS films of cubic modification with the most ordered crystal structure

    Component composition of the body in children with chronic kidney disease according to the results of bioimpedansometry

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    Body composition reflects the dynamic processes in a child’s development. The recommended restrictive diets for patients with advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD) contribute to a high risk of sarcopenic muscle wasting as diagnosed by bioimpedancemetry.The aim of the study. To assess BMI and body composition in children with CKD, to identify features of body composition in patients with different BMI Z-score values.Materials and methods. The physical development of 110 children with CKD of different stages was assessed. Patients were divided into two clusters: Group 1 (92 children) with BMI from 10.95 to 21.5 kg/m2, BMI Z-score did not exceed +2.0 (without obesity); Group 2 (18 children) – BMI from 24.11 to 37.2 kg/m2, Z-score BMI – more than +2.0 (obese). All underwent bioimpedancemetry, the proportion of fat and active cell mass was assessed. The comparison was carried out by nonparametric statistics methods.Results. Changes in body composition were revealed: children without obesity had severe protein-energy deficiency in 7 cases (7.6 %). The difference in the proportion of fat mass in children of different groups, Me [Q1; Q3]: Group 1 – 18.00 % [14.00; 22.00], Group 2 – 35.00 % [21.98; 41.00], (Mann – Whitney U-test: U = 279.5, p = 0.00001). In Group 1, the active cell mass was 53.50 % [51.00; 56.00], in Group 2 – 41.50 % [39.00; 47.00] (U = 174.5, p = 0.000001), there were no significant differences in other parameters of bioimpedancemetry.Conclusions. The proportion of active cell mass is lower in overweight children, with a significant predominance of the proportion of fat mass, which indicates the depletion of protein reserves due to their redistribution and possible insufficient alimentary intake in advanced stages of CKD


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    Girls and teenaged girls of different ethnic groups living in Tofalaria during different age period were examined. The aim of this research was to establish the peculiarities of functioning of pituitary-thyroid system and metabolism of thyroid hormones in healthy girls and teenagers living under adverse climatic and geographical conditions depending on their ethnicity. It was set that in ethnic Tofs girls and in Europoids girls in age group of 7-11 there were differences in the content of the active fractions of thyroid hormones testifying different mechanisms of maintenance of thyroid homeostasis. These differences remain in age group of 12-14, when changes in pituitary section of the system are added to them. The functioning of pituitary-thyroid system-level of neuro-endocrine regulation in native girls of Tofalaria of 15-18 goes in more economical way. This is actually the result of genetically determined long-term adaptation of natives' organism to extreme climatic and geographical environmental factors

    Особенности клеточного состава опухолевой ниши инвазивной протоковой карциномы неспецифического типа молочной железы

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    Breast cancer is the most common cancer and the leading cause of cancer death in woman of childbearing age. Tumor progression depends on the character of stromal-parenchymal interactions. Tumor microenvironment exerts a key influence on tumor progression. Tumor niche is an important element of the tumor microenvironment. According to existing ideas, tumor niche consists on immune cells and bone marrow progenitor cells. The present study describes the parameters of tumor niche in invasive breast carcinoma of no special type (IC-NST), associated with lymph node metastases. The purpose of the study was to investigate the features of tumor niche cell composition in IC-NST. Material and methods. The study included 128 patients with IC-NST (T1–3N0–3M0), who underwent total mastectomy or partial mastectomy with axillary lymph node dissection. The age of the patients ranged from 29 to 90. Histological examination of surgical specimens was carried out in accordance with standard methods. Suspensions of fresh frozen tumor surgical specimens were prepared for the hematopoetic progenitor cells identification. The antibodies against CD34, CD133, CD90, CD11B, CD45, AND CD202 were applied. Results. The study showed that the total number of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells and macrophage progenitor cells in an amount exceeding 1.24 cells per 100 tumor cells was associated with the risk of developing lymph node metastases and large tumor size. Conclusion. The results obtained may be useful for understanding the role of tumor niche in tumor growth and lymph node metastasis of IC-NST.Рак молочной железы занимает ведущую позицию в структуре заболеваемости и смертности от злокачественных новообразований у женщин репродуктивного возраста. Прогрессия опухоли зависит от характера стромально-паренхиматозных отношений. Микроокружение опухоли во многом определяет вариант и степень выраженности прогрессии. Существенным элементом микроокружения является «опухолевая ниша», которая, по существующим представлениям, включает, кроме клеточных элементов иммунной системы, костномозговые клетки-предшественники. В нашем исследовании охарактеризованы параметры опухолевой ниши инвазивной протоковой карциномы молочной железы неспецифического типа (ИПКНТ), ассоциированные с лимфогенным метастазированием. Цель исследования ‒ изучение особенностей клеточного состава опухолевой ниши ИПКНТ. Материал и методы. В исследование включено 128 больных с диагнозом ИПКНТ T1–3N0–3M0 стадии, в возрасте от 29 до 90 лет, прооперированных в объеме радикальной мастэктомии или секторальной резекции молочной железы с аксиллярной лимфодиссекцией. Морфологическое исследование операционного материала выполнялось по стандартным методикам. Для выявления костномозговых клеток-предшественников готовили суспензии из образцов свежезамороженного операционного опухолевого материала. Применяли антитела против CD34, CD133, CD90, CD11B, CD45, CD202. Результаты. Наличие совокупности гемопоэтических клеток-предшественников и клеток-предшественников макрофагов в количестве, превышающем 1,24 клетки на 100 опухолевых клеток, ассоциировано с риском развития лимфогенных метастазов и большим размером опухоли. Заключение. Результаты проведенного исследования могут быть полезны для понимания сущности опухолевой ниши и ее роли в росте опухоли и лимфогенной прогрессии ИПКНТ


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    The aim of this study was to assess CXCR4 expression in different subsets of CTCs and single (detached) breast cancer cells.Materials and methods. Thirty five patients with invasive breast carcinoma of no specialtype (IC NST) (T1-4N0-2M0), between 29 and 69 years of age were included in this study. Different subsets of CTCs with CXCR4 expression were evaluated by flow cytometry. A  confocal microscopy was used to assess CXCR4 expression in different subsets of single (detached) cancer cells in breast tissue.Results. The CXCR4 was expressed in CTCs without stem-like and EMT phenotype, in CTCs  with EMT but not stem markers and in stem-like CTCs without EMT features. In all blood  samples, the CXCR4 expression in CTCs with stem-like and EMT phenotype was absent. In  breast tumor the CXCR4 was expressed in the non stemlike single (detached) breast cancer  cells with EMT features, in the single (detached) breast cancer cells with stem and EMT  features. In all tumor samples the stem-like or non stem-like single (detached) breast  cancer cells without EMT features were absent.Conclusions. Different subsets of the CTCs exhibited CXCR4. The CXCR4 expression did not  depend on the presence or absence of stem or/and EMT features in tumor cells. We showed that some subsets of single (detached) breast cancer cells in the primary tumor  were characterized by the ability to express CXCR4 and may be a source of the respective CTC subsets.Целью исследования явилось определение экспрессии CXCR4 в различных популяциях циркулирующих (ЦОК) и одиночных (дискретных) опухолевых клеток рака молочной железы.Материал и методы. В исследование были включены 35 пациенток с инвазивной карциномой неспецифического типа молочной железы (T1–4N0–2M0) в возрасте от 29 до 69 лет. Экспрессию CXCR4 в  различных популяциях ЦОК оценивали методом проточной цитометрии. Для оценки экспрессии CXCR4 в  аналогичных популяциях одиночных (дискретных) опухолевых клеток в первичной опухоли использовали метод конфокальной микроскопии.Результаты. Нами было установлено, что CXCR4 экспрессировался ЦОК без признаков стволовости и  эпителиально-мезенхимального перехода (ЭМП), ЦОК с признаками ЭМП, но без маркеров стволовости, а  также ЦОК с признаками стволовости, но без признаков ЭМП. У всех пациенток в крови ЦОК с признаками  стволовости и ЭМП не экспрессировался CXCR4. В первичной опухоли молочной железы CXCR4  обнаруживался как на одиночных (дискретных) опухолевых клетках без признаков стволовости с  признаками ЭМП, так и на клетках с маркерами стволовости и ЭМП. У всех пациенток в образцах первичной  опухоли отсутствовали стволовые и нестволовые клетки без признаков ЭМП.Заключение. Таким образом, CXCR4 экспрессируются на различных популяциях ЦОК. Экспрессия CXCR4  не зависит от наличия или отсутствия признаков стволовости и/или ЭМП в опухолевых клетках. Также мы  показали, что некоторые популяции одиночных (дискретных) опухолевых клеток в первичной опухоли  характеризуются способностью презентировать на своей мембране CXCR4 и могут являться источником соответствующих популяций ЦОК