17 research outputs found

    Identification and discussion of the main factors affecting fertility: the impact of the per capita monetary income indicator on the fertility rate of the population of the Russian Federation

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    The purpose of the study is to study and establish the nature of the relationship between the level of well-being of the population and the birth rate.Цель исследования – изучить и установить характер взаимосвязи между уровнем благосостояния населения и уровнем рождаемости

    Early postoperative complications after radical cystectomy

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    Radical cystectomy is still associated with a considerable number of early post-operative complications. This paper demonstrates the frequency (33,9 % ) and the types of early complications after radical cystectomy on the bases of 10 year experience, as well as postoperative lethality (5,5%) and its reasons. Although at present postoperative lethality is relatively low, the rate of early postoperative complications still remains high.Радикальная цистзктомия по прежнему ассоциируется со значительным количеством ранних послеоперационных осложнений. В данной работе, на основании 10 летнего опыта продемонстрированы частота (33,9%) и виды ранних осложнений после радикальной цистзктомии, а также послеоперационная летальность (5,5%) и причины приведшие к ней. Хотя в настоящее время послеоперационная летальность относительно низка, уровень ранних послеоперационных осложнений остается по-прежнему высоким

    Mechanisms of reabsorption of ions in the Henle’s loop and furosemide pharmacodynamics

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    The article explains mechanisms of reabsorption of ions in the thick segment of the ascending limb of Henle’s loop. The principle of action of one of the key representatives of "loop" diuretics, Furosemide, is examinedВ статье дается объяснение механизмов реабсорбции ионов в толстой части восходящего колена петли Генле. Рассматривается принцип действия одного из ключевых представителей «петлевых» диуретиков – фуросемида

    Informative evaluation of main methods of early diagnosis of prostate gland cancer

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    То evaluate informatively the main methods of early diagnosis of prostate gland cancer the authors studied the diagnostic importance of prostatic specific antigen determination, digital rectal and transrectal ultrasonic investigation of prostate in the group of 245 patients who later underwent a prostate biopsy. Insufficient specificity of the diagnostic methods used due to wide-spread benign hyperplasia of prostate in the given cohort of the patients was determined. That doesn’t allow to limit the indications to biopsy which, at present, is a leading method for the diagnosis of prostate gland cancer.С целью оценки информативности основных методов ранней диагностики рака предстательной железы, применяемых в повседневной клинической практике, авторами изучена диагностическая ценность определения простатического специфического антигена, пальцевого ректального исследования и трансректального ультразвукового исследования простаты в группе из 245 больных, которым впоследствии была выполнена биопсия простаты. Выявлена недостаточная специфичность применяемых методов диагностики вследствие высокого распространения доброкачественной гиперплазии простаты в диагностируемом контингенте больных, что не позволяет сузить показания к биопсии, которая в настоящий момент является ведущим методом диагностики рака предстательной железы


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    Radical cystectomy (RCE) is associated with a considerable number of early postoperative complications as before. Based on 10 years’ experience, this paper demonstrates the frequency (33.9 %) and types of early complications following RCE, as well as postoperative mortality (5.5 %) and its resulting causes. Although postoperative mortality is relatively low today, the frequency of early postoperative complications remains high as before.Радикальная цистэктомия (РЦЭ) по-прежнему ассоциируется со значительным количеством ранних послеоперационных осложнений. В данной работе на основании 10-летнего опыта продемонстрированы частота (33,9%) и виды ранних осложнений после РЦЭ, а также послеоперационная летальность (5,5%) и причины, приведшие к ней. Хотя в настоящее время послеоперационная летальность относительно низка, уровень ранних послеоперационных осложнений остается по-прежнему высоким


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    Radical cystectomy (RCE) is associated with a considerable number of early postoperative complications as before. Based on 10 years’ experience, this paper demonstrates the frequency (33.9 %) and types of early complications following RCE, as well as postoperative mortality (5.5 %) and its resulting causes. Although postoperative mortality is relatively low today, the frequency of early postoperative complications remains high as before

    Analysis of prostate gland biopsy findings in clinics of Yekaterinburg from 2000 to 2006

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    Introduction. New facilities in the diagnosis of prostate cancer and their wide introduction into the every-day practice bring about significant changes in the epidemiology of this clinical entity.The application of screening tests with biopsy has led to developing of heterogeneous diagnostic contingents. They are characterized by various methods of forming, by stage of disease revealed on the first level of medical aid, by demographic indices.Objective. To evaluate the structure of the diagnostic contingents formed in the patient care institutions of Sverdlovsk region we analyzed the findings of the prostate biopsies performed.Subjects and methods. The results of 3133 prostate biopsies carried out in five patient care institutions of Yekaterinburg for a period from 2000 to 2006 were analyzed taking into account the specificity of these institutions. All the biopsies were carried out transrectally, under the control of ultrasound.Results. Significant differences in grouping according to the stages of newly determined cases of the disease were obtained depending on the profile of the patient care institution.Conclusion. When evaluating the diagnosis of the prostate cancer it is necessary to take into consideration the heterogeneity of the diagnostic contingents depending on the profile of the patient care institution. The percentage of the positive biopsies findings and grouping according to the stages of newly determined cases, on the whole, may serve as epidemiologic indices