20 research outputs found

    Perturbative QCD of hard and soft processes

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    We discuss some problems concerning the application of perturbative QCD to high energy processes. In particular for hard processes, we analyze higher order and higher twist corrections. It is argued that these effects are of great importance for understanding the behaviour of pion electromagnetic form factor at moderately large momentum transfers. For soft processes, we show that summing the contributions of the lowest twist operators leads to a Regge-like amplitude.Comment: Reproduction of unpublished JINR Report E2-80-521, Dubna 1980. 22 pages 9 figures. To be published in Modern Physics Letters A. Style file is include

    Zika virus has an oncolytic activity against human glioblastoma U87 cells

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    Glioblastoma is a highly lethal brain cancer. Virotherapy with the use of oncolytic viruses has since recently been regarded as a promising approach for the clinic treatment of human glioblastomas. The purpose of this work was to perform a primary evaluation of the Zika virus as a potential oncolytic agent against glioblastomas. In vitro experiments showed that the Zika virus strain MR 766 is able to selectively infect and lyse neoplastic cells of the human glioblastoma cell line U87 MG. The selectivity index (SI, the ratio of infectious titer for tumor cells to titer on normal untransformed cells) was 2·102. The selectivity of the replicative activity of Zika virus in relation to U87 MG glioblastoma cells was additionally confrmed by indirect immunofluorescence. Using the model of immunodefcient SCID mice with subcutaneous xenografts of human glioblastoma U87 MG, a strong antitumor activity of the Zika virus under a course (daily for 4 days) of intratumoral administration of 5·105 TCID50 of Zika virus was shown. Treatment with Zika virus resulted in more than a 10­fold reduction in mean volumes of tumors. The tumor growth inhibition index was 92.63 %. Recurrences (metastases) of tumor re­growth were not registered within 64 days of observation. This result demonstrated the prospect of further in­depth studies of the Zika virus as a potential oncolytic agent against human glioblastomas

    Metabolic and motor activity effects of microalgae (Chlorella vulgaris) in laboratory mice

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    In recent years, the microalgae (Chlorella vulgaris) have increasingly attracted great interest as a potential source of pharmacologically active compounds. Showing anticoagulation, antioxidant and antitumor activities of Chlorella revealed its hypotensive properties. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of Chlorella suspension on the weight of the animals, their moving activity, and erythropoiesis. The study was performed on males and females of ICR mice. The animals from the experimental group drank only the Chlorella suspension during 3 weeks and were given standard food. Control animals drank during this period only water and had the same food. The body weight of males in the control and the experimental group with Chlorella did not change, while females in the experimental group showed an increase of body weight in a week. A similar pattern was obtained for estimation of animal body weight changes relative to food consumption. The number of red blood cells in females and males from group with Chlorella increased only after 3 weeks after the start of the experiment. Hemoglobin also increased only after 3 weeks after the start of Chlorella consumption, but only for females. All groups of animals had the same motor activity during experiment. Blood sampling resulted in a reduction of activity in control males and females as well as in males with Chlorella. The motor activity of females with Chlorella after blood sampling did not change. So, consumption of the Chlorella suspension by females leads to more effective digestion and resulted in increased body weight, improved erythropoiesis resulted in increased red blood cells and hemoglobin and also increased their resistance to acute stress. The males in the same situation increased only the erythropoiesis


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    The purpose of the study was to analyze the antitumor effects of the extract of mycelium from Duddingtonia flagrans (strain F-882) on xenografts of human C33a cervical cancer cells.Material and Methods. To evaluate the antitumor effect, we used the absolute values of xenograft volumes and calculated the tumor growth inhibition and the index of tumor growth.Results. At the first stage of the experiment, a 4-week subcutaneous injection of the water extract of F-882 resulted in an almost twofold slowdown in xenograft growth, with the tumor growth inhibition value of 50.6 %. In the second stage of the experiment, a 2.5-week subcutaneous injection followed by a 1.5-week intratumoral injection of F-882 also caused the tumor growth inhibition. After completing F-882 injections, the effect of tumor growth inhibition continued for 2.5 weeks and the tumor growth inhibition value was 58.7 %.Conclusion. The mycelium extract F-882 was shown to have an antitumor effect on subcutaneous xenografts of human C33a cervical carcinoma cells.Цель исследования – изучение противоопухолевого действия экстракта мицелия Duddingtonia flagrans (штамм F-882) на ксенографты карциномы шейки матки человека C33a.Материал и методы. Для оценки противоопухолевого действия использовали абсолютные значения объёмов ксенографтов и рассчитывали показатели: торможение роста опухоли и индекс прироста опухоли.Результаты. На первом этапе эксперимента после 4 нед подкожных введений F-882 значение торможения роста опухоли составило 50,6 %, т. е. инъекции привели к почти двукратному замедлению роста опухолей в экспериментальной группе. На следующем этапе комбинированное введение, подкожное в течение 2,5 нед, а затем внутриопухолевое в течение 1,5 нед, также показало ингибирование роста  ксенографтов, после окончания инъекций F-882 эффект замедления роста опухолей продолжался в течение 2,5 нед и показатель торможения роста опухоли составлял 58,7 %.Заключение. Впервые было выявлено, что экстракт мицелия F-882 способен оказывать интенсивное противоопухолевое действие на подкожные ксенографты карциномы шейки матки человека клеток C33a

    Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of hippocampal and striatal neurometabolites in experimental PTSD rat modeling

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    The spectrum of the metabolites in the dorsal region of the hippocampus and striatum was studied using the method of 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy at experimental modeling of the posttraumatic stress disorder syndrome (PTSD) in rats. PTSD was reproduced by exposure of the cat cue to rats daily along 10 day by 10 minutes at once. The anxiety level of animals was estimated 12 days later after the end of the experimental series of stress. Based on the anxiety index, the rats were divided into 3 phenotypes. The animals with an anxiety index > 0.8 (group 1) had lower plasma corticosterone compared with rats form the control group. In animals with an anxiety index in the range 0.7–0.8 (group 2), an elevated corticosterone level was noted. The rats with an anxiety index < 0.7 (group 3) had a lower plasma corticosterone level compared with animals from the control group. Rats of group 2 were characterized by an increased level of GABA in the hippocampus compared with controls. In the remaining groups, the percentages of GABA in the hippocampus and striatum did not differ significantly from the control. The distribution of NAA differed form that of GABA. The highest level of NAA was found in the striatum for rats from group 1, whereas NAA in animals form groups 1 or 3 did not differ from the control. The NAA level in the hippocampus was similar between all groups, including the control. The results obtained indicate that multiple exposures to psychological stress associated with the sense of proximity of a natural enemy in some animals cause an anxiolytic reaction. These animals are characterized by a stable corticosterone level and a stable level of neurometabolites in the studied structures of the brain. For rats with the highest level of anxiety, a lowered level of corticosterone with a constant level of neurometabolites in the hippocampus and striatum is characteristic. And only in rats with an intermediate level of anxiety, synchronization was observed between the increase in plasma corticosterone and the increase in hippocampal GABA content. The results obtained are in good agreement with the ideas of the protective action of glucocorticoids under PTSD manifested in  restraining violations of the psycho-physiological status. The mate rials allow the neurobiological mechanisms of the protective action of glucocorticoids to be detailed

    Anxiety and neurometabolite levels in the hippocampus and amygdala after prolonged exposure to predator-scent stress

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    Here, to study the relationship between anxiety levels with changes in the neurometabolic profile in the hippocampus and amygdala, an experimental predator stress model was reproduced in which Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to cat urine for 10 minutes on a daily basis for 10 days. At the time of presentation of the stimulus, an online survey of behavioral reactions was conducted. Fear, aggressiveness, avoidance of stimulus and grooming were recorded. Fourteen days after the completion of the last stress exposure, the total level of anxiety was determined in the test of the“cross maze”. Using the method of in vivo NMR spectroscopy, the content of neurometabolites was determined in the hippocampus and in the amygdala. According to the peculiarities of behavioral reactions to a stressor, animals were retrospectively divided into two phenotypes. The first phenotype used a passive behavioral strategy, and the second phenotype was active. In animals of the first phenotype, the indicators of anxiety behavior remained at the control level. In animals of the second phenotype, a decrease in anxiety was observed. Animals of the second phenotype showed elevated levels of lactate in the hippocampus compared to animals of the first phenotype, and the lowest N-acetylaspartate levels significantly differed from those in the control and the first phenotype animals. In the amygdala, in animals of the second phenotype, the content of taurine is sharply reduced in comparison with those in the control and the animals of the first phenotype. Thus, the results obtained indicate a relationship of post-stress changes in anxiety, with the peculiarities of the behavioral reactions presented at the moment of the immediate action of the stressor. Among the hippocampal and amygdala neurometabolites, the most informative for the characterization of the anxiolytic action of the predator stress are identified

    Offensive behavior, striatal glutamate metabolites, and limbic–hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal responses to stress in chronic anxiety

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    Variations in anxiety-related behavior are associated with individual allostatic set-points in chronically stressed rats. Actively offensive rats with the externalizing indicators of sniffling and climbing the stimulus and material tearing during 10 days of predator scent stress had reduced plasma corticosterone, increased striatal glutamate metabolites, and increased adrenal 11-dehydrocorticosterone content compared to passively defensive rats with the internalizing indicators of freezing and grooming, as well as to controls without any behavioral changes. These findings suggest that rats that display active offensive activity in response to stress develop anxiety associated with decreased allostatic set-points and increased resistance to stress. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.The Russian Science Foundation (grant № 17-15-013418) supported this study. This was supported in part by the contracts of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation with South Ural State University (17.7255.2017/8.9) and Institute of Immunology and Physiology (AAAA-A18-118020690020-1). The work was furthermore supported by institutional funds from the State University of New York (SUNY) Upstate Medical University. This work is part of the TransCampus project between TU Dresden and King’s College London and was partially supported by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (5101CX001219) and the U.S. Department of Defense (W81XWH-16-1-0773)


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    The purpose of the study was to analyze the antitumor effects of the extract of mycelium from Duddingtonia flagrans (strain F-882) on xenografts of human C33a cervical cancer cells.Material and Methods. To evaluate the antitumor effect, we used the absolute values of xenograft volumes and calculated the tumor growth inhibition and the index of tumor growth.Results. At the first stage of the experiment, a 4-week subcutaneous injection of the water extract of F-882 resulted in an almost twofold slowdown in xenograft growth, with the tumor growth inhibition value of 50.6 %. In the second stage of the experiment, a 2.5-week subcutaneous injection followed by a 1.5-week intratumoral injection of F-882 also caused the tumor growth inhibition. After completing F-882 injections, the effect of tumor growth inhibition continued for 2.5 weeks and the tumor growth inhibition value was 58.7 %.Conclusion. The mycelium extract F-882 was shown to have an antitumor effect on subcutaneous xenografts of human C33a cervical carcinoma cells