28 research outputs found


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    The aim of the work –  to improve the quality of medical education through the use of modern information technologies. The main body. The article presents the role of modern information technologies in ensuring the quality of medical education. The reform of the health care system requires consistent changes in the training of a modern specialist with an appropriate level of competence, knowledge of the theoretical knowledge and practical skills prepared for market relations in the field of medical services provision. One of the most important prerequisites for ensuring the quality of higher medical education is the introduction of a new level of e-learning or “open learning” in the educational process, which is especially important for the training of a modern specialist. Conclusion. In order to improve the quality of medical education, it is necessary to take into account certain peculiarities of medical e-education, in particular its practical content, standardization of decision-making in the medical and diagnostic direction (protocols of medical aid provision), strengthening of the requirements for acquiring skills of the manager of the medical industry, readiness for work in the labor market and medical services.Мета роботи – з’ясувати вплив інформаційних технологій у трансформації післядипломної медичної освіти. Основна частина. У статті наведено роль сучасних інформаційних технологій у  забезпеченні якості медичної освіти. Реформа системи охорони здоров’я потребує послідовних змін у підготовці сучасного фахівця з належним рівнем компетентностей, володіння теоретичними знаннями та практичними навичками, підготовленого до ринкових відносин у питаннях надання медичних послуг. Однією з важливих передумов забезпечення якості вищої медичної освіти є впровадження в навчальний процес електронної освіти (e-learning) нового рівня або «відкритого навчання», що є особливо важливим для підготовки сучасного фахівця. Висновок. З метою поліпшення якості медичної освіти необхідне урахування певних особливостей медичної електронної освіти, зокрема її практично-орієнтованого змісту, стандартизації прийняття рішень лікувально-діагностичного спрямування (протоколи надання медичної допомоги), посилення вимог до набуття навичок менеджера медичної галузі, готовності до роботи на ринку праці та медичних послуг

    The Mixed Impact of Chemical and Physical Factors on Reproductive System of Rats in Conditions of Cold Stress.

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    The results of experimental investigations on studying features of gonadotoxic effect of nitrobenzene (NB), methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) and electromagnetic radiation (EMR) both in conditions of cold stress and in conditions of thermal acceptability are given. The investigations were carried out on laboratory animals, in 30-fold intragastric administration of NB or MTBE in a dose of 1/10 LD50 and exposition of animals in two different thermal regimens – 4 hours a day, 5 times a week. Effect of EMR was simulated in 70 kHz frequency, 600 V/m voltage.The features of gonadotoxic effect of NB and MTBE were studied by the indices of spermatozoa functional state, general histological analysis of the state of testicle tissues, supplemented with morphometric values, was carried out,. The analysis of results of experimental research proves that morpho-functional changes of reproductive system in laboratory animals during the influence of chemical factors (NB and MTBE), physical factors (EMR) in two different thermal regimens are similar provided that there is the increase of gonadotoxic effect in mixed effect of mentioned factors and decreased temperature

    Devising A Method to Identify an Incoming Object Based on the Combination of Unified Information Spaces

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    This paper suggests a method to search for an incoming object in order to identify its unambiguously, based on the integration of information spaces into intermediate unified information space. At the same time, the incoming object identification process involves appropriate attributes. This paper describes the process of information object arrangement within a unified information space that forms for a set of dynamically changing objects. It should be noted that each subject in the set collects information about the environment, including interaction with other objects. In the process of forming a unified information space, the information system collects information from data sources that are represented in different formats. The system then converts this information and forms a unified information space, thereby providing users with information about objects. A two-tier system of connections at the global (cloud) and local (fog) levels of interactions has been considered. At the same time, it should be noted that a unified information space formation requires the implementation of tools to support the transformation of information objects; that necessitates the implementation of translators ‒ special converters at different levels. A method to combine information spaces into an intermediate unified information space has been proposed; analysis was performed to determine the time and efficiency of the search for incoming objects within it. It was experimentally established that the more parameters that describe an information object, the less the time to identify an object depends on the length of the interval. It has also been experimentally shown that the efficiency of finding incoming objects tends to be a directly proportional dependence while reducing the length of the interval and increasing the number of parameters, and vice vers